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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. I hope you are right (with either guess) but, based on past experience, I am expecting just more and more houseboats.....
  2. Tiggie and I visiting The Tapestry of Time for the first time and planning to return again and again. I remember all of these events from my birth year of 2007 sooooooooooooooo well but not this unrecognizable Patch Linden!!
  3. I am still looking for the one that says "I'm Leaving for S.L."......
  4. Please do! I definitely need help as I am now at Scarlet Creative, drooling over beachy houses and probably gonna buy one (some???)
  5. Yeah, I think now that you are right; I am at Concept, looking at La Villa and it is close but there are differences.
  6. I was looking for some of my old low-complexity outfits yesterday but found none except tinies and small animals, or just dumping my current body, head and hair. 😢 😿
  7. LOL, at this rate one of us will be buying it by tomorrow....
  8. Gorgeous photos but I have NO idea what Toaster Mode is! A filter?
  9. I am thinking it is the Concept}. La Villa. HOUSE, available on the MP for L$790, L$795 and up:
  10. Yikes, that sounds more horrifying than the Cornfield!! 🙀 🙀 🙀 🙀
  11. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww............ 🤗
  12. I have gotten into a new SL evening habit in recent months. If my kids are watching something on TV that I can't stand, I open my kitchen laptop and log in to one of my two favorite blues clubs, listen to the music, dance (on a bar in one club, LOL) and maybe prop a book up against the laptop. I can still see my kids and talk to them if/when needed so it is win/win for us all. 🥰
  13. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/OP-OPEN-PONY-Basic-Pony-Avatar/22771877
  14. Got a ride from 4lice Cerise, thanks very much!!!
  15. I would love to be shot out of a cannon; must try that. Why would everyone hear different music through the HUD? This media item is new to me, sorry!
  16. Enjoying the music in Motown finally; took me a while to realize I needed a HUD, to find the HUD and get it running. I am not media-aware enough to know why the HUD is being used but it is working for me now. I saw 140 in this region a while ago; 130 now.
  17. Six nice and private changing rooms (I totally had a THING for changing rooms when I was a noob!) and lots of instructions on how to do everything. Lovely!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/WelcomeHub/83/146/25
  18. Thanks, Thea! Take note of the split rail fence around a 2048 parcel and the bales of hay in the distance. LL is either dropping big hints or totally messing with us (or BOTH!!) The parcel says in the Land Tool that it is 2048 yet has a "Parcel Border" line across the middle. I am not sure how to interpret that. Oh, and the parcel name is "LH Demo???"; LL is so coy it hurts!
  19. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MESHWORXBOXCantella-Build/21814859 this one, I think.
  20. Waiting for the New Dawn on the Edge of Glory.....
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