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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. If you like the theme it is always worth playing for a home in that theme. Worst case: it helps you figure out what you really like and what you really do not like in the theme. Best case: you find a total gem and are so happy that you give up rolling (for a while at least)!! Happy Hunting!
  2. Istelathis sent me on a trip down memory lane just now and I took Tiggie to visit one of my early haunts in SL: Rockcliffe University where I took many, many classes back in the day! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rockcliffe I/158/136/26 Once I got there, I TP'd to the central campus and found one of Pumpkin Tripsa's great statues: Diana the Huntress, which I think he even gave away free. So many memories!!
  3. The Totally True Tale of a Bellisseria Cat Our RL ginger boy, Tiggie, came into our lives on a raw, snowy night in early March, 2006. My youngest and some friends were hanging out in a village a few minutes from our town when they saw a small, dirty, and very wet orange kitten trying to cross the road to them. They quickly scooped him up to safety and brought him to the side of the road, hoping that he would wander toward his home. Instead he began following them until my daughter picked him up and tucked him inside the top of her coat where he shivered against her for a long time before he began to warm up. It was too late to knock on doors to find the kitten’s home by then so my daughter brought him home and barricaded him in her room for the night with food and necessities to keep him away from our adult cats. By morning, when she nervously let me peek into her room, there was a tiny but very clean and tidy kitten on the carpet looking up at us. The local vet estimated that Tiggie was about three months old when he was found. My daughter posted notices and photos in Tiggie’s home village to try to find his first home but never got any replies. So, Tiggie joined our family. Tiggie always had personality to burn and he loved to be where the humans were and helping do whatever the humans were doing. He was so engaging that my eldest child packed him and his necessities up and took him to college with her for a couple of weeks where he became a welcome guest throughout the dorm. In winters, Tiggie slept on my feet at night, making a toasty foot-warmer for me. Tiggie graced our family’s lives with his sweetness and silliness for 14 years in RL until he died of complications from his diabetes on March 17, 2020. His spirit was so strong that he now lives in SL as Tiggie Forever and, again, follows me wherever I go and wants to do everything the humans do. We still love you, Tiggie!
  4. That is stunning! I love city skyboxes and high apartments!!!
  5. Thank you; that is toooooooooo funny. If you ever want to hear blues or some other music that might be familiar (with or without flower!), IM me. Tobys and Fogbound have full schedules of blues and there are Bellisseria parties throughout the week and they tend to be full of appealing whack-jobs like me. 😄
  6. /me wonders what "Lindo" is............ 🤨
  7. Joe Bonamassa "Drive"............. last chance to chill out and roll into bed............ I will figure out how to embed it tomorrow
  8. I hope I am not getting boring but I seem to be having a dancing weekend and this evening Tiggie has joined the ladies on the dance line at Fogbound, moving to the hottest of blues. When you get here, we will be 90 hot folks on the sim!
  9. Sorry for spamming y'all but, if you have not visited the Bellisseria Fairgrounds for the Big Splash Adventure Oasis Water Park 2023, you have not lived!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bellisseria Fairgrounds/135/194/24
  10. Hence the new reviews podcast "Water Too Wet, Beach Too Sandy!!"
  11. Here we are; come to the Fairgrounds!! (pssst: I am handing out "mana"; don't tell anyone)
  12. Here are some upcoming dances/parties that the Hammie Family is throwing at the Fairgrounds. Early, late, all over the place. See you there?? Updated: Shuffled some sets around so wanted to update! DJ GISELLE - Big Splash Adventure Saturday, 29 July⋅12:00 – 2:00 pm DJ CHUCKEY - Big Splash Adventure Sunday, 30 July⋅12:00 – 2:00 pm DJ GIO - Big Splash Adventure Thursday, 3 August⋅6:00 – 8:00 pm DJ HUNTRESS- Big Splash Adventure Friday, 4 August⋅4:00 – 6:00 pm DJ FREDDIE - Big Splash Adventure Saturday, 5 August⋅1:00 – 3:00 pm DJ FUYUKO - Big Splash Adventure Sunday, 6 August⋅12:00 – 2:00 pm DJ MATTI - Big Splash Adventure Thursday, 10 August⋅2:00 – 4:00 pm DJ ALEX- Big Splash Adventure Saturday, 12 August⋅2:00 – 4:00 pm DJ STEPHANIE - Big Splash Adventure Sunday, 13 August⋅12:00 – 2:00 pm ♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♬ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bellisseria Fairgrounds/151/237/23
  13. OMG, you have created a monster! I looked in the inventory of my original avvie (retired now) and found a photo of her dancing with my male alt (NO idea why!!) on Sept 17, 2008.
  14. OMG, yes! I have whole worlds in my inventory! I guess I could sort it by age and start pulling stuff out, yes?
  15. No body, this time.... I admit that I only assumed the boat was copyable and returned it. This happens a LOT on my Blake Sea parcel so I just get used to taking the trash out daily.
  16. Thanks, I thought about fixing it but couldn't be bothered at the time, LOL.
  17. Here is one common hazard in boating communities, LOL. I found this unexpected visitor in my yard on the Gulls Wing Estate this morning when I logged in:
  18. Thank you, it was a nice evening at Tobys but you left Tiggie out of the photo and he has been giving me the cold shoulder over it so here is another pic:
  19. Early on in SL in 2007, when I realized you could rent a place to live, my first great SLove was a beautiful little Zen garden, rocks and raked sand and all. I loved that spot and have never gotten over my dream of recreating a Zen garden just like it, though I do not have one now.
  20. Yeah, around here I think they routinely fail the kids the first time to make them a bit more careful. Back in the day I passed but got marked down for "improper use of gears" and I was driving an automatic!!!
  21. FAR-day Party in Chippewa Junction right now:
  22. FAR-day Party in Chippewa Junction right now:
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