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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Again, I am not sure where to post this so here goes. I have been using some lovely decking for ages on the half region I rent. I have loved it for a long time but the LODs are terrible, especially noticeable on a large piece of land and it does not seem to have been updated. I replaced some yesterday with pieces from another vendor and the LODs are much better though the LI is a bit higher. (The older decking is from Goose, the newer from Virtual Nature.) In the photos below the old decking on the left is 8 LI linked while the new version on the right is 12 LI. Any suggestions for other makers of mesh decking pieces? Thanks!
  2. @LittleMe Jewell @Charolotte Caxton Yeah, wow, I had to blow it up to infinity to see that; how on earth did you ever notice it, Eagle Eyes??
  3. That is part of Trompe's Finley kitchen: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Trompe-Loeil-Finley-Kitchenette-PG-V11-mesh/8438099 I use it fairly often but it is not as low in LI as the kitchens we have been looking at (the MP ad says 37 LI) and it has seven color options.
  4. Since we are discussing kitchens and I got inspired by Theresa Firelight's wonderful new article on kitchens in her blog, here are a few of my go-to kitchens that I posted over there in a comment. Note that these are (as far as I know) not currently sale items but are not exorbitently priced either: Here is one kitchen that I used a LOT: Chez Moi's Quinn kitchen https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CHEZ-MOI-Quinn-Kitchen-PG/20912184 (18 LI as shown, with color options, but no fridge) Also, Chez Moi's Bellshire Kitchen, which I do not own as yet, looks good with similar LI and features: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CHEZ-MOI-Bellshire-Kitchen-Sink-PG/22159316 Since fridges seem to be omitted so often (NO idea why), my frequent flyer fridge is the BAZAR retro fridge, 4 LI, fully loaded with food and very easy to recolor: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BAZAR-Retro-fridge/5514890 (that is Trompe's Finley kitchen partially shown in the background, not tremendously low in LI but I like it.) 😄
  5. WOW, brilliant and right on time!!! I don't know yet if you have done bathrooms (but will be over to check!) but I can testify that I have used Fayded's shower, tub, and toilet/sink combo in the majority of any homes I have furnished in the past year or so.
  6. There are a lot; here are a few I liked but my taste may be very different from yours: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PETITU-In-the-Clouds-Skybox/23582356 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Chelsea-Victorian-Loft-Skybox-House-100-original-mesh/8131826 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Victorian-Skybox/905671
  7. Awww, I can understand your frustrations and I think all of us hope you will keep popping in to the forums even if you are not as present in SL as you have been. I remember when I sold my Nautilus land a few years ago that I spent time renting and found a private estate that I loved, renting everything from a boat slip to half a region from them. There are ways to avoid the frustrations you have been having though I do not know of any way to avoid SL's many avenues to obsession. 😉
  8. Tiggie and I are continuing with our water obsession and just found a gorgeous parcel RIGHT on the Blake Sea. (I blame Tiggie, he is such a bad influence!) 🙀
  9. You could rent a spot for the interim, hop around all of the continents and estates in SL to begin to get a feel for what appeals to you. I did that for years and rented skyboxes, small homes near blues clubs, water parcels for boating, mountain and snow parcels to try that out, just whatever struck my fancy for a few weeks or months. Currently (and I do not recommend this unless you are immune to all SL land addictions!!), I have a Linden Chalet home in a gorgeous location and a water lot from which I can take a boat easily to the Blake Sea and all over. You are more than welcome to visit my water lot; there are several rezzers there that will let you rez a small boat or a jetski to go exploring with: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Argybargy/234/145/21 Just be extremely careful buying any land as prices vary from modest to really extreme but bargains can be found and the search is 90% of the fun, even if you end up not buying. Above all: have fun!
  10. I love a man that cleans, gotta get me one of those!! 😉😉
  11. Sigh, I should have thought of that. Thanks! 😒
  12. Wow, there are a bunch of HUGE colored development areas up near the New Noirs!!
  13. I think just that George C. Scott playing General Buck Turgidson in Dr. Strangelove, John deLancie, the actor playing Q on various Star Trek series and Goethe look so similar.
  14. YES, all excellent suggestions! There are many sailing communities like Gulls Wing, that host weekly races and are also are home to music venues. https://www.gullswing.com/rentals.php Try Mad Pea Games; I have teamed up with folks to work through a game and chat on the way: https://www.madpeagames.com/ Check out SL's Destination Guide too or, if you love stories, head to libraries like Seanchai that have had weekly gatherings and readings since the early, early days of SL:
  15. Search for clubs that feature the kind of music you like.
  16. This and the one from Charolotte gave me a quick flashback to my Dad, bless his soul; he was such a shy, quiet man but had a habit of photographing every woman in our extended family at the sink, washing dishes. He was widely hate/loved and notorious for this, LOL!
  17. Stellar location; just a quick hop into the main waterway. I can see my alt's home in the background, next to the rez zone. I hope the next to catch it realizes what they have!
  18. Stunning! Looks like the Trompe Loeil - Jendayi Wavecrest Ranch Cottage, definitely a new-to-me take on a "ranch-style" home. Thanks for posting that!
  19. Tiggie and me at our new Sea Haven sky platform, looking up at a beautiful neighbor:
  20. Thank you SO much! I did not know that anyone was keeping her store going in SL ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Livingtree/107/130/24 ) so I am here now buying china tea services. In RL I have have enjoyed her Tarot deck for years and years. I did not know her but she seemed as if she was a generous soul in both worlds!
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