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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. A flashing chat box is hard to ignore. Yes she has rlv, she just doesnt want to block all ims merely ones from a particular person
  2. A question for everyone A collar can block im's I know however what I am looking for is slightly different A friend wants to be able to block the im's of a specific person but not block that person in local. The reason being she is on an rp sim and therefore wants the local chat but doesnt want any im's. Anyone know of such a thing
  3. Doubt clubs will work in vr to be honest the viewpoint gyrating while you dance would be vomit inducing. I doubt as well social chat will work well in vr as it more or less constrains you to using voice and thats something SL shows to be unwanted by the majority of those I meet possibly because it constrains the gender they wish to appear to be. While I now appear to be negative about Sansar I was initially enthusiastic about it. The more I heard about it the more I came to the conclusion it was of little interest to me and the more it appeared to me that I could not see it taking off in any big way
  4. The problem as I see it is Sansar is being marketed currently to creators and consumers seem to be an afterthought to Linden labs. Now I am not a business genius but it seems plain to me that you need a huge amount more consumers than creators so working out how to get consumers through the door should be paramount not an afterthought. Currently as someone who often uses vr experiences of the sort Sansar purports to offer I see no reason why I would choose an inferior Sansar experience over one custom codes using unreal or unity.
  5. Personally I dont like this idea. I prefer to choose which companies have information about me. This would lead to the same as we often find for websites now with the whole sign in with facebook/google account thing. The troubling thing for me is I can imagine the following situation : I am at a club in sl I get chatting to someone. We get on they tell me come back to my house I have this game you will enjoy. TP offer comes I accept. Bang I am in IMVU suddenly that company has access to all my details even though I never made a conscious choice to use them. At least with single sign on such as facebook/google etc I am aware I am visiting a different website and giving them my details. I fear with a universal avatar that the push would be to make it seamless and half the time you would not even be aware you are spewing your personal info to other companies
  6. And I am not the target market for Sansar either which is what I have been saying. However you are still not answering the point of what I have been getting at. Given we think the target consumer is someone who drops in occasionally. Given the experience creator can dictate what you can wear. Given the target consumer cannot easily customise any home they rent(assuming any of the target consumers want one as they only drop in occasionally) . Where is the market for avatar clothes, furniture etc? Answer is there isnt one. Yet these are mostly the creator types Linden Labs are pitching too. The only creators who will benefit from Sansar are whole experience creators as far as I can see These will fall into two camps 1) Companies using it to promote rl stuff 2) Experience creators who charge to goto their experiences In the case of 1) as I have said I think most companies will create their own custom experience and just give it away on steam or the rift store or the equivalent of the vive store . This is already happening In the case of 2) why would anyone pay when there are plenty of similar experiences given away free already on steam and the rift store and the vive equivalent I just dont see any path for creators to make enough to make it worthwhile to create. Sure some may do so for the sheer pleasure of it but not that many. Nothing you say contradicts my view that Sansar is a solution in search of a problem as in my opinion will be quietly shut down within the next 2 years as their wont be enough consumers to make it worthwhile
  7. Yes I know they said that however What consumers is it targeted at? Which of these users are going to be full time residents that makes it worthwhile for creators to create clothes, furniture,buildings etc. Companies aren't likely to use Sansar in any case frankly it is easy enough to create a custom experience that they can control. I use those sort of experience a fair amount as I said I do like VR. So you make an assertion which I tend to agree with that Sansar isnt aimed at people that think SL is where they like to be. Tell us who you think are going to be the longtime residents that make being a creator of avi addons there worthwhile. I doubt you can because it is quite clear to me that Lindens don't have a clue who they are going to be either
  8. In which case the users will be one off people sent from someone like Fords website to view a car model, dont see a role for the type of creators there that are in SL In addition why would any company want to do it when they can create a much better experience without using Sansar and have it work exactly how they want. It isnt that hard to produce a vr program these days. My prediction still stands Sansar wont have many long term residents that are interested in clothing , housing , furniture. There is just nothing in their planning to entice them.
