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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. You were probably one of the kids running around saying TUBULAR! instead of cool. 🙄 Thankfully that didn't last long. lol Thanks Tubular Bells.
  2. If you like old 70s movies that might scare you bad enough to change your pants and your underwear, watch Jaws. Maybe sit on a towel or something, especially when the guy's head falls out of the bottom of the sinking boat. Of course, I saw it way back then and it was a lot scarier back then than it is now, but I still won't ever watch it again. lol
  3. Have you ever seen the movie Jaws? 😁
  4. This single thread in a niche forum is not representative of the millions of fans that do talk about the game itself and not all the fringe benefits. Europeans keep dogging on Americans without ever stopping to remember that their own countries have done just as badly and worse. And had far longer to commit their own stupidities and cruelties in by centuries.
  5. I noticed. Why you think I said that. 🤭
  6. This is one of those situations where the "if you can't handle the pushback get offline" bit is the best choice to make. If you don't want to see the commercials, change the channel. If you don't want to see ads online use an ad blocker or just ignore them. Whatever data they collect on me is useless since I never buy anything online. It may sound strange but a certain tv series in the 60s was pretty factually correct when it came to the advertising game. Very little has changed in advertising since then other than the tactics have gotten even more underhanded.
  7. I don't wear knickers so it must not have been me. 🤭
  8. I can't believe you typed all that and didn't even mention the Rose Bowl Parade!
  9. Because the stadiums are bowl shaped. It has nothing to do with the sport of bowling.
  10. @Maryanne Solo You laugh like it was funny. It wasn't. It was hard, sweaty labor in over 95F heat. The only thing that made it all worthwhile is the fact that where there once were no trees and lots of erosion going on, there is now a forest that I played a large part in planting. That is something to be proud of, not laughed at for. You wouldn't like it either if you had been laughed at your whole life for doing things or thinking differently.
  11. When I was quite young, I was on a youth work program one summer and planted trees out in the middle of nowhere. Walk a few steps, slam the shovel looking thing into the ground, wiggle it to and fro, drop the seedling in, shove the hole closed with your steel toed boot, walk a few steps, one after another after another after another. Reforesting clearcuts is a major PITA.
  12. You mean like Reaganomincs helped? It's been decades and I'm still not seeing the trickledown.
  13. That's one reason why I'm in the habit of quote people. Even if someone were to go back and completely change or delete a post, the original remains in the quote unless manually deleted by a mod.
  14. If you like smashing up RC trucks and cars, you'll like watching this guy's videos. https://www.youtube.com/c/JimRyan-AKA-Pigeon_Kicker/videos
  15. So, all the karaoke clubs in SL shut down. oops
  16. You don't have to be in love with someone for that person to be your Valentine. A friend, even an acquaintance, can be a Valentine.
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