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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. Which was sort of what I said with the caveat that you need a thicker skin if you follow that route
  2. Sl has retention issues Linden labs cant do anything about it however only the residents can. Personally I have a stash of links that help newbies for free stuff. If I see them and I am not busy I will im them and welcome them to sl and offer them links and if I am really not busy even offer them a short tutorial in all things sl and take them to see some things after finding out what interests them. I dont regard it as being an altruist I merely regard it as being in my best interests to help people join in
  3. Was he rude? Yes he was However why friend him in the first place? You talked once for a few sentences. Sl is full of very lonely people who want to connect. First find out if you are compatible and have stuff to talk about or realise the one conversation friends a lot of them will go rude on your ass and learn to make it the water that lands on a ducks back. Personally I have found enough of the one conversation and friends people good company that I am willing to tolerate the low hit rate. Your mileage may vary as it inevitably gives you the self entitled and merely insane in large quantities
  4. Beat saber is a good game and a very simple game as in not complex to code....sprites....motion detection.....hand postion detection...the bare bones of vr, when something half as good and half as complex can be made in sansar then give us a shout
  5. Sorry Scylla politicians mouthing platitudes about rights doesn't mean a thing unless they have the power to enforce those rights. The un is a particularly good example of this with their charter of human rights, all very nice all laudable but the un can't enforce them which makes them no more than worthless words. Altruism works in small communities. Once you move to a global stage then altruism frankly means nothing as we see time after time in real life. The only innate human right any of us have is the right to die. The rest we believe we have are gifted to us by those with power, those can be stripped from us also at the whim of those with power as has happened time and again throughout history. When the gun is pointed at you then you only have as much in the way of rights as the wielder allows, except for the one they can't take away
  6. So care to tell us who Sansar is for? Educators are making their own custom apps Large companies that want vr ads are making their own Any gamer is going to see the guff that Sansar dishes up as worthless Plenty of museums and other exhibit types are making their own apps Social media? Nope those people like vr chat, rec room etc Sansar holds nothing for them either So you keep telling us Sansar isnt for sl'ers I agree. Now try telling us who is the customer for it
  7. My specs far exceed those, Sansar is not performant. Every other vr app I run is including dcs, assetto corsa, elite, skyrim and obduction to name a few of the more machine stressing apps. The main issue being the long load times (I have 300mbps down) and the 2012 graphics quality.
  8. dont be unfair its "beta" and they have only been developing it for 5 years or so, just come back in 20 years when its really ready
  9. Sadly not the case in many nations your local law enforcement will look at it and goes looks underaged to us you are nicked mate. It doesnt matter what you claim your avi is.
  10. Couldnt agree more, and we should remember why geocities websites were avoided by discerning users
  11. most sl users arent gamers as such would be my guess, they merely sl on the same machine they use for email, web browsing etc and a potato is adequate for that
  12. well Australia I am told is always rip off city for pc stuff but in the rest of the world where prices are saner....
  13. just to dispel a myth here as an aside, it costs nothing like 6000 to get a perfectly good vr setup. The total for my rig including the headset was a total of 1500$ and runs things like skyrim just fine. The oculus rift retails now for just over 300$ and any i5 or better with a gtx 980 or better will give adequate power
  14. shrugs when Sansar is shut down, and most companies would have pulled the plug by now, then I will be the first to say "told you so". I was enthused to Sansar then I went there. Why you expect it to be a competitor is beyond me but if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy I will leave you to delude yourself
  15. Whatever for its an atlas of failed dreams and broken hopes, desolate places which see less traffic that places deep in the remotest deserts of the world
  16. It is not a semantic argument, Beta has a very precise meaning in software development
  17. Well some might say if it was a solution to anything just maybe that since the end of July someone would have said "Wow Sansar is just what we need" and developed something
  18. Would anyone care to weigh in and confirm for Luna the meaning of Beta? from wikipedia Beta, named after the second letter of the Greek alphabet, is the software development phase following alpha. Software in the beta stage is also known as betaware.[3] Beta phase generally begins when the software is feature complete but likely to contain a number of known or unknown bugs. Note the words feature complete
  19. See above Beta = ready all but a few minor tweaks
  20. yes and absolutely no one sees it as a solution. If they did you would have some evidence of it. All you have instead is a slowly dwindling number of SL creators playing with it and the odd user drifting in looking around and not coming back.
  21. oh ffs, Sansar is in beta....Beta means this is what we plan to release with a few tweaks. The labs think Sansar is more or less ready
  22. I dont dispute VR will be used for these things what I am telling you is that Sansar won't be. There is plenty of educational vr apps already out, there is even a surgery app out on oculus. Guess what they didnt use Sansar. Why because Sansar is a one size fits no one solution.
  23. Yes there is a lot of educational stuff for VR guess what they are writing their own custom stuff not trying to use Sansar, for much the same reason people dont use wordpress to provide study courses Same with medical software. VR apps are easy to create with unity and unreal engine now supporting it. People dont need Sansar to do it and like most jack of all trades pieces of software it is master of none. You really think that someone is going to create surgical software in Sansar?
  24. Here is a challenge for you so you can show people I am wrong Tell us who you think are going to be the long term consumers (not creators) of Sansar and tell us why you believe that they will goto Sansar for that in a way that is not easily rebutted for example 1) Gamers Rebuttal: There are loads and loads of custom made games out there for both pancake and VR that have better graphics, better stories and better mechanics than anything Sansar will ever provide
  25. No I am viewing sansar through the eyes of someone who loves vr. Sansar isnt needed for anything it is crap
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