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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I don't know of any that do. That doesn't mean there isn't any. But yes, it would be collected by LL if you live in the US. In turn, (on a quarterly basis in most cases) LL pays the sales taxes they have collected to the state or local collection agency (the government tax office). If LL makes an error of any kind, they have to a) refund the overpaid taxes to the customers and b) file an amended return in the quarter following the screw up.
  2. That isn't how it works. I've already linked how it does work.
  3. I keep seeing Johnson and reading Jackson. 🤨 They seem to have similar views on slavery, so I think I'm ok.
  4. It's not hard to prove. All you need is your original receipt. It's not hard to do the math.
  5. MP are intangible goods. Most tax jurisdictions (in the US) do not tax intangibles, only tangibles.
  6. Cuba had nukes in 1962 sent to them by Russia. That is a fact. I lived it and I still live with that fear 60 years later.
  7. It doesn't take a lawsuit to get a refund on over paid sales tax. See the link I posted above.
  8. Harmless shenanigans are rarely (if ever) completely harmless. Just something to think about.
  9. Linden Lab https://www.taxjar.com/blog/file/sales-tax-refunds
  10. Cuban Missile Crisis. Just outside the city limits of the town I grew up in was a major air force base. I was a sitting duck from the time I was 3 years old. And yes, I do remember those 17 days very vividly. I have never been so devastatingly scared. It was all over the news and my parents could not keep from us kids. What would you do if your 3-year-old came to you with tears running down her face asking you if you were all going to die?
  11. The only other body I use (on my alts) is the Ebody. And not the one that is updateable. One body per account. I can't afford more.
  12. I know what you meant. 😝 That was one major reason I went with Maitreya. Another being I know how long she has been in SL and have watched her work evolve over the years. I've always loved her work, just couldn't afford to buy more than boots or shoes on rare occasion. At one point, if I had had the money, I would have bought every pair of boots and shoes she created. Or nearly every pair. 🤭
  13. Same here but I can't access any of the Premium sandboxes. I have tried once or twice not realizing they were restricted to premium only. I was not a happy camper when I learned the reason why. They keep shrinking basic accounts (or trying to) to give more to premiums without actually giving more to the grid as a whole. Not cool, dudes.
  14. People have wondered why Maitreya stuck with just the one body. I think they're just starting to figure out she knew wtf she was doing.
  15. Not really. Lots of premiums still treat those who are basic like second class citizens. Same as LL does. But let's not go there.
  16. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address begins with the words, “Four score and seven years ago".
  17. Sarcasm tends to make me respond with same but with a cute impish grin on my face.
  18. oops this was supposed to be an edit See, @Madelaine McMasters, it still happens to me once in a while. 😋
  19. Now I can read it even with my glasses on, thank you. 🕳️💦
  20. Just for grins and giggles. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_set_profile_pictures#:~:text=The correct aspect ratio for,in the profile picture area. This is the link everyone is looking for: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits#Textures
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