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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. I have this German shepherd: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Princess-Deidras-ARF-Visitor-Counter/9681426 IMs me when someone comes into the range I set and I have SL configured to email my IMs. Not too scary though you can set him to bark at visitors, lol.
  2. Cape Vonni has a new home on the southern coast of Chaletesseria in Barbeau: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Barbeau/48/62/22 There you will find a balloon rezzer, an inflatable rezzer, a small motorboat rezzer and a jetski rezzer for your adventures among the Houseboats and the Chalets. No connecting roads from the houseboat parcel so no land-vehicle rezzers.
  3. Another 4-Mole Day (up to 5 Moles now but I will stick that that screenshot) with what looks like Houseboat placements and some region restarts mixing in:
  4. Wow, a 6-Mole Day so far; so exciting! LOL, I just discovered that a group of Moles is called a Labour of Moles. Well, they certainly are laboring (labouring?)!! Moving so fast, working so hard, I can't even get them to rez, LOL. No matter; exciting day and week!
  5. Tiggie and me waiting for the train in Muehlenbach. I realized that I was stuck back in the mesh applier days and had no clue about BOM so today I dug out the Letutka Kaya head, updated my Lara body, and played around till I had absorbed some of the stuff I needed to learn.
  6. Sadly, I needed my kids to explain that to me!! 🤣
  7. OMG, Grumpy Mole, how adorable are you? And working on a Saturday, who's a good boy????
  8. This is fascinating to watch!!! Like standing at a hole in the construction wall watching a building go up, LOL. Lots of houseboat piers being placed and a tunnel between Judge Knott and Alpen Springs being built. All so cool!
  9. The March of the Houseboats continues! This is a 4-Mole Day: Adora, Abnor, Lulabell and Moonstruck are hard at work. So exciting!
  10. Yes, that could totally be it! They were moving; I could see from the map that there were 4 avatars there but it was such a surprise to see what they looked like.
  11. Some "new home theme"? SOME NEW HOME THEME????????????????? 🙀🙀
  12. Anyone know how to read/interpret a Newbrooke Template Map??
  13. The expansion I have been waiting for is finally happening. I was not even seeing these new regions on the map but here is the new view from Judge Knott, looking east. The region I am standing on is called SSPShore Leave.
  14. Sorry, I could have checked while I was nearby but did not think of it; a missed opportunity. I did check the MP and saw nothing at all like them.
  15. I don't know where to post this so here will do! I was poking around in the sea near Olde Belli and came across a group of avvies who are sea creatures. Something quite beautiful that I had never seen before!
  16. I would love to see the Owl House if/when you do it. Owls Flight is the region I won the right to name in an ACS auction ages ago. 🦉 🦉
  17. Just over an hour from now, plenty of time to rub the sleep from your eyes and grab some coffee and join the Mayne Line gang:
  18. I totally understand; aside from my recent fascination with small waterlots, I have very happily rented a half region in the Gulls Wing Community for years and years. https://www.gullswing.com/rentals.php I think you can only find the lovely and protected area you are looking for in a private estate like Gulls Wing.
  19. aaarrgh, so sorry to hear that; there is a reason they call old houses "money pits", sigh....
  20. Thank you SO much for posting these listings so consistently, Frigga!! You truly are our Home Shopping Guide!
  21. I am going to try to take these bits of advice to heart and "declutter" some parcels. Recently I have found myself buying 1024 water lots and that can become addicting too. I now have one very near and sailable to Blake Sea and one beside the southern part of Olde Belli. I need to stop with the "oh, it's such a fabulous parcel, how can I ever leave" thinking and just rip that bandaid off. I will, I will.... 🙀 🙀 🙀 Update: okay, O Mighty Support Team, I divested myself of one Linden Home (my Sakura, sob...) I had a moment of "oh, no, I spent so much time landscaping and the setting is gorgeous..." but I steeled myself and pulled the plug. Glug, glug, glug and now I am back to just the annual "Premium/or no" decisions with no extra tier. Step by step...
  22. TY! Things will probably amble back slowly....
  23. You are absolutely right so I bought it for an alt!! Great price, thank you!
  24. Exciting day! The new regions are up to the bottom of Lavenders Blue already at 10:42 SLT.
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