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Everything posted by Ayeleeon

  1. Are we all to show our art exhibitions here?
  2. I found these shoes and was going to buy them for someone else, but when circumstances changed I got them for Bili.
  3. Yes, Mother Road with this EEP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Moonglow-Milky-Way-Night-EEP-Sky-Setting/20267024
  4. not my avatar, but she is better looking anyway, it is my picture.
  5. So contact Linden labs, the forums are not the place to get this kind of help.
  6. When this is in a profile it usually means "Not here for your drama, I am to busy making my own"
  7. Setting up for an art show, the first as Ayeleeon.
  8. Well the title is "Let's See Them Avatars" nothing about your avatar, so that would mean post pictures of other people's avatars right?
  9. if someone came up to me and asked my advice on finding a virtual world, then yes i would reccomend SL but i dont know any others. Th ereality of that howeve ris that the chance of someone asking me that is zero.
  10. I knew as i posted that i was going to get some grief. of course those who only look at forum pictures are going to be scatching thier heads since they never see any animation test photos.
  11. From Arcane Spellcaster, practically free with a free 500L gift card.
  12. Deleting a crap load of pictures from my Flickr page,
  13. I am an SL artist as well, though I only do 2D work. Would love to meet you in world and compare our work.
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