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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Did they actually use the word frivolous? Because if they did, they need to delete the whole damn forum. Yes, my patience is wearing very thin these days.
  2. The Cornfield. LM is here: https://sammie1154.wordpress.com/2014/03/07/the-corn-field-sls-twilight-zone/ It's probably not open right now. They usually open it for special occasions and events like Halloween.
  3. I found it to be the opposite. IMVU drove me nuts yet SL is easy enough since I get to organize things my way so I can find what I'm looking for quickly and easily. There really is no one good way to do it. I just wish creators would include images that are copy/no trans. I like to keep a copy of the image of the outfit in the folder with the outfit so I can refresh my memory on what it looks like without having to try it on. Too many creators are still doing the no copy thing on their images. I don't care if it's no mod as long as I can use it as a reference and not have to worry about inventory loss due to some issue on LL's end. Yes, it has happened and no I couldn't get another copy of the image.
  4. Just claiming to be a Linden will get you permabanned if it gets reported.
  5. I know why you made that decision now. 🤭
  6. Why are you so hell bent on killing SL? If you are so unhappy with the way things are, why are you still here? Why not go find somewhere that is more suited to your morals and ethics? If the residents reject the idea what makes you think LL would jump on it? They want to retain the customers they have not run them all off!
  7. Even if you aren't sure, AR it. Even the Lindens will tell you, when in doubt, AR it and let LL sort it out.
  8. I have you both beat. 1974. The year my daughter was born. lol
  9. I can't even get out of bed when it happens. If I did there would probably be holes in the wall between the bedroom and bathroom from my fist. People think apartment walls are thin. Pfft! Mobile home walls are thinner and have zero insulation. Only the exterior walls have any kind of insulation.
  10. Turn RLV off, relog, remove abuser, turn RLV back on and relog (FS). That's what anyone needs to do the first time the abuse occurs. LL doesn't get involved in resident-to-resident disputes so ARing them for it probably won't garner any action on LL's part.
  11. Only thing left to do is turn overhead tags off and derender the stalker's avatar (on Firestorm). Out of sight, out of mind.
  12. Growing up I had bad night cramps in my calves, aka Charley horse. Sometimes they were so bad and painful the only way to stop it was to literally beat my calf muscles with my fist. They had stopped by the time I was in high school, but they started again about 2 years ago. That was before I started the melatonin. Now that I've finally gotten my Circadian rhythm back on track and can average 7 hours sleep most nights, they've stopped again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: For me, the melatonin lets me go to sleep but it's the other that keeps me asleep. I've been known to have a bowl at 2 or 3 am before.
  13. Well, no, I don't crap my pants and cry, but I do wake up every 2 freaking hours if I don't fire one up and pop a melatonin.
  14. Can't do anything about people but if it is available for you try over the counter melatonin for sleeping. Start with 2mg dosage, do not exceed 5mg. If, like me, you sometimes still wake after only 2 - 4 hours and can't get back to sleep within 15 minutes, it's ok to take another as long as you are not exceeding the 5mg limit. If necessary, to kickstart your Circadian rhythm, you can go as high as 10mg for a single does as long as you don't maintain it for more than a week or two at most. Melatonin is the one thing everyone can take. The other thing I have to do in conjunction with the melatonin in order to get at least 7 hours of actual sleep may not be legal where you live. Once you have established a regular sleep schedule, you should be able to stop taking the melatonin except on a rare occasion when your stress levels are just too high to allow your mind to shut up.
  15. That's an improvement in and of itself. 😋
  16. I don't do New Year resolutions, so I don't have to worry about breaking them.
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