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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. This is true. A lot of places have stuff in the lower depths of their land covenants that you can mention to them, and they'll look and go oh, yeah, that's gotta go. I lived in a faery glen, on land that was of the "build to theme or else" variety, and my two neighbors did their best to keep to the look of the land. I got a neighbor who immediately put up big glowy stuff that towered over my treeline, flattened the land, and made it all astroturf, and one IM to the landlady and they were gone. I don't feel bad about it at all, you don't move to the forest and put dayglo crap over my trees and stuff. If your landbaron doesn't act on what's in the land covenant, that's when I would suggest finding a better spot.
  2. Just put a wall up of your own that obscures their wall, and has a picture of a friendly neighbor with a nice house on it. Maybe they'll see it.
  3. I think SLX would be more like. People's minds could fill in the imaginary E with the L in place there. My residual inner Business of Design (A.K.A. Evil Marketing Sorcery) professor egrigore says so, anyway.
  4. When a person isn't enjoying where they're at, all of their friendships suffer. It's also incredibly difficult to make sincere and willing friends with people when they know you're fundamentally unhappy. It sucks, but I've learned it through my own experience that nobody likes a sad person. Sure, they might be willing to play "Ain't It Awful" together, but no real friendship can form if there's no real enthusiasm for it, and the focus is on things being awful. Something I notice a lot is people seeming bewildered that they have difficulty meeting pleasant people and making friends, when I can see that their level of expectation placed on others far exceeds their level of expectation placed on themselves; they want others to be nice, polite, respectful, give them freedom and rights (both at once is nearly impossible), all while expecting that others should simply accept them as they are, warts and all, and listen to them kvetch about how everything sucks. I really think that going forth with no expectations one way or another is best. Every real friendship I've ever had has come about on its own, while I and others were minding our own business, and every contrived friendship I've ever engaged in has failed. Instead of searching, looking outward, or projecting some need for people to be our friends, if we just occupy ourselves as enjoyably as we can with the people and places we find ourselves around, the rest takes care of itself. It's like how desperation for money keeps money away, or being desperate for a girlfriend is like waving a huge red flag that chases people off. Want is lack. Lack implies unhappy. Unhappy implies undesirable as company. Find fun stuff to do, and don't worry about making friends. They'll happen on their own, if you're open to it. Find where you like to go, and find what you like to do, and go there and do that. Other people who like going there and doing that will find you there and do those things with you. Having place and things in common, friendships are easier to cultivate, growing naturally where they can flourish best. Just my 2 and a half cents while the coffeemaker does its thing.
  5. Thing is though, we have no control over what others do. It doesn't matter what we want. Learning to accept that and deal with it is, in my opinion anyway, far easier on myself than letting it upset me. People do what people do. Can't stand it? Learn to cope, or isolate, I guess.
  6. One should especially not use the produce itself to tie back one's hair. Just whatever you do, don't put them on your green onions, they're really not made for that. XD
  7. I've been treated differently as an unknown, but it's usually in the form of indifference or lack of openness, not anything directly like, bad towards me. People are standoffish or a bit closed when encountering unknown persons sometimes. I actually try to bear this in mind when I meet people inworld, and remember that literally anyone I meet could be literally anyone, even my own best friend, in disguise. It helps a lot in keeping my attitude straight and my courtesy in place, knowing that someone acting like a n00b might be my friend or even my employer testing me to see how I treat people when they aren't around. I like to think it helps me to be fair when dealing with people, because even our natural tendencies, like playing favorites with friends, can put you down a hole if you aren't careful and act unjustly. Yon beggar may be a king, and all. Or an off-duty Linden.
  8. This is so true. Never use those thin little rubber bands off the green onions from Walmart to tie back your hair, especially if you have curly hair.
  9. *goes to petition for a facepalm emote*
  10. Any day that starts with getting to eat all the ice cream is a good day. ^-^
  11. I could go all SL forum on you and inform you it was more likely Methodius, or even an unknown scribe, but yeah, good enough. I am satisfied with your answer. ^-^
  12. We're talking about the same people who for decades have represented humans as spheres on top of cones.
  13. Сейчас, мне нужно читать эту книгу. I love historical stuff.
  14. Holy freaking crap, I almost made this thread earlier today. The only thing that stopped me was I didn't have the energy to go pose for pics to make a funny new banner image to suggest they use. It's been years. I can think of all kinds of cool stuff in SL that could get some representation now and then. I'm pretty sure everyone has had a bike by now, lol.
  15. They need less Dunning-Kruger and more genuine technical understanding. Genuine technical understanding would have been more solution-oriented than nerd-flexing-oriented. The flexing ones, they aren't real nerds. They're posers. That's why they're so touchy about it. Real nerds just wanna fix it and make it go.
  16. They tried to abandon it years ago, but I kept showing up everywhere and ruining it by getting people to talk to me in local. Now it is simply tolerated. Edit: Mostly tolerated. Edit: At least by all of the really cool people.
  17. I once tried helping someone with an issue concerning a stuck animation, and was told to shut up and they should just buy better animations. And that it was final, and that was that. I think they let 12-year-olds join, is all.
  18. It may be a bit sad, because I remember how much fun I had exploring with Always Run enabled, highjumping literally everywhere I went (I still do this a lot, though), etc., but Orwar is 100% correct, in my opinion, on both of these points. It's not some evil, negative thing that makes it so, either, it's just the difference between people who are used to SL and people who are not. The fact that you'd have to walk on everyone in clubs and act like you don't know to move properly in order to pass as a new person and not an alt is proof of this. It's just natural law inworld. While I do not always see things as Kaleg does (I have no problem with people being whatever they want to be, for example), and I know there's a bit of linguistic disconnect for many of the forum users, he is speaking the truth far as I can agree with it on the rest. Don't overthink it. It's a world of illusion, don't expect it to conform to the reality you knew before. Real friends take time, and even then you usually never know. It's important to remember a lot of people are just mucking around killing time and have no sense of commitment to anything inworld. A lot of people like talking to strangers while doing things, even shopping IRL. That doesn't mean they really want to be your friend. Remember all of this is supposed to be fun. If it's not fun, you're doing it wrong, and need to figure out how to make it fun again. But whatever you do, don't take it all seriously. These men speak the truth.
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