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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. To be fair, it's better than anything I could do. I think the lady who made it was stepping in for a kids' cake charity when a volunteer professional baker pulled out or something. So it's mean to laugh, but it's so funny.
  2. Really? It's the most sanitised one I've ever known. You can't even swear or use correct terms for genitalia. Not a complaint, I'm still here, just astonished that it's the harshest one you've ever seen.
  3. My understanding (happy to be corrected) is that they don't, but they might offer some limited protection against droplets. You still need to be careful to handle and wash/dispose of them properly. Or we could all just drink Toilet Duck.
  4. I thought he might have been renting it? To all SL intents and purposes, that makes it "his" place.
  5. Isn't an oubliette named after the French word for "forget"? If you can forget that you're using a bidet, it's not working!
  6. Nothing is "on me". I am not responsible for the appalling way you have treated people, and I owe you nothing for it. Now if you're really sorry, please leave me alone. And speak to a professional in RL.
  7. I'd rather have no apology at all than a mealy-mouthed fauxpology designed to attempt to spread the blame for your own actions (you sent death threats???). You know, by claiming you're "not the only one in the wrong" or that I called your avatar ugly when I did no such thing, or that others are at fault if they don't accept said fauxpologies. If you really are sorry then please leave us all alone and go and work on yourself with someone who's qualified to help you.
  8. I didn't have a bone in it either, as I'd never exchanged a word with her before today. A short while ago, I suggested that if other people were getting more likes than she was on an avatar vanity thread, it might be because their avatars were better. She "defended herself" by swearing at me. She's edited it now, but there's been no apology. She's also now making excuses for sending death threats to someone. I don't know, what has anyone been "dishing out" to warrant this kind of "self defence"?
  9. Thank you for reminding me of this wonderful article by the magnificent Dr Ben Goldacre, on Gillian McKeith. "She talks endlessly about chlorophyll, for example: how it’s “high in oxygen” and will “oxygenate your blood” – but chlorophyll will only make oxygen in the presence of light. It’s dark in your intestines, and even if you stuck a searchlight up your bum to prove a point, you probably wouldn’t absorb much oxygen in there, because you don’t have gills in your gut. In fact, neither do fish. In fact, forgive me, but I don’t think you really want oxygen up there, because methane fart gas mixed with oxygen is a potentially explosive combination."
  10. I honestly thought we'd reached that point a very long time ago, but it appears not.
  11. Well, thanks to the Terry's Chocolate Orange that presides over one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world, it has become necessary for medical experts to make statements advising people not to ingest or inject disinfectant into themselves. Earlier in this thread, I noted how Boris Johnson must be feeling like he was overseeing a nation of Goreans after people responded to lockdown by asking why others were also at the supermarket or having regular visitors as part of their self-isolation. I'm now wondering if I've actually been somehow transported to the Counter Earth (petri dish) culture itself.
  12. I've got some halloumi in the fridge, thanks for reminding me.
  13. Wait, let's focus on the real, actual pressing issue here. There's a user called britbong? I don't know why, but that just strikes me as so 90s. Do they wear a Union Jack minidress?
  14. Nobody with young children is enjoying the lockdown. I have wondered how I'd feel about it if I didn't have a small child. It's tempting to think that I'd enjoy the lack of commute and calmer pace, but I don't think I would. I really miss the gym (home workouts don't hit the spot) and while I value my alone time, I also value the people who have got me through some terrible times, and I want to see them desperately. I want to see my nieces and nephews. I don't need the world to freeze to spend time at home reading or being creative; I had no problem doing that before and it was nicer knowing there was still a world out there that I could join when I was ready. I also couldn't enjoy this under any circumstances knowing the reasons for it. I have a lot of medical friends and there's really nothing romantic about it for me.
  15. I can't promise I'll be on either but if I am then I'll definitely message you 😀
  16. When my husband and I first met in RL, I remember us both commenting on the fact that the bed had no pink or blue balls. It was a long time ago...
  17. I think I might log in this evening for the first time in God knows how long and go on safari. Any suggestions for places gratefully received.
  18. You can always ask. But as with any demand for personal information, they're under no obligation to tell you. The only reason it wouldn't be possible to ask would be if they've blocked you, in which case it would be best just to leave it.
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