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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. OK this is driving me crazy @Horus Salubrius lol. I don't get it!
  2. It'd be good if the seasons went: December is winter, and we get snow on Xmas week...spring starts on January 2nd then lasts for 10 months - then November is hot summer - and skip autumn
  3. Winter would be my favourite if we could go straight from New Year's Eve to spring...don't like January at all, so boring and grey and not even Xmas to look forward to...
  4. Is that Lord Buckethead? I can't remember Elmo. I was hoping to see the candidates winning and losing when I stayed up to watch the US election the other night, but it was just two people in the BBC studio. It's all I watch elections for 😊
  5. Am I just nuts or... When you go to a sim where the owner's put snow on the ground and created a winter theme...do you have to wrap up your AV warm, or you start to feel cold in RL? Though for some reason it never works the other way round...can detach clothes and jump in the SL sea, but it doesn't help you cool off in a heatwave?
  6. One of my favourite sims of all time was Twisted Wheel on Centurion. AMAZING place, was designed to look like a UK council estate from the 1960s. It had a butchers, a shop selling clothes and scooters, a Northern soul club with DJs every week, a pub (with darts lol) and loads of really small, nice houses. And an underground station
  7. There's also this https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-hand-gel-sanitiser-superbugs-a9697031.html
  8. I like how Afghan hounds look like greyhounds with scene hair
  9. I agree, it would be a real shame to lose this thread. It's good to vent and read how others are coping.
  10. That's great @Seicher Rae it's like you're doing detective work with the cards When I first wrote it up, I put something like 'maybe don't concentrate so much on little details like the spokes and rim, they could be distracting you, it's the project details that count', but then quickly edited out as it felt wrong. Which was good as they were a big part of it in the end
  11. Maybe I'm thick but I genuinely don't understand how the UK's in lockdown but our airports are still open?? I know the airlines are being affected, but I thought they had insurance and underwriters to cover things like this? I don't agree with any of the conspiracy people who think it's fake or an attack on our civil liberties, but it's hard to argue with them that lockdown's a waste of time when people can fly into Heathrow and be on the tube in Central London in half an hour, even if they are planning to self isolate later. I just don't get it?
  12. You were joking about firing a flame-thrower at a cat! But don't worry...it's not really a big chicken, it's actually a man in a costume
  13. I'm a bit OCD about shuffling and putting them back properly, so I haven't really had reversals - except one I did for myself when I was holding the deck upside down Yours was definitely the right way up!
  14. Whenever you want! But not right now, I need to go to bed 😪
  15. I had to look up 'vector' Still not sure I know what it is I drew: EIGHT OF CUPS The guy's had enough of the cups, he's walking away! Is that the moon or sun at the top?? It looks like it's had enough too I think this card is saying that moving forward means making a clean break with the past. If something hasn't been working out, just leave it behind. There's only so much you can do. He's back on dry land at least! And eight cups is a lot to deal with. This could mean your future vector (I hope this is right???) leads you to discover what you really want to do in life from now on. I think a lot of people are wondering that this year I mean, what you REALLY want to do...maybe things you can't even tell your friends or family or workmates? It could also mean taking a trip, which seems silly in 2020...but maybe it's a mind trip? Maybe you'll learn some new amazing things about yourself? You might never know if you don't walk away, even if it feels sad or scary at first...
  16. Yes, the deck goes a bit weird when I ask it for the winning Lottery numbers I drew: KNIGHT OF WANDS This card's a bit of a nutter! In a good way He just charges in after what he wants! He's full of confidence and doesn't take no for an answer. Sometimes he brags a bit and exaggerates things, and can be very reckless! There he is on his horse, yelling "STOP THE COUNT!" Sorry, just messing around, please don't ban me I know less about politics than I do about whatever Arduenn asked me. But this card is like a big bundle of energy. It's not a 'sitting around making lists' card! It's more like "Now, now, do it now!" His horse is mad up for it too 🐴 So I think the card is saying: don't overthink it, because maybe that's why you feel overwhelmed? What project are you most enthusiastic about and gets you most excited when you think about doing it? Just throw yourself into that one and look at the wagon wheel later! Otherwise, you might still be looking at it next week, thinking "Mmm, well this would be nice...but I also want to do that, but maybe...oh, this one too..." The only negatives might be burning yourself out, or becoming too overconfident and ignoring danger signs once you get started. Or maybe being arrogant. But if you watch out for that, you'll be OK! If worst comes to worst, throw a dart at the wheel and just go with whatever project it hits. Go wild! 🐯 Here's your card if it was a song
  17. Luv blueberries and strawberries Do you just put it all straight into a blender?
  18. He can't now, they've stopped the count! ✋
  19. I found this interesting...bought a lot of Vitamin D for winter.
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