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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Freitas Malik look that up .. and who signed his death warrent
  2. The top 3 ranking bodies are about the same .. Maitreya Lara, Legacy, Inithium Kupra.
  3. The new video is an improvement, at least that's SL .. upscaled potato rez SL, but SL all the same. The stuff below the fold is clinical and misses the most important point. What is SL for ?? Make friends and connect with people. Yes it really does have to be spelled out right there on the front page.
  4. I think that's down to a difference in expectations. What we have seen so far is a world away from where the industry is right now.
  5. No. He wants to have ZOOM calls but with avatars. Really. There will never been a high level meeting inside LL to discuss the need to put extra time into interpersonal interactions. Why would avatars touch?!
  6. It's a "web 3" spammy "news" blog, probably for SEO purposes to hype some NFT BS .. that thing in SL is an advert and might be reportable.
  7. People gotta eat. Winter is coming, this one is going to be expensive, especially in europe.
  8. This is my fear. Resurrecting a long dead project to try and convince the kids we can be hip and trendy too. If it follows the standard operating procedures, It will be too little, too late, and beset by usability problems & jank so severe that even the technically minded and able bodied will struggle to make it work. The project will be destroyed from within as rather than focus on delivering a winning experience to existing end users that meets current standards and expectations,. It will end up overtaken by some evergreen nonsense fixated on developing business value and intellectual property by people who wouldn't know which way up a set of motion trackers might go (and can't even acknowledge the primary use case might just be interpersonal intimacy rather than waving). I'm sorry if this sounds jaded and depressed, we need a win so very badly. I want this to be good.
  9. Prices in SL are going up and have been for a long while, but this is mostly for new products only and is often obfuscated with combos and fatpack offers. inflation is going to affect the amount of L$ people buy, no doubt about that.
  10. Gonna keep saying .. if we can't hold a candle to VRChat, we shouldn't attempt to do RL->SL motion, we should find ways to do it better in SL. Latency. Smoothness. Realism. Fluidity. Accuracy. So far. we have NONE of these.
  11. Hammer speed test, screen shot the results, and then get angry at your ISP. There is nothing you can do, this isn't a problem at your end.
  12. In the heat of the night In the heat of the day When I close my eyes When I look your way When I meet the fear That lies inside When I hear you say In the heat of the moment Say, say, say Some day, some day, Some day, Dominion Come a time Some day, some day, Some day, Dominion Some say prayers Some say prayers I say mine In the light of the fact On the lone and level Sand stretch far away In the heat of the action In the settled dust Hold hold and say In the meeting of mined Down in the streets of shame In the betting of names On gold to rust In the land of the blind Be... King, king, king, king Some day, some day, Some day, Dominion Come a time Some day, some day, Some day, Dominion Some say prayers Some say prayers I say mine
  13. Dead serious. Please enable MFA on your account with an authenticator app. Occasionally you will need to open the app to type some numbers into the viewer, but not so often it's intrusive or a pain. This isn't a cure all for securing your SL account and things linked to it (like the ability to buy L$ etc) but it's a big improvement and will make you more secure in the event of a data leak from LL. Also make sure your SL accounts have unique passwords from each other AND from other things. That protects you from a breach on one service you're a member of opening doors for the hackers on entirely different services. The best time to worry about security is before there is a hack, which if the last few years are anything to go by isn't a question of IF but WHEN.
  14. Is it just me .. but sometimes the forums will now freeze when loading or refreshing a page. and 1then this happened ..
  15. With just a single camera.. that might not be possible and just end up looking like junk. LL really need to avoid reinventing the wheel on this. Rolling new exciting IP is fine when you're at the cutting edge, but we're not, this is a mad dash catchup. We need to CHEAT.
  16. This needs to be as good and as polished as VRChat, even going as far being able to make use of motion trackers in addition to a camera. LL need to look at https://freemocap.org/ If this is not as good as VRC, there is no point as we're just going to get dunked on for trying.
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