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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. You do a LOT for all of us every week so take care of RL and we can take care of ourselves. Please be well and be safe!
  2. Lovely! And I love the name; the pond was totally worth it! 😆
  3. Clearly some monkey business is afoot!!! 🙈 🐒
  4. @Frigga Freidman You should know by now that I will need to know where those lovely wallpapers are from and also the built-ins in your kitchen!! Please, please?
  5. I don't know how I missed these stunning photos when you posted them! I love your garden mural, it is so lovely and expansive.
  6. Orange tabbies are the best!! That's why my Tiggie lives on in SL as Tiggie Forever: !
  7. They say that hope is the greatest medicine........ 🤗
  8. We could just shop Reid Parkin more often: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/147298
  9. While I was at Trompe picking up the latest SuperFans sale items I spotted this lovely pavilion in three wood choices, weighing in at 35-38LI, all for L$88:
  10. You make many good points and thank you for the careful and caring observations. I especially agree and vote with you on this one ^^^^^!!
  11. I was poking around BelliDemo this morning to see if there was any place that a new theme home could be placed and, yes, I would say, with a bit of re-landscaping, there is! 😉
  12. I can second your comments on Bazar: I have their Forest Dining set and use its various parts over and over and OVER again, almost every time I furnish a home!
  13. And I just snapped this photo from the top of the BelliHub Lighthouse:
  14. Updating my list of Bellisseria Community Centers and pondering what other places of interest I should add. Corrections and suggestions gladly welcomed! As of 4-20-23 Ebbe Altberg Memorial - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Altberg/108/125/52 Belli Demo: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BelliDemo/96/13/22 (Try out available Linden Home styles!) Belli Hub: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BelliHub/137/169/22 (Tutorials plus game and event spaces) Traditionals - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chippewa Junction/153/127/64 (Chippewa Junction RR Station) Houseboats - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Puffin Head/41/136/23 Campers - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campwich Forest/247/11/69 Victorians - Log Homes - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Randelsham Forest/131/180/23 Stilts - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Treeowatoor/214/34/23 Chalet - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Muehlenbach/92/115/23 Fantasy wedding site - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fairstone Quarry/128/128/23 Newbrooke - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Newbank/134/142/23 Sakura - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shobu/94/127/23 Bellisseria Fairgrounds - currently empty but most of the big Bellisseria events happen here. Land on the pier so you don't accidentally get stuck in whatever the next build is going to be. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whiskey Bay/173/3/24 The SS Galaxy - formerly part of the Blake Sea, it has been brought into Bellisseria to preserve it. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Galaxy AFT/190/59/21
  16. Had to check again before I go into a Zoom; two avvies working on BelliHub, then one by the time I took the screenshot, then two again as I logged out. You can see more of the shapes of house parcels on BelliDemo now too.
  17. Thanks, Stellaa! I hope to do some nearby lurking soon to see if anyone is working on those regions. 6 avatars working in BelliHub right now at 7:28a.m. 🦉 🦉 🦉
  18. Wow, 84 of us at the Fairgrounds now; 95 when I arrived so maybe some folks crashed. I am the blue hammie dancing on the lower left, Patch and friends are on the far side of the group. Tres cool!
  19. Just lovely! Please tell me what EEP or Windlight you are using there; I have been on a search for the perfect EEP (preferably day-cycle) and decided the only way is really to quiz folks who use ones that I especially like. TIA
  20. I got a Houseboat up on Kermits Green on 4/10 but my second choice (nearby) was still available on 4/12. I rolled for Houseboats randomly over the weekend with Leora and with an alt and did land parcels up in the NE corner of Houseboats but never near my 1st or 2nd choice.
  21. I had my first experience at requesting a specific LH as a P+ member recently and learned a few things: 1. Don't bother on the weekends unless you enjoy waiting for a weekday (I know, I know, shudda been obvious!) 2. Yes, do include a second choice though I got my first choice. One question that did occur to me: since both my 1st and 2nd choices stayed open/available for a few days and my 2nd choice is still open, are some choice spots simply held open for possible requests? Inquiring minds, ya know... 3. Linden folks are lovely.
  22. Thanks for your help! 😊
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