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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. Knowing my luck, it will ricochet off the ceiling past my pan and onto the floor
  2. I don't know, I've never tried But Pancake Day is coming soon...could be a chance to find out!
  3. I suppose if a pancake sticks to the ceiling you could get on a ladder and eat it...but you might get a sore neck...
  4. The floor looks clean, so I would probably pick from the top layer of the cake and maybe run the strawberry under the tap. But I live on the edge like that
  5. Oh, I've dropped vitamins on the carpet too, and swallowed those. But I always thought, because they were filled with Vitamin C and D, that they'd cancel out any floor germs before they entered my system
  6. The most addictive crisps ever You can get them in beef, pickled onion or flaming hot, which is like spicy ketchup.
  7. Well, maybe I would then lol, I try not to make a habit of it...
  8. I once ate a piece of Monster Munch after I dropped it in a train station
  9. Oh yes...if I spilled a curry I wouldn't crawl around sucking it up with a straw
  10. I went for a visit It's a nice little gallery that you enter through a mirror. I didn't take any pictures, but you should probably go and check it out directly. Some very cool art!
  11. Sorry...it was just a silly thing. I spilled wasabi peas over the floor yesterday and scooped them up and ate them. I just wanted reassurance that that was a perfectly normal thing to do. And thankfully Rowan confirmed it is
  12. I've done it. Would you? (Edited back because having the thread called . was annoying 😥)
  13. I think they're OK, actually! I'd rather have had Hijinks, Doge or Pancake than some of the options available when I signed up And sorry, I know I've said this before, but if they were free I would create an alt called Squiggin Piggins There MUST be someone with the Trump avatar who picked Covfefe
  14. Black metal fans worship the devil. The devil lives in Hell. Hell is HOT. So black metal fans should all move to the Canary Islands And book me a ticket too.
  15. Same here. We should have three snowy days at Xmas but cancel the rest of winter. It's so grey and depressing. Then again, if I was filthy-rich, I would have a massive roaring fireplace and just stay indoors with 3 months' worth of food and a robot butler
  16. Watching the dawn come up over the sandbox 🙂
  17. @LittleMe JewellAh OK! Well we in the UK have just gone red/purple
  18. What is Red/Orange level? Is that a specific US thing?
  19. Yay! We're back in lockdown again, until mid-February! 😐 Hours after Boris Johnson said "No, kids must all go back to school"...!
  20. I feel really sorry for this Japanese punk band! They sound great IMO...but the audience don't seem very impressed ☹️
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