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Everything posted by Ayeleeon

  1. It is Monday morning, the weekend is now over and I have to be back at work.
  2. Back when I did SL as a female, I often would take rides on airplanes. One day I got on a plane, and a young boy avatar got on as well. As the plane was flying he started talking to me about how his Mom was not going to be able to take care of him for a while, and she had put him on the plane to fly him to stay with his aunt. It all seemed innocent enough so I played along. When the plane landed he said his aunt was running late, and could I watch him till she got there. Well sure why not. Not long after that he started talking about my breasts and asking to see them. I could tell where this was going, so I got out quick.
  3. my teeth were missing when that picture was taken.
  4. You came to the wrong place for that, as you have already figured out.
  5. I suspect they prefer to prey on new users, The longer you are here, and the more you look like you know what is going on, the less likely you are to get hit on.
  6. I had a forum account for years pretending to be someone I wasn't, Now I have a new account just being me.
  7. My profile picture has myself with a female in it, I have gotten a few of these random IMs as well. I asume they see me in a group chat, then check the profile picture to see what gender I am, since the name is a bit gender neutral, then sees her, and shoots off the IM without considering the fact he might be talking to the guy in the picture, I recently modified the picture as seen below, hopefully that puts a stop to it. Though to be honest, it is kinda fun to string him along a while with vauge comments before asking him is he is gay, and if not why did he IM another dude.
  8. I was told about a guy who actually did this in RL on a major university campus, where he was a student. He got turned down almost all the time, but sometimes the random girl he asked said yes.
  9. I started SL in July of 2015, about a month later I had a stroke, this greatly increased my available time for SL while I recovered, and probably contributed to my becoming addicted. I recently changed my approach, being more of my self than before. I have always been interested in art and created art, this has transfered over to SL. Today I am 95% or so recovered from the stroke, though I am reminded every day that it happened by the ways it still affects me. And still as in those early days when I couldn't get out of bed, SL is the one place I can be 100% recovered.
  10. Why not just IM random strangers in SL and chat with them?
  11. Ran into @xLunaeaat the scare me silly art show.
  12. If by that you mean I wish we could all tolerate our differences then you are right.
  13. Probably so we could have a bunch of math jokes.
  14. Were you alone in the car at the time? I once drove into the river while giving a friend a ride.
  15. You can drive on the beach at Daytona, I bet you could roller skate.
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