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Everything posted by BelindaN

  1. I've never wanted one in RL, and I've never had one in SL. Just how I am.
  2. I came to this thread late, but Rezology Pixie6 is the only short style which suits me.....................
  3. Hi Ashley. The best avatar possible is in the eye of the beholder! But anything is possible in SL. I'm happy to talk to through this either on the forum mail or in world. The most usual approach is to do the body first, and theres a big choice. Then the head. Then skin, and eyes, hair and any other features such as freckles, tattoos and so on. Have a look at my flickr, the link is in my signature line, and you'll see some of what can be done.
  4. I only know love as I've experienced it myself. As a child I loved my mother without understanding the concept, but it must have been love because I ignored her many flaws. As a young adult I chased the concept of what I believed to be love without understanding. But it was young adult love which found me. This brand of love changes over time, and what was once hot and all consuming, like the big bang, now is more like glowing embers. Warm and comforting. In the middle of all that, a child arrives, and presents the most powerful manifestation of love. One might say the true meaning of love. One's own flesh and blood given a fresh start. Maybe all this is just chemical programming. Does it matter? Tied into love is wonder and contentment. I hike in remote places. I enjoy solitude. I enjoy my own company more than I should. I wonder at the incredible scenery of our planet. The mountains, the sunsets, the colours, the complexity. All of that. On very rare occasions it all comes together. It's like a warm blanket of peace and tranquility which is so rare, but so special. I'll give you one example. Sitting with family after a full day walking, overlooking a green lush valley, holding a glass of chilled white wine. It's August. The air is warm but still. The sky is blue as the sun retreats for the night. A meal is in the way. We sit in silence, just taking in every minute detail of existence. This is loving existence. Sadly such overwhelming contentment with life is rare. But so memorable. Doing the dishes is a chore which I will never love. Especially listening to snoring from the sofa.
  5. If you are all a construct of my mind, and none of you really exist, then I'm in total awe of how complex and random, and intensely irritating some of you, who I constructed, actually are. I need time to think this through. And invent more irritants.
  6. Wondering why I'm standing so still Wondering why I dont walk, but slide along stiff legged. Wondering if there's a bug Wondering what the hell is going on. Finding a button on my head hud which fixes it. OFFS! Morons are us.........
  7. I'm beginning to warm to this discussion, but I need more time, which I'll get tomorrow in bed.
  8. The Now thread was put up by Sara because of the drift, spamming and chat on the today thread. That just migrated across to the Now thread, and it's driving people away. The Vanity thread was always low volume. Now we just get multiple posts, and the spam continues. While that lasts, I won't bother much with the forums.
  9. Exactly this ^^^^. Head shaping takes time, and never really stops. Because perfection lies after the next slider session.
  10. Hi Xariah1 @Xariah1 Start here: https://elayn-sl.com/2020/02/27/bakes-on-mesh-in-5-minutes-and-10-easy-steps/ Ps. For my Genus head I used a BoM relay to activate BoM. I think this is included with the head now.
  11. When repeatedly asked to "say you're sorry"......... And after clenching her lips..... My daughter, aged 3 said..... "Those words are not in my mouth"
  12. And the same two on the beach..................
  13. Ellie and Cordelia at our garage studio. Both fully BoM now, and loving it!!!
  14. I got Genus at the Beta stage. Then it was just classic. Beta adopters then got BF as a free add on. I ended up with four more Genus heads for my alts, having tried most of the others. Now one alt is new Lelutka, (Fleur) and BoM, and I really do like the look. I can manage the Genus hud. It's ok. The neck seam is 100 times better than at the start, but not as good as Lelutka. I'm hoping BoM will improve this when I upgrade soon. But I will always be a Genus fan.
  15. This is amazing news. Let's hope that the person behind this gets exposed and taken through the courts.
  16. I'm refreshed by using ignore. I don't feel I'm missing out at all. Up to nine now, and maybe double figures soon. It's cleared away the dirty washing, although the overall atmosphere in the forums leaves me troubled. In the sense that it no longer draws me in as it once did. I view a few threads when I can't be in world but I've pretty much abandoned the picture threads, and ignore most in the GD section. As I said before, good people have been driven away. Right now I don't expect much will change.
  17. Now that story made me smile. @Maryanne Solo 😊 Not something I get much on the forums right now.
  18. I had one goldfish. It died. I had one Budgerigar. It died. That was it. I'll be in the foyer.
  19. @IsabellaRegaldo DC Comics? You should meet up with my alt who is Wonder Woman. I'll get her to ping you in world. You will find her on my flickr.
  20. This thread is like "Cosmic zoom". I'll leave it there.
  21. Spamming of photo threads put us where we are now. Thats a peeve. An alternative is not post in any.
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