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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I still don't think it's a case of LL needing Philip so much as Philip needs LL. He seems to be treading water.
  2. Not that thread. The official thread. As I recall you were not the one to bring it up in that thread. I want to say the post was on the first page but I'm not 100% certain. Either way in the end LL did the right thing and didn't try to shove Tilia down everyone's throats. That is what matters.
  3. roflmao Tell that to someone who hasn't been in SL for 19 years. 😛
  4. Remember the long thread when they first announced we all had to sign the Tilia TOS and what came about because of the information posters provided in that thread? Maybe people should go back and re-read those posts in that thread because that is when it came out that if you do not sell Ls or cash out, you do not have to agree to the Tilia ToS.
  5. Just so you all know, you're wasting your time collecting that info on me. It never changes unless Vista updates the Zoe head or Maitreya updates the body. I'm kind of like Anne McCaffery, some things always remain the same while everything else changes.
  6. I do not sell Ls nor do I convert or cash out. Once again, I have not had to accept Tilia's ToS on any of my accounts because I do not sell, convert or cash out.
  7. Nope. I have yet to agree to Tilia's terms. On any of my accounts. I do NOT cash out or convert to cash out. Never have and it is highly unlikely I ever will. I don't sell Ls either.
  8. If this is what you think I was saying, you are way off track. But this isn't the time or place to get into to all that so yes, we'll just have to agree to disagree and move on to picking on each other. MOOOOOOOM! SCYLLA TOUCHED ME AGAIN! 🤭
  9. No, it really isn't. The only thing sex is important for is procreation. Other than that, it's all just "fun and games". It took me too many decades and a lot of abuse to learn that hard lesson.
  10. I've had the thing go off when my complexity has been below 25k. It goes off all the time and I use Maitreya exclusively. I have it set for 100k and I rarely go over 50k on my own avatar.
  11. At the same time, SL (or any platform) doesn't need sex to have benefits that come with a freer and more progressive attitude towards the culture in general. Sex can be detrimental to that freer and more progressive attitude since it does tend to overshadow everything else.
  12. So, stocks plummeting like a sheer cliff face isn't a loss. You'll never convince an accountant or bookkeeper of that.
  13. *ques Nancy Sinatra, These Boots Were Made for Walking
  14. Suckface lost a lot more than 3.3 billion. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/03/mark-zuckerbergs-net-worth-fell-30-billion-as-meta-shares-tank.html#:~:text=Zuckerberg's %2429.8 billion loss is,worth last week%2C Bloomberg reports.
  15. Going to yet another webpage defeats the purpose of having the image in the folder with the outfit. And I am not paying to upload. The best way to deal with it is for the creators to drop the paranoia and make their images copiable. The MP does not have every item of clothing available on the grid on it.
  16. I saw that last night right before going to bed with a huge grin on my face.
  17. Rednecks are all over the US. It's just they aren't always called rednecks. But yes, they are regional. Mostly rural.
  18. It's not her but she has posted recently under another "new" account.
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