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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Nothing will come of nothing. He needed to demonstrate just how destructive that kind of use of power and authority is. Reckon he killed the Fool too? It's not entirely clear who the "poor fool" who was hanged is. Cordelia and the Fool never appear onstage together... There are the comedies though. I saw the best production of the Dream some years ago. Helena was hilarious and Oberon was chasing Puck through the audience with a stick while it transpired how he'd messed up.
  2. I thought of the damned spot too. @Scylla Rhiadra, you should now wash your hands of the whole thing.
  3. There's some joke about Jesus, Moses and Tiger Woods playing golf and losing their balls in the water. Jesus walks on the water to retrieve his, Moses splits the water to retrieve his, and then I can't remember the rest of it.
  4. It wouldn't offend me. It probably would offend someone. That's both your prerogatives. I can't see it being AR-able.
  5. Some evil genius censored The Song of the Count and made it filthy.
  6. Well, I didn't say they were smart. And if they're misogynists, that's what they want to do.
  7. Should add, some men are extremely misogynistic and just want an excuse to be rude and abusive towards women, so they look to start an argument. As well as satisfying their desire to attack a woman, they can also tell themselves it's her fault.
  8. No, I don't think it's that there are women who like it, but there are some women with very poor boundaries or low self esteem, and they will engage on some level that isn't aimed entirely at merely irritating the guy for their entertainment. I've seen the odd poster on here sharing their exchanges with horrible people, in cases where I personally would have simply walked, no humour to be had there. They aren't enjoying it but they're sufficiently offended to respond without enough self-awareness to retain control of the situation. And for these guys, that's good enough.
  9. I liked that Robin Hood film with Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett a few years back. It wasn't particularly good but it was the first time I'd ever seen Robin Hood with a Midlands accent (or close to it). He'd always been American or an upper class public schoolboy before.
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