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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Granted, but all it does is complain about the stuck-up robins, chavvy blackbirds and thieving magpies, and bores you rigid. I wish I'd bought that piece on Etsy before someone else did.
  2. Granted, but it's Blackpool during the Tory party conference, and they're all locked down there too. And it's hot, so they're in their skimpiest outfits. You're subjected every day to Michael Gove in budgie smugglers. (Nothing wrong with Jeff Goldblum. Unless you mean as in The Fly.) I wish the M&S website would f***ing work.
  3. Granted, enjoy your avocado bathroom, Mr Men wallpaper and textured ceilings. I wish more SL residents had proportions that are at least theoretically possible in a human being.
  4. I have to say, obviously I'm looking at it from across the pond, but America seems on the whole to be a very patriotic country overall. I've never got the impression that the average American is ashamed to be so, even if they don't approve of the current leadership. Quite the opposite.
  5. Maybe they came, discovered Gor and immediately noped out before the sub-culture could bring down their intelligence level any further. It's a known fact that your IQ drops by three points just by finding out about the place, and then another five points for every day you play there (20 points for every one of those turds that you read). Once they found out there's an actual dedicated following to the dated misogynistic ramblings of a pinhead who thinks that men become stronger when you take away gravity, they probably figured that they might be an incredibly advanced civilisation capable of interstellar travel, but even they couldn't do anything to help us. Sorry Earthlings, you're on your own. My God, it's full of stars...
  6. Perhaps I don't understand the concept of a paradox as well as I thought I did...I guess there are just so many possible explanations for this that it doesn't strike me as paradoxical or even marginally inexplicable in any way. Distances that are too vast for people with only Earth resources to travel are minuscule with regards to an infinite universe. We can't even get a person to Mars yet, though we can get rovers there. The conditions for life as we know it are quite precise (we have the Goldilocks planet). I would absolutely expect them to exist somewhere else in an infinite, ever-changing space but it doesn't surprise me if they don't exist close enough for us to find them at this relatively early stage in our civilisation's space-related development, or at all. It would be like living in a remote part of the outback with only a bicycle to travel on. There's plenty of life out there, beyond your area, and for the space it covers it's quite common, but it's pretty obvious why you can't find it.
  7. I'm probably displaying my less-evolved capacities here, but I don't understand why that's a paradox?
  8. It's nicer cold, you can taste more of it, but if it's, say, a pineapple upside-down cake warm from the oven or something like that, it's doable. Piping hot among melted mozzarella, tomato sauce, bread? That is just weird and a waste of lovely, juicy, exotic sweetness and tartness. And the juice! It's divine by itself but all over pizza?
  9. It tastes weird. Warm pineapple as part of a sweet cake or dessert, ok. Hot pineapple among a savoury pizza, tomato, vegetables, bread, cheese? It just tastes odd. It's incongruous. It doesn't go. It doesn't fit. It's like a denim jacket over a fine evening gown, a fish with a bicycle, a Gorean in a club for intelligent and sexy people. It's jarring. They don't belong together.
  10. Pineapple on pizza, wtf. A sweet exotic fruit on bread, cheese and tomato. Why not stick grapes or strawberries or WD40 on there, it makes about as much sense. The only time pineapple on pizza is acceptable is if you're pregnant, and that's because it is impossible for a pregnant or postnatal woman to be unreasonable about anything at all.
  11. Oh my God, I remember that one. It wasn't even the worst one out there, although I appreciate that newer people won't believe that.
  12. "...a strange, pinkish-red creature with a body like a plump-breasted and decapitated chicken..." Is that not a Gorean?
  13. Pretty sure I last saw that bursting out of John Hurt's chest.
  14. Like I said, the things I miss out on by being veggie.
  15. What's nosy about clicking on a pick? I thought the whole point of them was to recommend places to people?
  16. Spotty bananas are perfect for banana bread. Most recipes don't require as much sugar as they call for. Lovely overripe bananas, you may not need any extra sugar at all.
  17. Mmm, Marmite. But yes, couldn't agree more with this: You need to put a little butter or spread on the toast and then yes, just a lick of Marmite. It also goes well on cheese on toast, spread it thinly before putting the cheese on and grilling. Also, if you make veggie French onion soup, add a teaspoon of Marmite while caramelising the onions. Amazing.
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