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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Did you happen to notice how the LODs were on the decking? I used Goose decking that I loved for years but the LODs were terrible and I remade them all with parts from other vendors recently.
  2. I totally agree with the previous few posters; almost every Stilt on Land that I have caught has had enough water to satisfy me. At the moment, I and an alt have two SoLs that are right next to rez zones so I find that the best of both worlds.
  3. I have been in SL for over 15 years and I only just realized that the middle pt of a region at 128,128 is always a protected area, LOL.
  4. Who is your little friend? Both of you are adorable!
  5. Lovely work, a sweet story and thank you for naming/dedicating your wonderful playground to Dorothy Pitman Hughes!
  6. Such a lovely memorial; thank you to whoever put this together: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pulse/123/137/21
  7. I just love the star field and Horsehead Nebula! Is that a surround?
  8. Tiggie and I just visited the little store belonging to our own Chloe Bunny at the SL Living Expo. There are some 1 LI beachy rugs, 3 for L$150 and the lovely 1 LI beach scene plus 6 LI bench for L$150. Chloe's place is third on the list: https://sl-living-expo.org/hunt-info/ Don't forget to search for the L$25 coffee mug Hunt Prize; Chloe's prize is a decorative bunch of eggs.
  9. Do you have a way of knowing when a region hits the grid or are you just keeping great records?
  10. So elegant and charming! Where is that? May we visit?
  11. The only thing that brings me some joy here is that Tess and Rob can now be together again, forever.... I too spent much noob time in Sn@tch.
  12. Houseboats on a 2048 lot?? Now, that is interesting, President Diamond!! 😆 🥰
  13. I need to run right out and get that as we wait for snow tomorrow!
  14. "Last night, I dreamt I [of] Manderley again...." (apologies to Daphne du Maurier.) I don't remember ever dreaming about SL before but last night I dreamed that I was standing at the southern edge of the Newbrooke Void and I saw each of the void regions in it edged in thick red squares on the map. Prophecy? Impatience? Nightmare? Who knows..... 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️
  15. Try this (not adding in tax): Plan Annual in $$ Stipend Annl (use 254) Net Cost per Year Per Month Prem $99.00 $61.42 $37.58 $3.13 Prem+ $249.00 $133.07 $115.93 $9.66
  16. I tend to agree; I have been playing around with 1024 water lots though it has forced some advanced planning about which Linden Homes mean the most to me and what I will do when the 2048s do drop.
  17. Thanks! Fortunately I had a millennial close to hand and she understood it right away.
  18. Once again, I had to ask my kids to explain this to me....
  19. REALLY?? A Dad joke?? Elephino (El-if-I-know).
  20. YES, I just discovered the wonders of the Favorite Wearables folder, especially for times when you need to dump your habitual attachments (that HUD, head and body HUDS, favorite cat, etc.) before you jump on a boat or a train! I know, I am late to the party!
  21. Yes, I have caught Moles working on the weekend when they are in the middle of a big project, like lining the channel between the Newbrookes and the Chalets with sims and sims of houseboats.
  22. The marketplace links provided so far are right on the money. If you do a search on "what is she wearing", you will find a large number ranging in price from about L$0 to L$200. I have several of them and they seem to work similarly if not identically. I just keep one parked on the bottom of my screen.
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