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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. lol @Garnet Psaltery I was just going to like the first vid..and agreed with the title...this is good too ETA oh it's back
  2. I'd never gatecrash a house with people in it. But if I'm on a sim and see houses, I do like to have a nose around Sometimes to get ideas for interiors but mostly out of curiosity. Especially if it looks interesting or unique. But as a friend once said, "Seen one sexbed, seen them all!" Not interested in using peoples' beds or furniture or rezzing anything...though I did jump in a shower once...
  3. @OrwarYou're completely nuts! I'm going to bed...but I will take that yodel song with me
  4. !!!Owwww... That hurt my ears...sounded like an angry man yelling in a castle I am sorry but I will pick the Cocteau Twins in this case I do know that Rammstein song from hosting for SL DJs lol. But Orwar at least we can unite in our mutual love for Mariah Carey's Xmas song
  5. I honestly believe this is the peak of human civilisation
  6. I agree. Even if SL offered a Basic version you would need enough people to regularly log in to make it worth opening shops, clubs and sims. It would probably end up like the test grid. Even if you had the people, it would be pointless unless you could wipe your memory - a lot of the fun was discovering places, people and experiences for the first time. Also, some of the events, fashions and trends were very much of their time - though they bring back good memories for some of us, I don't know if they'd mean much in 2021. It'd be like trying to revive Myspace*... (* which I still think was x10000 better than Facebook )
  7. I wouldn't take it personally when people do that...they are usually hiding from everyone, not just you. I did it a few times and it was only because I wanted to go to an event my friends weren't interested in, or focus on building, and didn't want to get into IMs. I thought it would be better to appear 'offline' than receive IMs I didn't immediately respond to. And if I set status as 'Busy' they'd ask "what were you doing??" afterwards, as if I was up to something dead exciting or scandalous
  8. If I was getting SL married I would luv a toaster In fact I would get SLarried just to get the toaster...
  9. Just necro'ing to say - thanks Scylla! ❤️ The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie was amazing. I was totally hooked - she's such an amazing writer. It's like a mystery or thriller, but so much more. She jumps between timelines so well without it getting confusing. It's funny in places but quite sad at the end. My favourite so far is The Ballad of Peckham Rye - which is the best book I've read this year and absolutely brilliant IMO. Luv it so much - I was cracking up laughing and really wish I could spend more time with the characters Do you know that one? I also have Momento Mori but am saving it for Xmas week
  10. One holiday I think would REALLY suit SL would be Chinese New Year. Would be perfect for particle fireworks, banners and lanterns, big mesh dragons, etc. I went to one for the year of the Snake - it was OK but didn't really have any decorations, more of a theme for a club night.
  11. Haven't been in ages but last time I went, it was still like walking on the moon with all the lag I mostly went for Sea Hunt and Mad Monkey Money on the top floor, until LL banned gambling machines.
  12. Mesh builds do look very beautiful and realistic...they're very soft light and pastel...I kind of miss the bright, loud, cartoony shops and clubs...lol.
  13. My old friends, building inworld, neko shops, sandbox craziness, the Twisted Wheel sim...
  14. Has anyone else experienced weird time distortion this year? Summer seems like years ago to me now, but last Xmas feels like yesterday. I saw my friend on the south coast in February when the first Covid cases hit the UK and that's like a dream...can't believe we actually went to bars and shops and weren't all that bothered or even cautious. My mum rang me on Tuesday and said "Just calling because I haven't heard from you in a while" and I said, "We spoke on Saturday!" She wouldn't believe me until I got her to check her recents
  15. Hitler WOULD say that, wouldn't he
  16. I read that, there may be something in it about dryness and bacteria - I've heard that you shouldn't inhale through your mouth as it can damage tooth enamel - but that's over years of doing it. Luckily though that link doesn't mention mouth bacteria getting into your lungs and overrunning your immune system Hopefully though, if people are just wearing masks when they go to supermarkets, shops, hairdressers, etc, it shouldn't get the chance to become a big problem? And hopefully in a year or so we won't need to wear them (hope I haven't jinxed it...)
  17. But then wouldn't dentists and surgeons who wear these throughout their working day have higher rates of illness? Or wouldn't it be a risk if you slept with your head under the covers? I am not being snarky, I just don't understand how killer mouth viruses haven't already become a thing?
  18. That's what I don't understand about people who think social distancing or masks are proof of the new police state...the UK government wanted us to carry on as normal and get it back in March!
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