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Everything posted by Ayeleeon

  1. Flickr changed this to restricted. I guess they didnt like the lamp.
  2. I showed up in a suit, that guy across the street wasnt wearing one when I got one, but he put one on.
  3. No milk, I do add cheese.
  4. Or those who log on while you are already on, send an IM asking to meet up. You respond with a friendly reply about how you are busy at the moment but would love to see them another time, and they say thanks and log off. If your enjoyment of SL is dependent on me, then you are to needy.
  5. One option would be an away message, explaining why you are not accepting messages at this time.
  6. With me I have a friend with several alts. I was introduced to them and they were added to my contact list. I then noticed later that my friend would tell me they needed to log and go to the store, when in fact they were logged onto a now hidden alt. The question for me was why? Was this due to their being worried that I might not understand thier desire to do something else, something I have little interest in, and are they worried I might not want to continue spending any time with them if I.do not get all their time? I am not that way, and while it would be nice if they had the confidence to say. "Hey, I am going to go do that RP you aren't into now, see you tomorrow" instead of "I have to log now to go to the store" I am not going to hold it against them.
  7. Ok yeah. I went back and looked at it again, but at least it isn't explicit porn type images.
  8. In Florida it is still a little early for sweaters
  9. Yes, if you go to your dashboard, to the page for buying Lindens, There is a list of your contacts. First it shows the contacts online, then after that it lists the contacts offline. Any contacts that are not on either list are hidden.
  10. I have the same policy. I periodically check, a few people I will ask about it, though not everyone, most people just get removed.
  11. I can attest that this is true.
  12. It gives the opportunity, no matter how brief, of seeing the item as it would appear, without demo plastered over something.
  13. One of my best friends ever in SL was a cat. I would not let a person's avatar keep me from doing business with them, not that I have any Lindens to spend doing business with anyone.
  14. thanks, these are all my alts, I have been thinking of doing a picture with them all, but couldn't decide what sort of pose, when I thought of this I knew it was perfect.
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