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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. I didn't say governments would I said that isp's would lobby for it and lets face it money always wins and companies get bad laws passed all the time via donations to political parties. Especially if initially there isn't much short term change in the USA. They would point at that then say "See it didnt result in what campaigners claimed it would"
  2. We should all care because once one major country allows ISP's to get away with it then isp's in other countries will start lobbying their governements to be allowed it
  3. Left to a popular vote good food would be classed as mcDonalds. I rest my case
  4. Public voting on which artists get sims is a terrible idea. Good art isnt a popularity contest.Indeed good art often makes people feel uncomfortable.
  5. My landlady rents me a 4096 for 1300 a week 1250 prims so to rent from her a 2048 parcel would cost me 650 a week. This is a private estate. And no not a special price
  6. The TOS seems pretty clear to me and that despite you are getting away with it currently that you are in fact contravening it. There is a simple test however just invite several people from the thread around to your home for the purpose of AR'ing you and if you are still there after the investigation we know that LL interprets it your way, if you home gets removed after we know they interpret it as written
  7. There are a lot of things in SL that are a far more massive part of SL than combat that do not have there own forums . Vampire games such as bloodlines or progeny for example and no before you say vampire games are rp no to most participants of for example bloodlines it tends to be no more than a game and rp isnt really involved in the least. I have certainly met plenty of active bloodlines and progeny players. I have as yet to meet a single combat player that didnt do combat as part of something else like Gor and they were doing it for the something else not for specifically the combat. There are however plenty of free forum hosting services out there such as Enjin for example that the combat community could use to host a forum for themselves with the advantage that they themselves would be the moderators of that forum.
  8. I didnt mention a child avi using a ***** bed and yes that is against tos and quite rightly You however stated them having a home with one in, not the same thing at all, and who gives a damn about american law. Plenty of americans been sued for libel in other countries, lost and ended up bankrupt. Just because you think its only american law that counts doesnt make it so. In addition some people have accounts that can be tied to real people quite easily and they merely need to show that
  9. The assertions you have made such as possession of an adult sex bed and groups with daddy on them do not constitute even vaguely proof. Some takes you to court and they will have no trouble finding you guilty if that is all the evidence you have to offer. Dont bother I already know you will come back saying oh yes it is. Frankly I hope therefore someone does take it to a court as its the only way you will learn that you are wrong about it
  10. Publishing such a list would also be considered libellious in a lot of countries and the person doing it could be in a world of financial pain if someone decides to sue
  11. ah so it was of the "good guys" breaking the law If someone found your real address you have been careless, which is not to exonerate merely to point out you should go over your digital trail and work out where you are leaking info As to can't report to the police without a real name that is crap, you report it, the police issue a warrant to sl to get billing info/ip address etc and then they prosecute if they believe there is a case to answer
  12. Because you believe they are TOS breaking doesn't make you right. When they said case closed call the cops then they are telling you that is outside there juridstriction, such as the swatting you mentioned and exactly the sort of response I would expect. Did you call the cops? As to paedophilia being rampant and banning all child avi's . The number of child avi's that are involved in that are probably a small percentage. While I find child avi's irritating and avoid them as far as possible some of the sims I goto do allow them in and I have yet to see any of them doing anything even remotely sexual or anyone else dealing with them in a sexual manner or acting in a sexual manner around them with other adult avi's You want to ruin a lot of peoples innocent enjoyment for the small percentage of child avi's that partake in that? I repeat LL have to take paedophilia seriously, it is probably the one thing that could shut them down . I believe therefore that any ar involving paedophilia is going to be looked at extremely seriously and LL are going to err on the side of caution and banhammer if there is a reasonable chance people will take it thus. Therefore despite your assertions it was Tos breaking if LL didnt banhammer then I suspect you are wrong in that.
  13. We have a lot of evidence on these forums that LL do look at abuse reports, that implies they looked at yours, that further implies that the AR you put out was not TOS breaking. If there is one thing LL do take seriously it is paedophilia and many have been banned over the years for just rping being under age. Sounds to me like your dislike of child avi's is colouring your judgement if I am honest.
  14. So you think the answer to someone doxxing is to doxx them? Swatting is also outside the lindens remit as it occurs outside the game and they have no logs of it on which to base decisions and a matter to report to the police The way you describe your community makes them sound like they are full of problem people, maybe it is the combat community that we should be looking to wipe from sl rather than child avi's most of which are used for quite legitimate and harmless reasons. (note no I am not really suggesting that they should all be banned just making the point that Parx paints his community in quite a bad light here and makes it sound like there are constant issues with them. Would certainly put me off joining them)
  15. I have a tmp body and tattoos work just fine with it so not the issue you make it out to be. To the main point of the mess that ll caused allowing creators to make mesh bodies. Thank god they did. The only way an ll mesh body would work to help creators is if ll disallowed creators to make mesh bodies then you can watch as every user has other than a human avi walks out the door unless you think ll will also create all those bodies too. If ll creates a mesh body and still allows creators to do so then you will still get people using non ll mesh bodies, you will merely have one extra to cater for
  16. While I can see why you as a builder want to be able to make you sim huge, I do wonder how many folk want to play on a sim that large. Sims are sparsely populated as it is and making it that large just makes it even harder to find folk to interact with. As to wow, you do know they are now thinking of launching vanilla servers to try and claw back some of the users they lost with their fixes?
  17. Perhaps they didnt actually want to call you something rude
  18. Being called a fascist is meaningless these days due to overuse by SJW's its barely even an insult anymore
  19. What Syo is getting at is your first post was you stamping here declaiming it as if what you were saying was fact not opinion
  20. Your point of view is these sims may upset some people and you can understand why it might
  21. As I see where you are coming from now Every sim out there has some one that gets some folk upset even plain vanilla sex sims. If people get upset thinking that these sims portray all black people as subhuman racists then it is those people that have the issue frankly not the people rping happily in that situation. If I was to come on saying white orientated rape sims portray all white men as subhuman rapists and saying I had an issue therefore I would quite rightly be laughed off the forums Sorry if it sounds harsh but we shouldn't be concerned about special snowflakes who believe sl or rl owes them a safe space, we should be telling them to go get some perspective
  22. hmm as I said not going to listen to rap to find an example however a quick google did bring up this article https://thegrio.com/2012/06/19/raps-infatuation-with-white-girls-is-hurtful-to-black-female-fans/ seems to imply there are rap songs about white women
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