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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I've used Electra a couple of times There's also a nice one called Puppy I discovered last month. I probably use Sandbox Island the most. Despite its reputation, the days of it being a madhouse are long gone, since they turned off scripts in most of it. But if you like privacy, you might want to consider somewhere smaller or more obscure.
  2. I'm having that too. I also have to redo GMA settings every time I log in.
  3. UK hospitals are filling up and one in London was on the news, as it's running low on oxygen supplies. It seems the nightmare situation they warned us about in March will come true in January... I'm still worried but almost resigned to getting it now, even though I only leave home to go to the supermarket every three or four days 😐
  4. @Macy Wezzog It's a bit late now but when your wife came in, you should have laughed and pointed at the screen and said "Look at this Second Life game, it's completely bonkers what players get up to! Whatever next?" and then closed the viewer and changed the subject I really hope SL sex DOESN'T count because someone once tricked me into clicking sit on a giant tentacle. I can't say anymore but you can probably guess...
  5. If you crash your Skoda...call Unicorn Uber 😍 (thanks @Dafadilia Wayfarer 😀)
  6. Same here I was drinking champagne with my sister and her boyfriend on Zoom until 1.15am. I'm supposed to be cooking chilli burritos now for a family Zoom dinner at 3pm...but I just can't be bothered to start cooking, don't feel hungry...might just log in with Pringles I'm sorry to hear about your ex, I hope 2021 brings you a turnabout in luck!
  7. It's a sad tune but the video is kind of fun 😊 I'd like to go skiing and snowball fighting with them. There's an awkward bit at 2:19 where George Michael looks like he's made a joke but the woman just blanks him and continues her chat with the guy opposite
  8. I've just been in NCI Help chat, one issue some of us are having is that you can accept friend requests but they won't save unless both of you are inworld at the same time. I got sent some requests and accepted, then I logged back in later and the person wasn't in my friends list (though their calling card is saved in inventory). Also, it's not saving some settings (ie you can tick "Don't show this again" when you're taking a TP or logging out, but it won't save it for next time you log in).
  9. Sorry to do this again - does anyone know if there's a contact at LL for viewer support if you're NOT a premium member? Or an inworld support group for the official SL viewer? Thanks.
  10. How the UK government messed it all up https://timeline-of-failure.com/?fbclid=IwAR1LPQYxbb92HlvqBDej_zKelcvT2eeu_qztGwT1kHZ2TEVr7aeL0DyI5Io
  11. Merry Xmas to you too Who has the turquoise hair and the big stomp boots?
  12. My neighbours (on both sides) are away so...playing this loud
  13. It is nuts. I never understood during the first UK lockdown (in spring) why all the airports were still open. I can't take any of the 'police state/oppression/crushing liberties' talk seriously because, during every single lockdown we had, people openly broke it and nothing happened. But the police were busy prosecuting responsible shopowners for 'vandalising' the pavement with chalk distancing markings People just don't seem to consider that, even if they feel OK and don't have any symptoms, they might be spreading it to family or loved ones. Or to someone else down the line, who they'll never meet or know about...
  14. Saturday in London we had thousands of people crowding into train stations to get out of town for Xmas...right when we have the Covid mutation which makes it 70% more infectious. So the rest of the country will probably be in Tier 4 soon... Meanwhile a French student (friend of a relative) was on a pre-booked ferry to see his family in France on Sunday and the passengers were told the ferry couldn't make the crossing after they'd all boarded...
  15. That was me on Sunday, I was trashed on Saturday night and woke in so much pain...I was so down, I swore I'd NEVER drink again and would quit SL and Facebook in embarrassment. It was so bad I ended up crying and rang my mum...she wasn't sympathetic and said my brother rang her drunk on Saturday night and was slurring, she said "Have I raised a load of drunks"...I was so miserable I went to bed at 7pm... But I woke up today and felt OK. And bought some wine and rum for later in the week ...isn't it weird, the thought of it would have made me sick yesterday.
  16. Icecast or Nicecast? But don't think I've used either since 2015...
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