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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It's all fun and games until you get to that last bit in the bottle. You just can't squeeze it out because the bottom of the bottle is too stiff, and your tongue just isn't long enough to reach the bottom. What's a bear to do?
  2. Linden Lab is an American company. JFHC, do the research before inserting foot in mouth.
  3. Winnie the Pooh doesn't know what to do, his honey jar is now a squeeze bottle and will never get stuck on his nose again. Winnie the Pooh is oh so sad, you called his honey faff!
  4. That's great for the people who aren't risking messing up their viewer because they really have no business messing with the XML. I'm certainly not brave enough. Too much of a PITA to have to uninstall and do a clean reinstall.
  5. The creators I buy clothing from have been setting the attachment point for years. Once in a while they might forget but most of the time the attachment point has been reset (semantics 🙄) from the right hand to a more appropriate point. That is what I am talking about.
  6. The initial attaching has to be done by the creator in order to set the attachment point. Since clothing is mostly no mod how are you, the customer, going to change the attachment point? Think about the process you have to go through. That is the same process the creator has to use to set the attachment point. And if LL changed Wear to Replace (like it once was many years ago as I recall) people would gripe and want it change back to Wear. Come to think about it, if creators were to stop setting attachment points people would gripe about that, too.
  7. If LL were to remove Wear, clothing creators would not be able to attach new things to set the point. If you don't want creators putting out new clothing, then ok.
  8. People who use Firestorm need to 1) stop running off the very people who can help and 2) USE THE FREAKING FS WEBSITE firestorm_troubleshooting [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org) Need more? Support - Firestorm Viewer - The Phoenix Firestorm Project Inc. tells you where and how to find the support groups inworld.
  9. Since they called you, why couldn't they just go ahead and set up another appointment when they called? I'd be looking for another carpenter.
  10. Unless you want your email full of spam, I'd leave the email portion off. Notifications work just fine without it.
  11. Like the game itself, the word “football” has foreign ancestors. Historians trace American football back to two European cousins, soccer and rugby. Both began as kicking games. Soccer- the most popular sport in the world – was originally known as “association football.” Newspapers seeking a shorter phrase began to refer to it as “assoc.” That name was soon shortened to “soc” and then grew back a bit to “soccer.” While rugby also began as a football game, in 1823 something occurred that changed the kicking game forever. A player named William Webb Ellis, instead of kicking the ball over the goal line, picked it up and ran it across. At first, observers didn’t know what to think. Eventually, the agreed it was a good idea. The game was played at the Rugby School and became known as rugby football, later shortened to rugby. Both soccer-style football and rugby-style football eventually found their way to America. What resulted was an American combination of the two games. It wasn't until much later (1906) that forward passing was allowed. So, because the American game was really just another form of the European football games, it too became known as football.
  12. I lost all interest in football when the Saints FINALLY won a Superbowl. !!!!!111111eleventy!11!!!!!111!!! tl;dr Superbowl. Meh.
  13. I remember a time when there would be over 100 people showing up. That was the whole reason for the 4 corner regions in the first place. Then attendance started dropping off. There are solutions. The question is, is LL willing to fork out the bucks it will take to, at least, have a live stream that several thousand people can listen to at once. You know, like people listen to AM/FM radio. And someone to transcribe for those who have hearing loss (or lack of). No reason it can't be published on the LL blog either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Peeve: Threads being deleted (not locked) before I can even read. There is no point in having notifications turned on when someone quotes me so I don't miss their post if I can't even read the reply. At least let me have the option to respond privately with context! That means just locking the durn thread not deleting it.
  15. Just all up one side and down the other aren't you. 🤭
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