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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. You would have seen two blue cat ears on my head and tiny shrunk down human ears on mine
  2. I don't want to get in a fight with anti-mask people but I really think this video is a good watch and a convincing argument. And he is independent and never gets into politics. ETA: It is a bit long so go to 22:30 if you prefer, it's worth it.
  3. Mind blown. No spoilers but VERY weird and unsettling. I'm going to have to read more of her books...if anyone has any recommendations?
  4. My friend used to do yacht rallies, I have the info on NC still - they would start at Asella and sail all the way up to Exeuxoa and then back, or turn left and into Gibbosa cove. You might have to look for the boat rez points but that could be an alternative route.
  5. I did this for Mother's Day this year, LOL. I ordered the card off Thortful - it was a cartoon of Donald Trump saying "All other mothers? Losers! You're the best mother, a very fine mother", etc. Only because I didn't want to go to the post office and queue up with people standing half a metre apart and angrily shouting "Oh come on!" And my mum said "It was horrible, why did you send me Donald Trump?" And the fonts they offered WERE awful. So I have ordered a REAL Xmas card off Etsy and will hand post it tomorrow...
  6. Two Irish mums at a funeral: Mum 1: Oh it's terrible...do you know how he died? Mum 2: I heard it was the 'big C'. Mum 1: Oh...he drowned?
  7. I don't know if it's still going but Transmission was very good if you like post-punk and goth.
  8. Maybe this woman below should have worn a different colour jacket to the chair...
  9. I don't know IF it really works, with no side effects, great. But I don't know who to believe anymore...governments and companies tell so many lies. I would say "After you...!"
  10. I don't know much about soul, and never normally listen to it...but this came up in my recommendations and I can't stop playing it...just utterly STUNNING!
  11. @Yuumo Ichibara I've been thinking about this...and the picture. The bartender might mean 'job'. The monk might mean 'studies'. So maybe this means you CAN mix them...and the jester means have fun while you do both??
  12. So the first one was a secret and I picked up 5 of Wands...the fight card! So that was suggesting possible conflicts...though nothing you coudn't handle! Recheck! I drew: THREE OF CUPS This could be a truce! Maybe the fight is coming to an end and you will find common ground with the people, or circumstances, you thought you were up against. This card's also about community and friendship, so if a rough period comes up, you can count on support from local people even if you didn't expect their help? They're all saying cheers! So I guess, whatever battles you go through (or are going through), kindness and community are just a step away Or maybe a situation you're dreading, because you think you'll just get bogged down with fights with others, will actually be a minor tiff and you'll all get along OK after?
  13. Maybe I'm lucky, I never felt pressured for sex in SL. Maybe the occasional person from Spain saying "SEXO?" Or sometimes I got asked by guests when I was hosting in a club...but if I said "No thanks, I'm just not interested in that" they were usually "OK!" and didn't push it. My friends on SL were all sex-mad lol. Doesn't bother me, just never found it that interesting. Though I jumped on a tentacle bed in a furry castle once. I didn't even know it was a 'thing'... and helped my friend test her new sex poses HD (fully clothed!). I didn't know some of the moves were possible... But back to the question...when I was hosting and SL clubbing a lot, think I would have become burnt out if I hadn't made time to go to a sandbox and build in peace and quiet. It was nice going from being an extrovert, and trying to entertain everyone in the club or have fun with SL club friends, to just being a quiet, anonymous student in a build or language class
  14. Does anyone remember that 'creepy clown' trend a few years ago (I think mostly in America) when suddenly they were appearing everywhere at night, and by the side of the road and running up to cars? That was bonkers...and then people formed mobs to go after them, and some kid dressed as a clown got stabbed
  15. (though it might be funny to reply with 'WHAT THE HELL IS EVEN THAT' man 😜)
  16. THIS 👆 ❤️ I wouldn't even waste your time and energy on them!
  17. Oh no, I meant I go at 7am to avoid the crowds. I went one afternoon in April and it was packed, and a few people were getting angry because half the self-service tills were down...so I decided to just get up early and do it first thing.
  18. This is why I can't understand people who get furious and say the lockdown's trampling on their rights...it's not even a real lockdown! As far as I can see you could get in trouble in May for sitting in an almost empty park with nobody near you...but it's fine to crowd into Starbucks, or go on holiday (so many people from my work have taken flights around Europe this summer...) I just go to the supermarket at 7am, twice a week now, or order from Boots online...crowds and people walking up close are doing my head in
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