  9. Sansar is already 3 years overdue, I have little faith it will be a viable platform that people will want to visit in the next 5 years. Every document I have see from Linden labs tells me that they have no clue even what their target audience is going to be consumer wise
  10. I am judging from what the Lindens say its going to be Experience owners can decide what you can wear strike one Multiple instances of an experience strike 2 Experiences that you havent been too take an age to download strike 3 No adult content strike 4 No easily customisable user housing strike 5 That is before even you get into I have to buy a whole new inventory. Linden labs basically dont understand SL in my opinion and Sansar is SL with all the things taken out that makes SL a place worth coming too. If I want experiences I can get those custom made from steam or the rift store, same with games. They are already better than anything Sansar can offer. Let me turn it round and ask you what Sansar can offer in your opinion to get me to come hang out there like I do in SL
  11. I wouldn't expect too much from Sansar frankly. I have a powerful computer, have a vr headset and touch controllers. I like vr. Should be a perfect customer ....just one thing nothing about Sansar that I have seen so far remotely wants me to spend a second there. I really cannot see any reason for any of us consumers to want to go there if I am honest. Yes it may be great for creators to use but if consumers don't come who are you going to sell to?
  12. still 6$ more and I value being able to complain about other tenants if need be when they are being antisocial (not that I have needed to as yet) plus if something happens my landlord is happy to defer payment for a week or two. LL wont do that
  13. why would people wish to migrate to mainland even at 1$ a parcel? 1) Annoying neighbours that you cant do anything about 2) I would need to be premium costing a minimum of 6$ + 25$ for tier on a 4096 parcel whereas on a private island I pay just 5200 lindens per month which costs 21$ so it costs me 10$ more a month for mainland The only advantage is your landlord doesnt vanish and that is such a small problem that its not worth talking about it
  14. I didn't say governments would I said that isp's would lobby for it and lets face it money always wins and companies get bad laws passed all the time via donations to political parties. Especially if initially there isn't much short term change in the USA. They would point at that then say "See it didnt result in what campaigners claimed it would"
  15. We should all care because once one major country allows ISP's to get away with it then isp's in other countries will start lobbying their governements to be allowed it
  16. Left to a popular vote good food would be classed as mcDonalds. I rest my case
  17. Public voting on which artists get sims is a terrible idea. Good art isnt a popularity contest.Indeed good art often makes people feel uncomfortable.
  18. My landlady rents me a 4096 for 1300 a week 1250 prims so to rent from her a 2048 parcel would cost me 650 a week. This is a private estate. And no not a special price
  19. The TOS seems pretty clear to me and that despite you are getting away with it currently that you are in fact contravening it. There is a simple test however just invite several people from the thread around to your home for the purpose of AR'ing you and if you are still there after the investigation we know that LL interprets it your way, if you home gets removed after we know they interpret it as written
  20. There are a lot of things in SL that are a far more massive part of SL than combat that do not have there own forums . Vampire games such as bloodlines or progeny for example and no before you say vampire games are rp no to most participants of for example bloodlines it tends to be no more than a game and rp isnt really involved in the least. I have certainly met plenty of active bloodlines and progeny players. I have as yet to meet a single combat player that didnt do combat as part of something else like Gor and they were doing it for the something else not for specifically the combat. There are however plenty of free forum hosting services out there such as Enjin for example that the combat community could use to host a forum for themselves with the advantage that they themselves would be the moderators of that forum.
  21. I didnt mention a child avi using a ***** bed and yes that is against tos and quite rightly You however stated them having a home with one in, not the same thing at all, and who gives a damn about american law. Plenty of americans been sued for libel in other countries, lost and ended up bankrupt. Just because you think its only american law that counts doesnt make it so. In addition some people have accounts that can be tied to real people quite easily and they merely need to show that
  22. The assertions you have made such as possession of an adult sex bed and groups with daddy on them do not constitute even vaguely proof. Some takes you to court and they will have no trouble finding you guilty if that is all the evidence you have to offer. Dont bother I already know you will come back saying oh yes it is. Frankly I hope therefore someone does take it to a court as its the only way you will learn that you are wrong about it
  23. Publishing such a list would also be considered libellious in a lot of countries and the person doing it could be in a world of financial pain if someone decides to sue
  24. ah so it was of the "good guys" breaking the law If someone found your real address you have been careless, which is not to exonerate merely to point out you should go over your digital trail and work out where you are leaking info As to can't report to the police without a real name that is crap, you report it, the police issue a warrant to sl to get billing info/ip address etc and then they prosecute if they believe there is a case to answer
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