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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I learned to build and texture a bit. I was never a professional but I made some skyboxes for friends, helped with a club interior and sold some loudspeakers to a reggae promoter I also did basic scripting - just things like random colour changing lights, random chat announcements, water particles etc. Forgotten most of it now. Also went to Japanese classes before it was common to find tutorials on Youtube. And I learned to host SL events but some people would disagree
  2. 45 residents now get an excited email from the 46th Check it out! They found us! I told you it was worth it. We're SL legends now!
  3. Fair enough! Would probably be bad if Wizard had their wish and it WAS Xmas every day... we'd all be sick of it after a week...
  4. LOL. It's true, gym music is a massive exception. I have "Put A Donk On It" by Blackout Crew on my gym playlist
  5. I have two terrible Xmas secrets: I really like the Mariah Carey song. Actually, I think its the best Xmas song of all time, except the one by Wizard! How can I decorate an Xmas tree or wrap presents to Joy Division?!? Also, she is really funny. And I cannot watch the Tiny Tim scene in Mickey's Christmas Carol without bawling my eyes out 😭 Now I will never be allowed in an SL alternative club again.
  6. Luv this series...seems like another world ago now tho...
  7. That has cheered me up a bit. Would much rather wash my hands and avoid big crowds than face an earthquake or asteroid!
  8. I once made a plate of pie and mash and green sauce...was one of my best builds but had a prim count higher than my skybox I also had a bacon sandwich plane 😎 But the only time I ever sat down for a meal was at a vampire's wedding reception. I had a bottle of vodka that would make you stagger around all over the place after 3 or 4 swigs 😵 There were also drug ones...my friend Peanut got in trouble for having a cocaine chopping/snorting board...!
  9. He does that every year! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'd rather have pizza for Xmas Day anyway
  10. That reminds me so much of one of my favourite clips when all the panic started in the UK in March... he comes on at 0:57
  11. Please do! I'm sure my work place will do it too...but they will make it cringe ETA: though a supplier company to ours emailed us to ask what we'd prefer, red wine, white wine or beer, and they will mail it to our homes, so we can all have a toast on Zoom one evening the week before Xmas and just chat about non-work stuff. Which is really cool!
  12. If it isn't too personal @Lindal Kiddwill you hug? It doesn't matter for me this year as I'm not going anywhere, but I would find it very hard not to, if I saw my family there for real.
  13. I'm going to have a Xmas Day Zoom Mukbang with my family 😎 But apart from that, yes, it will probably be rubbish this year. Guess I'll just be lazy and watch lots of films. Maybe the people who did Thanksgiving yesterday can report back on how it went...like a rehearsal for Xmas?
  14. I agree with you @Nalates Urriahwe don't know all the facts yet. I am just terrified of getting sick, or suffering permanent lung damage. I don't have any long-term illness and am healthy, but I'd rather not risk it. I just think that any little thing we can do to contain it, even if it only helps a tiny bit, is worth trying. LOL, you should come to where I live. We're in a mask minority! 😷 (or probably more like 50 50)
  15. Christopher Walsh 2 months ago Proof if proof were needed that viral cat videos have existed since the dawn of cinema 1K
  16. Thanks! I'm starting to see the funny side now. And is so great not sitting in the dark!
  17. (Warning: long RL rant) All my power went off at 4pm today I called the landlady and she said she was sending an electrician...he turned up at 5.20 and said he needed to access the office downstairs, but they'd gone home...so he said "I need to call the company...I'll come back" and walked out...I said "This evening??" and he said "I hope so" Then at 5.40 the landlady called and said "Someone from the office is downstairs, can you send the electrician down now, please". I said "He's gone". She went bananas, "GONE??? Where?? I told him to wait on site...I can't believe this". I put on my mask again and went downstairs, and the man in the office asked me "Are you with the electrician?" I said, the electrician drove off, I haven't got a scooby doo where he is! Then he came back and spent nearly an hour on the phone with me (he was downstairs) saying "How about now? Any power?" I was in the dark except for a battery candle, saying "Hmm, no..." Then at 7pm, he told me he needed a 'Henley block' but said it was too late in the day to get one! I said "I have to WFH, I am really screwed without power." He then called someone on speaker- the other guy was shouting "No, you need a ****ing 4mm cable!" and then they started talking about a car for sale and did they want to come by and have a look? At this point I'm thinking, no power for me tonight The electrician said "I'll call you in an hour" and drove off, and I thought, yeah, right...Then he came back 20 minutes later with this Henley block, whatever it is, and at 8pm I had power and he said, "Can I use your loo?" and I was so happy he'd fixed it, I said "Sure!" - and he left some pee on the floor I've had better evenings...
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