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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Mesh builds do look very beautiful and realistic...they're very soft light and pastel...I kind of miss the bright, loud, cartoony shops and clubs...lol.
  2. My old friends, building inworld, neko shops, sandbox craziness, the Twisted Wheel sim...
  3. Has anyone else experienced weird time distortion this year? Summer seems like years ago to me now, but last Xmas feels like yesterday. I saw my friend on the south coast in February when the first Covid cases hit the UK and that's like a dream...can't believe we actually went to bars and shops and weren't all that bothered or even cautious. My mum rang me on Tuesday and said "Just calling because I haven't heard from you in a while" and I said, "We spoke on Saturday!" She wouldn't believe me until I got her to check her recents
  4. Hitler WOULD say that, wouldn't he
  5. I read that, there may be something in it about dryness and bacteria - I've heard that you shouldn't inhale through your mouth as it can damage tooth enamel - but that's over years of doing it. Luckily though that link doesn't mention mouth bacteria getting into your lungs and overrunning your immune system Hopefully though, if people are just wearing masks when they go to supermarkets, shops, hairdressers, etc, it shouldn't get the chance to become a big problem? And hopefully in a year or so we won't need to wear them (hope I haven't jinxed it...)
  6. But then wouldn't dentists and surgeons who wear these throughout their working day have higher rates of illness? Or wouldn't it be a risk if you slept with your head under the covers? I am not being snarky, I just don't understand how killer mouth viruses haven't already become a thing?
  7. That's what I don't understand about people who think social distancing or masks are proof of the new police state...the UK government wanted us to carry on as normal and get it back in March!
  8. I learned to build and texture a bit. I was never a professional but I made some skyboxes for friends, helped with a club interior and sold some loudspeakers to a reggae promoter I also did basic scripting - just things like random colour changing lights, random chat announcements, water particles etc. Forgotten most of it now. Also went to Japanese classes before it was common to find tutorials on Youtube. And I learned to host SL events but some people would disagree
  9. 45 residents now get an excited email from the 46th Check it out! They found us! I told you it was worth it. We're SL legends now!
  10. Fair enough! Would probably be bad if Wizard had their wish and it WAS Xmas every day... we'd all be sick of it after a week...
  11. LOL. It's true, gym music is a massive exception. I have "Put A Donk On It" by Blackout Crew on my gym playlist
  12. I have two terrible Xmas secrets: I really like the Mariah Carey song. Actually, I think its the best Xmas song of all time, except the one by Wizard! How can I decorate an Xmas tree or wrap presents to Joy Division?!? Also, she is really funny. And I cannot watch the Tiny Tim scene in Mickey's Christmas Carol without bawling my eyes out 😭 Now I will never be allowed in an SL alternative club again.
  13. Luv this series...seems like another world ago now tho...
  14. That has cheered me up a bit. Would much rather wash my hands and avoid big crowds than face an earthquake or asteroid!
  15. I once made a plate of pie and mash and green sauce...was one of my best builds but had a prim count higher than my skybox I also had a bacon sandwich plane 😎 But the only time I ever sat down for a meal was at a vampire's wedding reception. I had a bottle of vodka that would make you stagger around all over the place after 3 or 4 swigs 😵 There were also drug ones...my friend Peanut got in trouble for having a cocaine chopping/snorting board...!
  16. He does that every year! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'd rather have pizza for Xmas Day anyway
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