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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. If you're breathing that you're committing suicide.
  2. In the near future we will all be forced to pay for the air we breathe.
  3. The viewer is NOT open source. FFS Do you even read what others post? There is nothing in SL that is open source. FULL STOP. TPVs do NOT support "engineered simulators with their own currency". Stop pulling made up bs out of your ass.
  4. With your hand over your eyes, fingers spread wide as you say, "Ok I won't!"?
  5. You obviously have very little experience with forums and how things work.
  6. It's funny. My bf in the early days of SL was barely of legal age to be in SL. She was more like a little sister to me. My Sissy Poo. I didn't know she was that young, I was in my 40s, more than twice her age. Still, I watched her grow up in SL and finally get married. She has a life of her own now. Yes, it was shocking to find out how young she was, but it didn't change anything. So instead of you being my little sissy poo, you'd be my granddaughter. 😂
  7. This isn't the first time someone has asked this question about the SL DoB. Each and every time it has been asked, it's been asked for the same reason. Someone joined SL before they were of age to do so. I doubt it will be the last time it happens.
  8. It prevents brand new alts of griefers from being able to access. The lousy introduction should be blamed on the griefers, the ones who are the reason for that feature being implemented. Half the sims? Shirley you exaggerate! Edit: Also, how would anyone know when to celebrate your SL birthday? Who wants to have to go around reminding everyone? People gripe about this kind of thing in RL every day, yet you guys WANT it in SL? YOU'RE ALL NUTZ!
  9. It would help if you knew the actual facts and didn't keep posting things that are simply not true. LL has never open sourced SL. Only parts of the viewer were open sourced for TPVs. Nothing else. The originator of Kitley, Inworldz and all of those was "reverse engineered" (not exactly but close enough) from SL, not open sourced.
  10. What did I just read? 😳 No. Don't tell me. I really don't want to know. 🕳️💦
  11. Lindens will tell you when in doubt AR it and let the Lindens sort it out. It has been said over and over and over and over on this forum and elsewhere.
  12. One would think LL being an American company is an indication that it is the source in answer to Gabriel's question. SL seems mostly American because the company that owns it is American, so many of the people you meet will be American. It's that simple. Nothing illogical about it.
  13. In 2010, the United States Supreme Court case of Hertz Corp. v. Friend concluded the principal place of business refers to the place where corporations' high-level officers direct, control and coordinate the corporations' activities. A corporation's state of incorporation and principal place of business each count for (or against) diversity jurisdiction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hertz_Corp._v._Friend Linden Lab is an American company domiciled in California, USA. Where residents of SL are domiciled in real life has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not LL is an American company.
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