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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. dont forget to add your cache folder as an exception in your anti virus / windows defender
  2. Oh yes, SL that highly accessible and low bandwidth point of contact on the internet, ideal for maintain contact with friends and loved ones during times of infrastructure outages and emergency needs.
  3. I only have 24K things so I wont take long to rummage .. plenty of lewd stuff is in my publicly browsable wardrobe, so whatever. Not like half the people here don't own half the same stuff (or worse!). Being able to share inventory access with another person would be awesome, even if all they could do was move things about and make folders .. sort my inventory !!
  4. Bought a PI4 with the intent of exactly this kind of project, and then watched Jeff crash into a wall over and over.
  5. Virus total says its clean for me .. same hash - did a fresh uncached check. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/2d194b33678e135689d58c1cfe56cfd76efbb0f4dac397fa43796d46a2df0f8a/detection
  6. Official Second Life for Linux AND the Raspberry PI is a great way to get younger people, even if they don't stay on that client .. seems like a solid business case.
  7. SL's historically low frame rate covered up a lot of the jank and round trip latency .. It's like going from old tube TVs to blueray, now you can see the face paint.
  8. If our data is up for grabs, then we might as well be literally anywhere else, because that's what literally everywhere else does as a way to pay for the service. So we would be here, paying for the service, and getting our data sold, by a company who's employees routinely make a big deal about how awesome it is that Linden Lab don't do that. It would be a knife in the back after all these years, so I'm confident in saying I'm not alone in really really hoping they aren't doing that.
  9. Looks like what might be needed to enable Apple sign in etc
  10. I just did a diff vs the one posted earlier this year, it's almost a complete rewrite, someone is going to have to go over it with a fine tooth comb.
  11. This isn't a Linux problem. This is an ARM problem.
  12. Or plan B .. recognize customer demand. This isn't high school, we're not children, most of us have children and you know where they aren't ever wanting to join .. this place.
  13. The big upticks in rendering fidelity does not come from model and texture detail. It comes from lighting. But in SL we have either garbage lighting (pre ALM) or bad lighting (ALM) .. this forces creators to compensate in ways that hurt performance or create content that can only look right when seen with a specific broken lighting model. How SL looks is going to change. How SL performs is going to change. Garbage content will look more garbage. This is the price we must pay to move the platform forward. To not do this is nailing the lid on our coffin from the inside.
  14. Intel retired the core 2 platform in 2011.
  15. Fake commerce is better than real commerce. It brings more diversity of venue than just shops that only sell utility or vanity because that's all they can sell. No one is going to pay for rides in a virtual fun fair, so by the laws of SL economics, fun fairs are rare.
  16. It would be impossible to do equitably, it's bad enough that new creators have to fight tooth and nail for "guest" event space. The big creators would glomp the lot with a dozen satellite stores on a dozen alts (insert screaming about favoritism here), 2 years later when the project is dilute enough that regular people can get in, it will be a sprawling mega mall no one cares to visit.
  17. I think if LL came up with something just for retailers on mainland that would be really popular, like lindy homes but for stores .. and reclaim mainland to do it.
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