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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. When people are all saying that its a good idea to go back to the old system it needs a dissenting voice to let them know that not everyone wants that else they might get the idea that everyone wants it and implement it in a way those of us with zero interest dont like
  2. hallelujah and finally someone gets the point I was arguing. I dont want to change, if others do fine. I just dont want to log on one day and find the idiots at the labs have done me a favour and I can now choose my surname
  3. If everywhere I went I was seeing name resident you would have a point I am not so you dont
  4. My argument has remained consistent. I like the ways things are now do not make me choose a linden surname. I havent wavered from that. My stance remains the resident portion doesnt get displayed on firestorm or the sl viewer for any resident and I am happy with that. The only time it has to be used is various scripted items. The linden surnames do get displayed. I really dont care what you think it still remains accurate and frankly you are just nitpicking
  5. People have been saying in this thread that all people should get to change their name Coby which is where I came in and said fine as long as we dont have to go pick some crap linden name. That has been what i have been saying all along. I dont want a linden surname dont force me to have one. For some reason that seems unreasonable to you
  6. I doubt any of them actually log on they are just forum warriors Sid
  7. We will never interact why the hell would I care. The only time I see the word resident is when I need to type it into a script
  8. Perhaps because I dont care what the ***** others see I dont have to see it what you see lacks importance
  9. JIRA is for changes I am not asking for a change I am asking to stay the same for *****s sake.
  10. Because if I had to choose a name it would be displayed how hard is this to comprehend. I DO NOT WANT THE LINDENS DECIDING WHAT HALF OF MY *****ING NAME WILL BE
  11. Time and again I have said I am happy for surnames to come back as long as we have a choice not to pick one. People like you are the only ones advocating lack of choice insisting we should have too
  12. My reading comprehension is just fine thank you. All I have done is stated dont force me to choose a surname i dont want. Why do you believe i shouldnt have that choice?
  13. Why would I want random generic linden dictated name. I vote leave the current system if I have to choose between that and some name I dont want. I prefer a system where people get the name they want however
  14. I suggest people are able to choose...you want to lock them into your preferred method. Only one person lacking creativity sweetie
  15. over my head currently is displayed my display name and my display name kanry drago and my user name KanryDrago....resident does not appear. I dont want to see Kanrydrago some*****lindenname over my head
  16. I prefer an invisible resident name to having some lame arsed linden name forced on me yes
  17. No its not pointless its the only way the labs know how players feel. I am not arguing against people being allowed to pick from a list I am arguing against it being forced to
  18. Sid don't be mean she means well she is merely misguided and hasn't yet learnt that not everyone thinks the same as her so assumes she speaks for all
  19. Other games manage it just fine look at Eve for example, also this already happens search angelinajolie or bradpitt in people search You are positing straw man arguments, continue and I will continue to burn them
  20. I dont mind having the select last name from a predefined list as long as its optional. Yes I would prefer to have the type first name and last name as other games I play do and dont have the celebrity problem
  21. If last names are optional fine, if you are forced to select from their list then no it is an idea that needs to die in a fire
  22. As I said I wasnt commenting on the list being lazy, However I would not want to have a limited list to pick from was the point I was making. To me it is worse than what we have now either do it properly or dont do it at all
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