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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Remember, you DO have the right to privacy and keeping your personal business off the public forums. Just sayin'.....
  2. Excellent news, thanks for letting us know. I would be willing to wait for five Linden Bears!!
  3. Weekends are not your friend regarding responses to at least that type of support ticket. I would think you will get a reply today.
  4. Wow, they could use some Linden Landscaping!! Send in the Moles!
  5. I made one, Kieran Blackwood, maybe 10 years ago when I was doing some Game of Thrones roleplay. I also gave up on men's hair and now just stick to whatever is part of the skin I use:
  6. The Guided Tour episode just landed in my Stitcher lineup so am listening now. Thank you for posting these! I agree that the girls can be raucous and silly but I have friends like that so I can take them and, at least in the first SL podcast, they settled down and made a great podcast. 😀 Edited to add: this discussion rather leaned into the things we(I??) fear won't lead to growth in SL: a complicated onboarding experience for noobies and an emphasis on sex. Maybe I am just naive and need to accept that SL will forever be a niche experience but my personal hope is that more and more folks will explore it and enjoy it. But the folks on the podcast did sound as if they planned to come back to SL so I would like to see them explore a wider variety of clubs, some shopping events, an art gallery, some of the places that run classes for noobs and some of the libraries. We can hope!
  7. Go tumbleweeds! I call my alts Vagabonds and even named our group after them.
  8. I was just looking in the Knowledge Base to try to answer that question and not finding any answers. For now, I will go with yours! 😄
  9. You'd think that I would know stuff after 16 years in SL but there are a million holes in my personal knowledge base. Who here uses Land Experiences on their LH parcels? Details, please!
  10. 1. Good grief, poor baby! Stay in SL, it is so much safer than RL! 2. Good buddies are the second best thing in the world! 3. Good Blues is THE best thing in the world! I am often to be found at Fogbound Blues or Tobys Juke Joint so let me know if/when you want more company. 🤠 Forgot to say: your place is lovely, great job!
  11. SOOO lovely! Given how wonderfully those add-ons work, I may need to reconsider Ranch homes.
  12. The Boho Daybed is still on sale; I just stopped by and bought it!
  13. Just a quick peek in the MP yields these results for complete avatars costing between L$0 and L$10. I may need to do some shopping!!
  14. My whole family laughed, looking over my shoulder!! 🤣
  15. So much truth there! I remember, from my early pre-mesh days in SL, saying that only the land barons and skin makers made money. But you reminded me of that dude whose name I have forgotten too. There was an interesting video of him using full-body motion capture suits to make his animations (though, sadly, I don't think he included any of the sex anims in the video!) Ha! It was Stroker Serpentine I was trying to remember!!
  16. WOW, that mirror effect is stunning! Is that a water setting or do you have some fancy footwork going on?
  17. I have hopped away from most of the Belli parcels where I had vehicle rezzers out but I still have both a Balloon Rezzer and a Car Rezzer for either air or land jaunts at Trampledon: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trampledon/133/21/23
  18. Yes, same expanded page, but probably sold out for now along with the other themes you mentioned.
  19. Tiggie and a bar cat dancing with the ladies at Tobys Juke Joint:
  20. LOL, after using most of my five daily rolls and catching no beachy trads at all, I finally got smart and said, "You dummy, you are P+ and you must have spent that money for something so go find a beachy trad and ask for it!" Let me tell you there are not many (any?) beachy trads sitting around unclaimed so it took a while to find one that was close to what I wanted. When I finally did find one, it was same one I had before, ages and ages ago! The best part is that I have so many of Blush Bravin's lovely addons that I was quickly able to get the basic house together. Now for furnishing and landscaping....
  21. Oh, I love beachy trads! I may need to try for one later today; it has been forever (in SL forever) since I briefly had one.
  22. Wow, I just love all the additions you placed inside and out!!
  23. Tiggie and I are enjoying our little corner at Leora Landing on the Blake Sea. My neighbors to the north and west are a friendly pirate RP gang and someone has created a lovely mermaid hang-out area on the seafloor beneath us. This is paradise!!
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