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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It applies to all chat, private and local, regardless of distance (whisper/shout).
  2. True, on the other hand by YOUR words I am a prude simply because I do not have sex online. So yes, according to YOU I do fall under that broad brush. So does every other human on the planet.
  3. People on this forum that can't resist insulting older people simply because of their age. Agism isn't the only thing happening on this forum either. My patience and tolerance have reached their end.
  4. That's not how it works. Larger audiences are harder to gauge and control. Trolls are lazy.
  5. But, if you followed me, we'd never get anywhere! I don't lead... or follow. 🤭
  6. Get that thing outta my face before I bite it. Dude, no, not those. I'm talking herbals from herbs native to this country. Before any of that Chinese stuff was ever imported. And of course, mint tea. https://learn.eartheasy.com/articles/foraging-for-wild-teas-9-plants-to-pick-and-brew/
  7. Depends on heel height and width. Stilettos can make some pretty good holes in... erm... flesh. So, weapons? 😇
  8. You did a wonderful job of painting everyone with such a broad brush. I'm no prude or pervert but I'm not in SL for sex and don't even own any "bits". I've never had sex on any platform. For some of us there is no substitute for the real thing.
  9. Even if I had mine turned on, no one would. That's how dull I am.
  10. It's not like young people can't be or aren't stuck in their ways. Age has nothing to do with it. People really need to stop the agism. Prejudice is prejudice, no matter what label you try to cover it up with.
  11. If they allow editing of posts in one area/section, they need to allow it in all areas.
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