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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Apart from the massive advantage LL have in customer reach, marketing, officialdom, rule bending and the rest. We can occupy and thrive in the spaces they don't operate or fail to hit the mark. We can not compete with LL when they get it right, even if we can do better.
  2. Hand crafted LOD models are the way .. little over 3K tris on left, 240 on the right I did make an even lower version but in testing with the linden viewer on the lowest object detail it was only ever seen from hundreds of meters away, so I omitted it let the uploader mash the model to 3 tris for the lowest. Always test model in world, especially for bigger structures. sometimes you can can get away with not making an entire set of LODS, some just aren't ever seen (so why have a model no one can ever see), and it can really inform how far down the rabbit hole you need to go.
  3. Ignoring all the freeze peach etc ... Casper is now a Linden product. It's not acceptable for the support for that product to be withheld from some residents for some or any reason.
  4. Estates can't compete with LH, even LL lose money on them by their own admission. There is no doubt in my mind that this will have impacted the land rentals. I don't think it realistic that 3rd party vendor systems could compete with LL now either, especially as they traditionally use a business model that depends on new customers.
  5. Kind of the same feeling .. the stability is broadly welcomed, LL should have been doing this for the last 15 years. How this pans out with the lack of competition, this being the Linden vendor system (even if not yet in name), potential for future features to be gated behind premium and premium plus memberships, the fee structure that merchants basically have no choice to adopt, and so on.. Talk of no change today is just to punt things down the road.. why buy it then. We're not daft. There is a business case for buying Casper or it wouldn't have happened. We've lived though several vendor platforms going away over the years, it's a chore, it not the end of the world.
  6. I was meaning that the products themselves are sold for a price.
  7. @Patch Linden How will this impact vendor (etc) pricing .. will there be an end to commission and paid vendors .. and just free vendors (etc) for everyone.
  8. Peeve (enjoyable) : We (royal, just me) "all" (you, not me at all) use (abuse) the (you) same (homonyms) or (this, but not that) similar (different) words, with (presumed) common (peasant) origins (local & family), to mean (wicked) different (better) things! (scorn laugh)
  9. Cornbread is the best way to sneak a cake into the middle of a savory dish. Far better than hiding a scone (blah blah blah biscuit) in with some chicken.
  10. If you look at the avatar birthday email LL send out, it's plan the vast majority of users have very short session lengths and don't go many places .. then there's those of us online all day everyday, even if we're not active in SL for all of it.
  11. I'm not sure where the growth is expected to come from .. didn't marketing say at SL19B that they aren't advertising anymore and that, somehow, stuff like SL University tutorials are promotional. I really hope the rest of the plan isn't .. "Partner" with some company / influencer / NFT dealer to push their merch in SL in exchange for them mentioning us to their followers. It's like we've been at the bottom of a promotional well the last decade and we're still passing the bucket back and forth.
  12. I miss those. Not being able to run one because of farming and botting is a big peeve. Trees were the pennies that got me my start, and I ran one myself as long as it was practical.
  13. Actually no .. scripts are saved and recovered when you crash. Catznip feature from 2012 that's now in most TPVs I think. https://modemworld.me/2012/02/11/catznip-r5-helps-claw-back-your-lost-work/
  14. Freitas Malik look that up .. and who signed his death warrent
  15. The top 3 ranking bodies are about the same .. Maitreya Lara, Legacy, Inithium Kupra.
  16. The new video is an improvement, at least that's SL .. upscaled potato rez SL, but SL all the same. The stuff below the fold is clinical and misses the most important point. What is SL for ?? Make friends and connect with people. Yes it really does have to be spelled out right there on the front page.
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