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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. There is tremendous scope for platform improvement and advancement and much of it can be done without dooming old content. The more foundational building blocks like 'always on regions of a set size' aren't going to be easy to change and would and far reaching implications. The style of UGC was never Sansar's problem. It was that the platform lacked all social tooling and didn't seem to think it important so long as someone could build a club.
  2. ((brackets)) is the preferred method for SL as this bypasses all RLV restrictions.
  3. Realistically, that's technically impossible. Enforcing it with real identity makes it socially impossible. In both cases, the people who cheat the controls are those least likely to be a part of the "desired" customer demographic.
  4. If you're faced with starting from zero .. why elect to join SL2 when you could start from zero literally everywhere else and experience something else.
  5. Sansar 2.0 electric boogaloo It would be the same LL mistake, seeing a virtual world as a collection of systems and outcomes rather than people. Systems are important to attract people, but they do not make a community by themselves. Outcomes matter as a means to social ends, if there are no social end, the outcome fails to solidify.
  6. I think this cuts to the crux of any "Clean up SL" talk .. no one is talking about the really bad crap that's under the radar and against the ToS anyway, it's about reigning in all those pesky adults from talking to each other about adult things, or (shock horror) sharing some ridiculous humping animation, or (worse!! clutch the pearls!!) .. sex workers. Which misses the entire point. That side of SL doesn't need a clean up, what it desperately needs is an overhaul of the animation systems. Everyone in SL benefits from the adult side existing, irrespective of their personal participation. The reputation is almost entirely manufactured outside of SL, people imagine we're up to all sorts of and then get mad about it.
  7. You know for corporations to leech money from the little people, the little people have to be present ..
  8. I would have suggested they visit the governance user group .. but that got canned September last year, so ..
  9. Something something .. AI model .. something something .. monitoring messages .. something something ..
  10. This. A derender is a hack that tells your viewer to forget about an object that actually exists. If your viewer doesn't know it's there, it can't see it and you can't perform some interactions with it .. it is however still right there and doing its thing.
  11. The question of course is .. Do forums bans STILL come with full SL account bans ? .. because they used to.
  12. Cucumber pickles are gross. Pickled onions and beets OTOH .. 😍
  13. Sock up a riot and try to get regulars banned with the new rules .. cunning ploy.
  14. Aside from obvious geometry differences (llp cleft etc), heads tend to be very weighted in favor of one particular look. You might be able to get them all to look close enough from the front .. but how many of them have pushed in concave faces after you're done (LeLutka are especially prone to this).
  15. I swear the OP is doing it on purpose .. perhaps to inspire a mysterious bromance.
  16. Yeah, this bugs me too. People have child avatars. For all kinds of personal reasons. People who can only see them as sexual are the ones with the problem.
  17. For a fee in addition to some kind of premium subscription plan probably.
  18. In all seriousness though .. In going on 17 years here, I've seen lots of discrimination. The usual blah blah blah .. incorrect avatar stuff of course, sometimes legitimate (like furrys in gor), but more often than not just the land owner, a person with power, or more usually a uppity loud mouth who doesn't like <insert avatar stereotype here>. Fursecution isn't a thing. As for actual discrimination /// Oh hell yes. Tons of it. Racism and transphobia are the two main ones. I've run support groups in SL for years and a common topic was people being ejected or excluded from places because they were out in their profile or known and someone outed them to get leverage. We're not talking about exclusively gendered or adult spaces either. It's easier to see a side when the argument is "there's a <slur> in my lesbian camp" vs "there's a <slur> at my line dance" but both are a thing that would come up. This does often spill over into ongoing persistent harassment. Attitudes to gender presentation have been shifting for the better, especially with strengthening support from the wider community. It does seem more common for "there's a <slur> in my lesbian camp" to only come from "lesbian camps" populated entirely by straight men .. which amuses me no end on so many levels. As for racism .. It's rare to see overt racism beyond flag waving (say, the kind that might raise to the level of an actionable abuse report), but the subtle undercurrent can be pervasive in some communities where it manifests as bias towards paleness, the adult community for one deserves to be called out for often explicitly treating race as a costume.
  19. Full perm box picture in with the stuff. Not putting demos in boxes. Demos that include an example of the single color HUD and not just the fatpack. Not putting boxes inside of boxes. MOD permissions.
  20. ⚠️ Show names restrictions do not guarantee anonymity with either an RLV or RLVa viewer and should be considered just for fun. There are MANY ways to find out the name of a nearby avatar that are well beyond the scope of what RLV/RLVa can accomplish. If you do not want to be identified at a "masked ball", use an alt. (I help work on the Catznip viewer that develops RLVa before it goes to Firestorm, etc. While we work very hard to close show names loop holes there will always be trivial other ways to get the name of a nearby avatar that we can do nothing about, seriously, I can not stress the "just for fun" part more strongly. Even Caroline's mask has to ask people nicely not to cheat.)
  21. File a support ticket with LL. If you have a broken inventory there is nothing you can do to fix it.
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