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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. You can learn a lot about a person just by conversing with them, not at them.
  2. However, I am not off topic for the thread. Well then excuse the hell out of me for trying to join the discussion. I'll go back to scrolling. Peeved.
  3. I'll just say that I am not a religious person and wouldn't ever be inside a mosque (I refuse to accept the objectification of women by organized religions) and leave it at that.
  4. I think part of the problem is so many confuse or forget the difference between male and female and masculine and feminine.
  5. The only way I can answer this is to say the avatar is not real, the person behind the keyboard is.
  6. I'm pretty sure it started with the so-called gossip sites as a sub for the word suicide. As in "unalive yourself". I see it all the time on certain sites that lean right. You already know the group of people it targets.
  7. @Sid Nagy Take a riverboat cruise https://www.travelandleisure.com/cruises/river-cruises/european-river-cruises Pick up one or more hobbies. Retirement hobbies list Take advantage of local things to do like walking trails, birdwatching, photograph wildlife, play miniature golf if the NL has that, maybe tutor a student or two. There are all kinds of things to do. Make a list as you think of them. Don't worry about if it's something you've never done before. Start with a short list of say 5 things if you are having trouble coming up with things you want to do. The important thing is to keep your mind active and to try to be active physically. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting anything physical like canoeing or even walking nature trails. And even if you aren't artistically inclined, it's always fun to try and if you like something that is a little messy, try pottery! This guy knows his stuff: https://www.youtube.com/@AncientPottery
  8. When LL sets the word filters to bleep only the "bad" part. Yes, it is silly. I still use the gobbledy word, but I've never used it as a racial slur. The single word by itself, I have never use it to insult/humiliate anyone. But, since so many find even the gobbledy word offensive I changed it to goop. That was decades ago.
  9. I've never said I haven't been guilty of the same at times. The less people around me do it, the less I do it. Same goes for interrupting while another is speaking every time they say something. A thing that happens to me every freaking day. I treat others as they treat me.
  10. Wow. Something you said reminded me of something I have been thinking but hadn't siad anything because of the kind of reaction I just got. This is what I meant by putting words into other people's mouths. They assumed what was meant and then treated their assumption(s) as fact instead of asking for clarification.
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