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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Would an account age restriction whereby accounts can't post until they're X days old help? Or would that just give us a barrage of this crap every 30 days or whatever?
  2. With regards to the spammer, that plank is so similar to another pillock I used to know on another forum that I honestly would not be surprised if it's the same person. There was absolutely no response that would stop that guy, even ignoring him entirely. We literally just had to report him to the mods every time it happened and wait it out. It got less frequent as time went on.
  3. I know of only one person who has blocked me (obviously there could well be many others, I'm very annoying, this is just the only one I know about). When he revealed he had blocked me and a couple of other recalcitrant women, I was just surprised because I couldn't remember ever seeing or speaking to the guy. He clearly made quite the impression. It was fun, though. I could quote some of his posts with photos like this one.
  4. As I said on another thread, the only thing the Tories are testing 100,000 times a day is my patience. ETA: Cultural reference for the first one.
  5. The only thing the Tories are testing 100,000 times a day is my patience.
  6. This person reminds me so much of someone I knew on an old forum that I wonder if it's the same guy. The exact same level of obsession, sharing distressing content, doxxing over and over, threats, DOS attacks, and it went on for literally years. Eventually the site owner revealed the lunatic's own identity (he was harassing the owner in RL) and it transpired that the guy had a job and passed for relatively normal in RL. It would appear that he could in fact control it when it suited him. What was his grievance against the site and its owner? After the site closed and a new one reopened, someone else nicked the account name he had been using before he could register it and the owner refused to intervene. He had to use a different name. I'm not kidding. That was literally the reason. It would honestly not surprise me if this is the same person.
  7. Assuming it's the same person who posted the animal abuse video...clearly they understand enough to know what causes distress and to recognise cruelty, and still wish to spread it. I'm not qualified to state how much such a person can truly be held responsible for such actions, and I suppose we could argue forever about whether an act of evil, that literally has no purpose except to cause and perpetuate indiscriminate harm, necessarily means an evil person. In my own mind, however, it's not our responsibility to fix such a person and I'm content to dismiss them as filth.
  8. It's more the gurning stupidity that gets me. Nobody else cares about that person's RL information, nobody else has a grievance against them, nobody else is going to stalk or harass that person and cause them any RL trouble. This paramecium can't grasp that and that's annoying.
  9. The wide-eyed, innocent "what happened?" was a terrible move, but honestly it's been painfully obvious since long before that.
  10. Something that didn't involve you for a change!...Shocker eh? Oh, I'm quite sure it did.
  11. Honestly, I think a lot of it just depends on the person. Some people get wiser and better with time, and some get worse. Sometimes a bright, youthful outlook is what does it, and sometimes a more experienced one. It's almost as if we should all be listening to each other. Nobody's ever going to be entirely right or wrong based on their age alone. It's probably fair to say that if you denigrate someone for their age, be they younger or older than you, they're likely to do the same in return. Live by the sword and all that. There used to be a men's magazine over here who had an agony uncle (they probably used a different term) whose main qualification for the role was that he was 100 years old. Young and relatively young men wrote to him in droves for his advice. Which was fantastic. And my preschooler son sometimes comes out with lines that are wiser and more profound than anything I've ever said in my life. You may not think that's very difficult, and you may be right, but I have about 30 years on him. And yes, I agree that the whole generations thing is largely bollocks.
  12. Oh pish tosh. I remember the context well. It was intended to patronise and belittle in exactly the same manner in which you tried and failed to patronise and belittle Theresa earlier in this thread. Even used the same derogatory term, "junior". Apparently, until a couple of hours ago you didn't even realise that most of the millennials are in their 30s? You made assumptions about her age as well. Anyway, I don't mention it in order to drag it up. I mention it because you apparently think I need educating about it. I'll leave it to readers to decide for themselves what "know how ['ok boomer'] is received" should be taken to mean. "Understand why it causes offence", or "the deepest, most personal form of empathy that cannot be felt by anyone who hasn't had the exact same experience". I'm personally satisfied that I grasp the concept well enough to be able to contribute to the discussion. And I maintain that not all youthful experiences are the same. The world around you makes a difference.
  13. Oh fgs. You...explained the concept to me as if I'd said anything on this thread to suggest I didn't get it. I responded by saying I know exactly how it's received because, well, it doesn't take a genius to grasp the notion. If what you actually meant, or are trying to say now, is "ah but you can never truly empathise with something you have not personally experienced in the exact same manner" then, well, you may be right but it's a separate issue. I know how it is received and I don't need any sort of splaining for it. I have no idea what I've said in this discussion to make you think otherwise. Anyway, plenty of people of all ages are full of s***. As it happens, a young person in a time of economic growth would actually have a very different experience to a young person in a time of war, recession or pandemic. Doesn't give any of them the right to be rude or patronising, but don't pretend they're all the same. As it happens, the only time I've ever used the term "ok boomer" was in response to you telling me that being a millennial makes me incapable of sustaining long-term relationships. You called me Junior as well.
  14. Over-egged it. Name change and try again.
  15. Oh, I thought you already knew! Yeah, I do have a slightly antiquated turn of phrase, probably because I don't read much newer stuff. Rarely anything from after about 1990. It's not intentional, I just always have a list of books as long as my arm to get through and I'm more likely to choose stuff that's had people raving about it for longer. I do intend to get through the latest Hilary Mantel trilogy though. Also, I tend to find the older idioms just sound funnier for some reason. (That old avatar was a Vogon. I write poems.)
  16. I'm sorry, LittleMe, but I honestly don't see how that post of mine was offensive. Tolya was.... explaining to me that the term was meant to be dismissive towards something said by a boomer and implying that they're out of touch. I already understood this concept and didn't need it to be...explained to me. I don't actually know what I've said on this thread or anywhere else that might give that impression. I've been concerned with the Bye Felipe meme. As it happens, I do know what it's like to be insulted for your generation. Millennial, after all.
  17. I know exactly how it's received. Why wouldn't I?
  18. About two thirds of us were born in the 80s, so yes, for quite a while now. Do you see now why we're starting to get a bit tired of it all?
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