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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. I don't think there are as many new trolls/disagreeable people around as it may seem. It does appear to have coincided with the arrival of our new spammer friend, and while I don't think that person is all of them, I'm pretty sure they account for quite a few of them. They are exactly like a sociopathic troll I knew some years ago on another forum who took on various different approaches. It really could be the same person. There are a few accounts that are so obviously operated by the same individual that it's absolutely painful to watch. I mean proper pig in a wig stuff. I really don't think there are as many of these individuals around as there seem to be.
  2. He was obviously a right something else.
  3. Close enough. So this person does indeed send shock site pics to people on the internet. With the sassiest and noblest intentions, obviously, like all people who share such content. I guess there isn't much we on here can do about it but hopefully enough of the recipients will know how to use the AR function. Yes, on a serious note this is usually what I do, unless I'm really in a foul mood, but I'm rarely on SL when I am. I don't think it's necessarily handing them a win if you reply - when I do try to wind them up, I usually manage it pretty well, and occasionally the feed line is so perfect that to waste it would be criminal - but it's not usually what I came on to SL to do and I'd rather get on with what I had planned. If it's an obvious neg (as if there's any other kind) then no response is the best response you can give them. They've already decided that they prefer hostility over what they usually get, which is radio silence, so giving them their worst outcome is the only move. John Nobhead is a proponent of negging too, so take what you will from that.
  4. Having never encountered you before until about five minutes ago, I can assure you I think very little of you. But I'm asking if you send actual graphic violence or something equally offensive and distressing, or just a picture of a very fat bottom or something. You seem to want me to think something about you, so go ahead and keep informing my opinion.
  5. I'm asking if you send them an actual distressing image, say of graphic violence or abuse or something obscenely disgusting, or if you just Rickroll them or something.
  6. That's a short list, and I recognise only about five of them. I really am out of the loop.
  7. I appear to be Resident now, but I can't remember what I was before. I don't think it was Advisor, but I don't think it was Resident either. Maybe Advanced Resident, was that a title? I really can't remember. If I have been demoted, it doesn't bother me. I am definitely not sufficiently knowledgeable about the modern day SL, or active enough inworld, to deserve any kind of status that suggests you can ask me for help with mesh or location recommendations. I wouldn't want any kind of official advisory status anyway. Sooner or later a Gorean would be asking me for help and I don't want to have to pretend I give a monkey's about what any of them want.
  8. I shared this on another thread yesterday. It's glorious anyway, but it's made about 500 times better by the Scottish accent, ye ken.
  9. The hula hoop one was the winner, IIRC. Caused controversy because a lot of people hadn't realised that non-jugglers were also eligible to compete, and the video was produced professionally; I don't know if that was against the rules technically but certainly a lot of people were under the impression that the idea was to see what enthusiasts could do with their own home video equipment, not to commission professional production companies. So it may have been against the spirit, if not the exact letter, but I'm not sure. Lovely video!
  10. Usually wait a minute or two and then say something like, "Sorry, I had to run afk for a moment there, my dentures all fell out. It was a bit hard to move because I haven't changed my clothes for a few weeks and they're getting a bit stiff."
  11. Elijah Wood's English accent is perfect. Doesn't sound in any way forced. I thought he was English when I first saw LOTR.
  12. I remember watching the very first episode of Sex and the City, and my friends and I knew that actress was not English. She was very good, but the accent was just too forced and hard. We were focusing more on trying to place her than on the plot, but she had only a few minutes of screen time. Eventually, she hit a strange vowel and we all suddenly shouted, "Australian!"
  13. Look for some clips on YouTube, the character is called Daphne. She's one of the core cast members so she's in almost every episode. Jane Leeves is beautiful and talented and a stunning dancer, but if that's a Mancunian accent, I'm a Geordie!
  14. You are pretty distinctive but Jane Leeves appears to have made you her own! I could not work out where the hell that accent was supposed to come from. Did it sound properly Mancunian to you?
  15. Here, @Scylla Rhiadra, this video didn't win but it remains my personal favourite.
  16. I heard that his accent coach was actually Irish? Don't know if it's true. He seems to have invented his own accent in that role, much like Jane Leeves in Frasier. I had to wait until I caught an episode in which they explicitly stated that Daphne was Mancunian because I sure as hell couldn't work out where the frig she was supposed to be from. I guessed northern because of the short vowels but apart from that...
  17. You'd not seen it? Look up the video entries for That Old Pair of Jeans. He invited people to create their own videos featuring juggling and other circus skills. This was back before everyone had a video camera on their phones. Some of the entries aren't that impressive but some are spectacular, and even the less breathtaking ones are still part of a wider creative challenge which is just glorious to discover. Great song, too. For whatever it's worth, Americans love my accent.
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