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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. It'd be very easy for me to say "do this one!" or "no, do that one!" when I don't have to face the consequences. Or to give advice that can affect peoples' lives based on drawing a random card from a pack of playing cards. Just want to stress, everything I've said in this thread should be taken with a pinch of salt and was just meant for a bit of fun, I hope I made that clear...I don't have any special hoodoo powers.
  2. Oh thanks! Luv wasabi so will look out for those, hopefully they have some in my local supermarkets!
  3. That pizza sounds great!
  4. Please bring back Piggins. And just for my suggestion (I know you're reading Obi!), please let me have free dibs on Squiggin Piggins
  5. People who CC the boss into every work email Dry roasted peanuts being so high in calories
  6. I drew: THREE OF PENTACLES It's the teamwork card! You've got the innkeeper, the monk and the jester (I think it's a jester? or else he got trapped in a curtain ) hanging around, plotting their next move! Actually, is it an innkeeper? It looks like he's polishing a wine glass...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway, this card shows you're capable of getting things done properly - so whichever option you choose, you'll do it well! The card is also saying "prepare yourself!" so if you haven't already done it, maybe make a list of the pros and cons of each choice... like what you'll need to do, things you might have to give up or change, etc, for each option. So if you choose studies, perhaps think about how you'll look after yourself without a fixed income. If you go for the job, will there be opportunities for you to still study, and if not, will that eventually become frustrating? The card also suggests collaborations with other people, or being part of a cool team If the job and studies are related, taking the job could be a good way to test out what you've learned, to see how well that knowledge works when other people are involved? It's like that old saying, "You can learn more on the job than in class!" (I think that's right?) It's like the three people on this card are the Page of Cups, the Hermit and the Fool, and the Fool's saying, "Yeah, I did a degree in bar management" and the Page is saying "Oh yeah? I do it full time, it's not as easy as you think!" and the Hermit and Fool go along to help him in the bar, and hours later the Fool says "OK, I didn't realise what it's like to clean 1,000 cups in one night - but now I know". (Is there any way you can take the job AND carry on your studies?)
  7. No need to fear! Clowns are pretty chill 😎
  8. I agree! Wish I didn't have to wear shoes at all... That has been one nice thing about this year... I would even go to the supermarket barefoot except for the possible comments and them asking me to leave, or litter on the street...
  9. I've only recently discovered Hawkwind...not bad, IMO! This is my favourite so far, though they changed their name slightly for this release..."I can read your mind like a magazine" ...been a real earworm today
  10. Ah OK - I got the wrong end of the stick. No, can't argue with that!
  11. Think I'll just say "Yes, of course I have it!" and self-isolate for another 14 days
  12. I remember being at midnight mass (my family's Catholic) when I was 7 or 8 and suddenly getting worried and asking my mum "What if Santa misses us tonight or forgets our street?" My whole family was going "Shh!" and told me if I kept talking he wouldn't come, and my sister pinched me. So I spent the rest of midnight mass in despair, terrified I'd jinxed it
  13. When my dad woke me up at 2am putting the presents in my room 9 I think
  14. Now I'm more scared about the swab up the nose than getting coronavirus
  15. @GatogateauThat's bonkers! I hope they didn't charge you $$$...as it was their mistake? But good news too!
  16. Yes, my mum goes ballistic if anyone tries to help. She once let me do cheesy parsnips but was looking over my shoulder the whole time and then told me to get out of the kitchen. She always apologises to everyone for the dinner tasting horrible or being burnt or too cold even though it's fine? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My granddad was very grumpy. Everyone would ask what he wanted for Xmas and he'd say "I'd be happy at the bottom of a well!" And one Xmas he just got up and took his dog for a walk for 3 hours!
  17. I can't be bothered with a tree but I will get some multi-colour fairy lights
  18. Don't think I'll see anyone this year. My nan is shielded and my mum is at risk too. Also I don't drive, and am too scared to risk the train to see my sister or brother, we're all far apart Might just do it Japanese style and have a Zinger burger
  19. I haven't seen the series but read the book during the first lockdown this year and really enjoyed it! Very weird and surprising ending. Would recommend!
  20. I thought the cashew was a Pringle! I was totally bewildered. (ETA not that I'd have got it if I'd known it was a cashew) And thought the other was 'taco beach' Don't know if I need a new brain or new eyes...
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