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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Your bosses just sound BORING I would take it as a complement! You should only worry if they say "Gabba gabba we accept you, we accept you, one of us" There are probably people in your company who feel the same as you, but they are just better at hiding it...
  2. Oh I wouldn't take any notice of that, most bosses talk rubbish, they read it in some management manual and use it to cover up the fact they're scared because they've taken on too much work they can't do. You're alright
  3. Oh I made a mess of editing this, ignore
  4. I know the feeling It's amazing what a change this year has made to my thinking. All sorts of things I used to stress out about seem quite trivial now.
  5. That's brilliant, would love to have been there
  6. Thanks everyone! I didn't know that either, lol. Just as well I never ordered one online
  7. Haven't been on the tube since March But luv this so much
  8. Oh don't worry lol, it's not real grief. It's to be expected I guess...I don't think it was meant in a malicious way But still makes me feel like hiding indoors forever...! Oww! Sorry to hear that. Yeah, please get the shop to do it, you don't want to risk it going septic or getting badly scarred. Hope you can sort it out soon! ❤️
  9. Today started off well...our office biked over the new work laptops some of us have been given, and we all received Xmas hampers from the company But I'd asked for a 13" laptop and realised they'd sent me a smaller one. I rang up the boss and thanked him for the hamper and mentioned that they'd accidentally sent me an 11" laptop. He said "Are you sure?" and then said he'd check with IT. Then he rang back to say "We only had 13" and 15" laptops, you definitely asked for a 13" so that's what we sent." I said, "Oh, this can't be 13"...I have a 13" personal laptop and it's much bigger than this one!" Anyway, today I learned that you measure laptop screens diagonally, not horizontally My personal one is actually 15.6". I just hope there's a lockdown until 2023 because I can't bear the thought of going back to work after this Someone has already emailed and asked if I want a small 13" pizza 😠 Please share any embarrassing, stupid things you've done recently so I don't feel so bad.
  10. There was one called The Golden Lion (or Black Lion) Hotel that would pay 50L$ if you stayed in the sim for 30 mins. I think I originally ended up there by chance and was AFK or in IMs, so I was surprised when it went ker-ching. Once I worked out what had happened, I logged out and went straight back there with an alt But the owner TP'd to me and said "You again!" He was actually quite nice about it but told me to keep it to once a day visits... Did anyone do PPV? That was so silly - a bunch of avatars running around totally deserted sims for 3 minutes and clicking cones for a couple of $Ls, lol. And if somebody else clicked on the cone at the same time as you it didn't pay either of you. There were never any visitors who weren't there to collect PPV...
  11. There was also an SL gym where you got a few L$ for spending an amount of time on the treadmill It was part of an actual research project to see if healthy living in virtual worlds could encourage the same in RL. But most of us just went for the money I've also seen clubs that had mopping the floor poses and paid a few L$ every 10 minutes.
  12. Ah...sorry, got confused when you mentioned urls, I thought you thought I meant a sim... My brain doesn't work on Fridays
  13. Thanks for all the replies! @RowanMinx I'm not sure to be honest - but am going to go through all these tips and try to troubleshoot this this evening. Thanks again!
  14. I recently got delivered an HP Envy 360. And it is driving me up the wall ☹️ Every time I try to type in the Google bar, it gets as far as 3 letters then starts opening up random Windows 10 pages. I've never had this problem on a laptop before. I went to an SL club earlier and couldn't even complete a sentence in the chat bar - every time I hit an e, I started jumping (even though my cursor's still in the chat bar). Even trying to search on Marketplace opens up Windows features every time I type a few letters, and it's taking me ages to type a sentence (I'm writing this right now on my older but more reliable work PC laptop, and the difference is amazing)... I am really considering going back to Macbook, even though it's more expensive. But if you know anything about PCs, is there a way of stopping this feature? It's driving me nuts and though the fps/quality on SL is great, I can't type in chat without a dozen windows popping up. I am totally dumb about computer stuff so if the Envy 360 DOESN'T suck, and there IS a solution, please explain it like I'm a baby in a pram I will be so grateful if anyone can help me out...this is the first time I've ever experienced this.
  15. @Scylla Rhiadra oh it's not a URL - if you do an inworld search in groups for Everything Indie, it will come up I hosted at an indie place and just sent an IM to the group owner asking for notice perms, and it came though quite quickly
  16. Just finished reading "The Public Image" by Muriel Spark (recommended!) and reminded me of this...Googled and found out John Lydon actually picked the name Public Image Limited from reading this book
  17. @Seicher Rae Another Jewish holiday that might suit SL is Purim...I live in an area with a big Jewish community and every Purim you see people on the street dressed as superheroes, cartoon animals, bananas, etc It's like a SL club in RL
  18. There's one called Everything Indie - all indie/alternative clubs can apply to the group owner and get notice rights. So if you join that, you get notices for all of the clubs who've signed up to it. And it helps club owners to reach more people than just sending notices in their own groups. The mods will ban anyone trying to promote contests or non-related events, so it's usually quite accurate if that's your thing There was also a big techno one but that was ages ago, and it was never really my scene, so can't remember the name...
  19. Same here. I think as long as you're taking precautions, not endangering others or going out partying, it might be worth waiting. It does seem rushed through. I'm sure I saw a BBC interview with an American university earlier in the year where an expert said it takes 2-3 years to safely test and approve a vaccine? But I might be wrong.
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