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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Ok, but you have to do a hair toss otherwise it doesn't count.
  2. I'm starting to get a bit peeved by people taking their contributions to/irritations about other threads/people into this discussion rather than in the relevant ones.
  3. I don't know if I'd call it my avatar anthem or anything, but I used to enjoy running around capture roleplay places while playing the Benny Hill chase music in RL. To be fair, I would use my titler to tell people I was doing it.
  4. I know. I'm not coming to another one of your dinner parties.
  5. Nope! I made that mistake too, though, looking at the actual picture of the queen. That's an image Chin used from a playing card, and it's not where the deliberate mistake is. To be fair, I didn't think it was as obvious as Chin does, but she's obviously a lot smarter than I am 😀
  6. I wouldn't have ever guessed that...think I just assumed it's a bit of artistic licence for the setting. I did notice the bird but I liked it!
  7. Ha, you mean I've been looking at the completely wrong part of the picture?? In that case, I honestly have no idea. Unless maybe it's something to do with the angle and the picture being more "straight on" than it should be? But presumably you can just cam around? I don't know, it looks fab to me.
  8. This is going to sound like I'm trying to pull apart your beautiful picture, so please know that I'm absolutely not, I'm just trying to play the game, and it's gorgeous! The only possible things I can see are that her arm might be short in order to keep the full picture within the space (but maybe she's just bending her elbow? The angle of her hand and sleeve suggest not, but she could just be holding her upper arm slightly behind her)....failing that, her forefinger is a funny angle, or her little finger is a tiny bit short, or the spade symbol is hovering above the sprig she's holding. It does seem funny to me that while people are building ever more complex avatars, they're also derendering/jellydolling everyone else because of all the extra load and lag. I don't actually think I'd want my SL to be TOO absolutely photo realistic, a bit uncanny valley for me. But then I also don't think a really well-done, late system avatar is an assault upon my viewing experience, so what do I know.
  9. This is a very good point, but I'm not entirely sure it rings true for this particular issue. What I actually find is that with system v mesh, a lot of people are tarring the past rather than rose tinting it. Mainly by mistaking 2007 for 2012, as has been said earlier in this thread. In another recent discussion about system vs mesh, a number of disparaging comments made reference to 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009. It was still all system, and evolving, for a few years after that. And while the best, highest quality system avs from 2012 don't match the very best, highest quality mesh avs now, I still really don't think they are so heinously hideous that the very sight of them in a region ruins immersion or experience, as I have heard some people complain. Speaking for myself, I'm not under any illusion that SL was perfect back in 2012/13; it was then that I stopped logging in for a few years, so however good it may have been, it obviously wasn't doing it for me any more. (I honestly don't recall people calling en masse for 2007 graphics, though.) There were definitely problems with lag, ruthing, the limits of glitch pants, and flexi hair and skirts passing through objects and other things. Mesh does look better overall. I do miss the swish, though. But, I don't know. It's not a real world, so while it was annoying that things didn't look so perfectly real, it didn't bother me too much. It's still not absolutely photo-realistic now and that's not an issue for me either. I'm not technical, so I'll accept that there are probably a lot of flaws in details that a talented creator would notice and I wouldn't. Still, does the average SL resident understand the workings of mesh on a very technical level? For me, the thing that's really changed is the culture that seems to have come with the mesh revolution. I obviously had my reasoning ass-backwards, as the Americans would say, because I thought that the introduction of something so highly complex (HUDs out the wazoo, neck seams, appliers, skins that don't work on both head and body, clothing that's not compatible with certain bodies) would have made people more forgiving of those who either struggled to get it right or decided not to bother at all. In fact, the opposite seems to have happened. There seems, to me at least, to be more focus than ever on aesthetics to the detriment of whimsy, friendliness and connection, as well as a degree of hostility towards "lesser" avs that I honestly don't recall seeing back in the day. I'm not suggesting nobody was ever unkind about appearances (I remember reading a profile with the immortal line "f*** off noob and get some prim hair") but I really don't think it was the cultural phenomenon that it is now. It could be me rose tinting the past, of course; nobody can make a completely impartial observation on this matter. But even if I am, I think a large number of people are recalling the worst of 2007 and thinking that's what it was all like prior to the mesh revolution.
  10. Yes yes yes! This is one reason why I usually sympathise more with System Stacey in those "system avatars all look awful and ruin everything and I should never have to clap eyes on one" threads. The best and most recent system avatars, from circa 2012 as opposed to five years earlier, really do not look bad, and neither did SL on the whole. In the last such thread I participated in, it was clear from the numerous disparaging remarks about system avs that a lot of people don't realise they evolved for years after 2007 and even system clothing doesnt have to have that textureless, body paint look. Some people, it seems, even quite like well-made flexi stuff if they get to see it.
  11. I'm not a huge fan of the complexity of mesh and change of culture since 2012 either, but that first response was funny and it wasn't on to be rude to people who were trying to help you.
  12. "Sock" doesn't start with a C.
  13. In these troubled times, that could be the sign of a good provider.
  14. It's a case of scarcity value, except that in this instance, there's nothing artificially low about it.
  15. That's a new bad pick up line, maybe. "Hey sweet cheeks, your boobs look like a brain in a jar..." It would probably work in Gor, though, what with brains in any kind of vessel being in such short supply.
  16. What? What have you been getting it on with? Pickled Shar Peis???
  17. It's me, isn't it? I knew this profile pic change would get everyone all hot and bothered.
  18. I've been so floored by the rest of it that I haven't been giving this line the recognition it deserves. No, mate, no need for that. I squirted jam inside a home-made doughnut once, I can do it. Pass me the syringe and the Toilet Duck. Should I wash my hands first?
  19. "Would you pull me if I'd just thrown up?"
  20. Give me women, wine and snuff, Until I cry out, "Hold, enough!" You may do so sans objection Till the day of resurrection. For, bless my beard, they aye shall be My beloved Trinity. - John Keats (And people think he was so romantic!)
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