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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Oh, definitely good art and I don't think Banksy would mind people having individual takes on his work. (I can't see what else he could have intended when he murdered a phone box in Westminster.) He doesn't even confirm or deny if a work is his, although if it goes through the shredder right after being sold, you can assume it was likely to be genuine. And probably worth even more as a result, I guess. I don't know if it matters, art wise, whether children play with superhero NHS dolls in real life; he's making a point artistically, not producing an ordinary portrait. Kids do enjoy playing doctors though.
  2. I don't know if it was his intention, but as well as the obvious "heroic figure" context, I also found myself wondering if he was making a point about how we treat the NHS and its workers. Children love their toys but they don't always treat them with the necessary care to keep them in good condition for as long as possible. And that can be intentional or merely neglectful. A doctor friend has told me she doesn't miss the Friday/Saturday night influx of drunk people filling up A&E with completely avoidable accidents.
  3. I've not seen the show and don't intend to, and I don't even like this song very much. I loathe most modern depictions of her. But it just seemed fitting for the subject at hand. ETA: Oh my. I went through my notifications and made this response before I looked through the thread to see where else it had gone in the meantime. Sorry.
  4. Skin/shape/head shopping always makes me think of those people who can take a human skull and recreate a living face from it.
  5. Well, it's certainly a lovely head, but I don't think I'll be going into a pack-hunting frenzy over it. Especially since every fecker'll soon be using it by the sound of it. Got to be getting a bit Being John Malkovich in there by now.
  6. Has anyone got a picture of this head? I'm imagining it must be like Helen of Troy. The face that lagged a thousand regions or something. Just how beautiful is it?
  7. I'm not satisfied with that. (Who says we were looking for Mr Right at the time anyway?) I won't consider us to have won until it either stops happening completely (I know) or at the very least stops happening with so much frequency that it is easily recognisable and relatable to every woman. I'm not satisfied with "well now I know he's a d***" and absolutely no consequences beyond that. Chances are I knew he was an arsehole from the nature of the initial approach anyway. I want it to be less acceptable than it apparently must be, given how often it happens. Obviously this isn't going to happen in a world where "feminist" is still used as a go-to insult, and where an international campaign to highlight how serious and ubiquitous sexual harassment is will still be criticised as Going Too Far. You know, because a few women in a particular online community seemed more frightened than is apparently acceptable, or weren't nice enough when they talked about harassment and abuse. Or possibly even made nasty misandristic comments, which of course are unacceptable and wrong, but still don't invalidate an entire global movement of other women speaking about how often they have been told to "choke on ****" or worse. Much as some people seem to think they should. But it would be nice. A few of my peeves right there.
  8. On several occasions I've created an alt in order to be a particular personality. I always revert to type eventually though. I'm good at sustaining and developing characters totally unlike myself in designated roleplay though.
  9. Oh my God, thank you. I needed that so badly. I feel so much better now. Off to shoot up some Toilet Duck.
  10. Quite. Some people can't have vaccinations for health reasons, but if all the healthy people have them, we get herd immunity. Vaccinations aren't about protecting only yourself or your child. Actually, all the anti-vaxxers I know have been strangely quiet of late, which I'm taking as a good sign. Good thing we don't have effing cholera or polio to worry about as well, huh?
  11. Granted, but the men's fashion (and therefore all you can get) is for stuff that looks like your school PE kit and is about the same size. I wish I had a magic fridge that just made whatever I want for dinner every day and washed up too.
  12. "Why don't you stop dressing like a flood victim Ken?" Obviously you were right not to feed the troll, it's just what popped into my head when I read that. Good God. Imagine being in a world where you could be a model, a mermaid or a manticore, and instead choosing to spend your time hurling playground insults at a distance. Bet that person's a right laugh at parties.
  13. "Holly! It's me, Rimmer! The poor goit you made look like Helen Shapiro!"
  14. Yes, I don't understand why more creators don't do this -- unless the issue is complexity? I have few hairstyles (and a few dresses) that do combine flexi with mesh, and, done well, it adds just enough movement to rectify that I-Have-A-Lump-of-Well-Molded-Plasticine-on-My-Head effect. I didn't realise it was unusual. I haven't done a huge amount of shopping on my av since my return as I'm barely ever inworld, but when I got my mesh body, I also got a couple of mesh hairs and they confused the hell out of me for a while because they didn't look much different to all the flexi. Eventually I realised they must be this apparently elusive combination of both. I think they look lovely and I can't really understand why it's apparently not more common? Complexity perhaps (I'm not technical) but that doesn't really seem to be a huge concern for most people from what I can see. It does tickle me a bit that we're all building ever more complex and beautiful avatars and then derendering/jellydolling everyone else because they're making us lag so much...
  15. Beautiful. Would love to see a video of it moving. I guess this is a peeve of mine (but I stated it elsewhere too in the right discussion so I'm in the clear): the assumption that flexi is always and without exception crap, ugly and inferior to mesh, with no place in 2020. If that makes me some kind of stubborn throwback, so bloody be it. I'll swish my flexi on my way out and love it.
  16. You could have just dropped the mic here, it couldn't be improved past this point. Though it's a great story in full.
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