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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. First of all, the tea room/hangouts and clubs are for Dinkies and tinies. Dinkie's have about 10,000 triangles and tinies far, far less than Dinkie's, so you are the draw weight to fell an ox with 150k to 1 million triangles and that's nude not even clothed yet. And, that is why Dinkie's and tinies and other low triangle avatars can enjoy the higher triangle items without lag. I have spoken about this on the forum prior. Our low triangles allow us no lag with high triangle items that human mesh avatars have a hell of a time because of themselves. Get off your high horse already, Orwar.
  2. This is completely subjective with the Gacha products here in SL. Most of the items I like are actually not the rare and many have items in which I like them all. I find often the rare I have no interest...the commons are better, imo. Plus, I don't play the machines. I buy second-hand items. It's all opinion really. No one forces anyone to play a Gacha machine, plus if you like Nomad for one example you take your item to terminal and exchange right there for a copy/mod version if Nomad still has their terminals up (I'm not sure on what's what with that currently). DRD may have a similar exchange for a copy/mod terminal also. As far as just buying/shopping in real life it's said to be an addiction to some - just shopping itself alone IS or can be an addiction.
  3. I bought some full perm items inexpensively but that still doesn't take away from the beauty and super low expense of Gacha's for clubs, hang-outs, or photography. Let's just take your 250 linden for a piece of one clothing or one piece of furniture. Okay, at 250 per piece, that's 4 pieces for 1000 lindens. Now, I said I spent on average 30 lindens per piece, so that's approx. 8 items per your 1. And, if doing a big build like a club/hangout/tea room, that's 30 items at average 30 lindens a piece for 1000 lindens while your 1000 lindens buys 4 items. How do you compare 30 items to 4 items? You can't. And, I mean super high quality items that are so life-like it's amazing. You just need to realize that people shop differently than you, Orwar. I shop in all kinds of different ways and I know how to stretch a budget and still find great stuff. Also, I'm bought many copy/mod items for high price tags and only used them once so what did I need copy permissions for if I only used it once? There are only a few copy/mod items I've used more than once - not very many at all really. As far as you and other's thinking it's gambling, prize machines are all over the place in real life and so is a gumball machine and both you don't know what you are going to get but you get something, so I don't see it as gambling. If only playing for the rare, that's trying to score a quick buck. Antiques and collectibles dealers do that in real life all the time. Plus, I think Gacha is more realistic in that you can re-sell your item like you can when one buys a real life item.
  4. LOL, Whimsy. Are you the only one who saw I wrote "Apple Farm" instead of "Apple Fall"? There is a rather ritzy country inn in central California called The Apple Farm. Pic for proof. LOL No, there really is...this is it.
  5. It's a lot of hard work! I'd say textures is the way to start otherwise you have just a gray item. I think what's needed in SL are more full perm animations at a great price. The pose part of SL has a bazillion but when it comes to full perm animations there aren't a whole lot or they are rather expensive. My Dinkie is non-Bento and Dinkies can use a lot of the older non-Bento animations as well as older unrigged items and some older non-Bento animations I can find full perm for free or practically nothing. It is often needed to have unrigged items as there are many avatars besides human here. Another thing that may make you a success is that most customers want modify permissions, so if you can, offer your products copy and modify. I'm with Rolig too, I like items that "do" stuff, so yes learning how to script at least for the animations is necessary and a lot of work also. I am doing a Dinkie Therapy Room and Spa and it's been an enormous amount of work. Looks darn easy. Darn easy it ain't. It was so exhausting making my Dinkie Therapy Room and Spa, I am tooooooo tired to use it or enjoy it right now. It's exhausting work.
  6. Possibly but I don't really see it as gambling because with gambling you can often get nothing such as slot machines, poker, or the lottery for some examples in that you will get nothing or possibly something. With Gacha, it's like a prize machine in that you will get a prize you simply do not know which prize you will get. I mostly buy second-hand Gachas. MP is not the best place to buy but there are some sellers on MP I know who also have an inworld Gacha re-sale store and they are good people. Most people in SL are good people from my experience. It's a better experience to join inworld Gacha groups and get to know the sellers. The creator of the group Peace, Love and Gachas also has an inworld Gacha outdoorsy type mall that is a very nice sim to Gacha shop in and it isn't as laggy as some others and she has terrific sales with good stuff and all is 25 lindens. It's a great, inexpensive way to decorate because I'm sure a lot of us buying copy/mod items don't even use a lot of those items twice. We want new and it's more expensive to buy copy/mod items and then to realize those are only used once anyways.
  7. I'm not sure of the currents of exchanges either but at one time Nomad had an exchange terminal where I guess you dropped in your mod/trans Gacha for a copy/mod item and I'm not sure if Nomad still does but they might. DRD also has some kind of exchange BUT her Gachas come with a message where it says more or less if you want an exchange for a copy/mod version you MUST NOT open the box prior to exchange. So, each person would need to clarify how exchanges work currently no matter whom the Gacha is from. ALL THINGS GACHA group inworld may have current info on exchanges.
  8. I say no way to that that full perm kits are as cheap as Gacha especially if you want items of great quality where the amazing textures are already done. Nutmeg, Apple Farm, Dust Bunny, Scarlet Creative (I love her houses too) have great quality on their Gachas and copy/mod items but the price for photographs to use copy/mod items, no way...that would cost a fortune to be buying their copy/mod items for photographs. Plus, how I see the full perm items, if I am going to do all that texturing which takes a very long time, I may as well use full perm items for re-sale. Some full perm kits are well over 1000K lindens I want. That's a lot of money! So, best for re-selling what I make, imo. I did use some of my own items mixed in with the Gachas for my clubs and tea houses but it would have taken me years to do all those textures. One tea house had 280 items in it! That's a lot of textures - would have taken forever!
  9. This is an old thread of mine. I never found the missing items that I started this thread about but I went on to decorate two amazing club/hangouts with Gachas that I have good and great memories of Gachas, along with some bad. Oh, and two absolutely charming tea rooms also. The bad was far and few between compared to the great experience I had with my clubs and tea rooms. The best way to buy Gachas, imo, is inworld at the yardsales. Join the inworld group ALL THINGS GACHA for info on some really great, inexpensive items. Inworld, since there is no copy of a gacha, you pay and then right click on the item and choose TAKE because the item changed into your name as owner when you paid for it. I never would have been able to afford to decorate my clubs or tea houses with copy/mod items. I was paying on average 30 lindens a piece for items I decorated my clubs with and that cannot be done with copy/mod items price-wise. Look at Gachas as something that affords some beautiful inexpensive props for photography as well. Buying copy/mod items for photography is too expensive. I rez a box now and put all my Gachas in boxes. Gachas are not for everybody and it isn't worth debating. My great experience with Gacha has far out-weighed my bad. EDIT IN: PEACE, LOVE and GACHAS is another great inworld group with great sales, most sales have items half price or less. Gachas is fun but it's most likely not for hoarders unless you store everything in your own box that you rezzed when you are done with a build or a photograph for example.
  10. In Loving Memory of My Sister. I could not bring flowers, so I wore them.
  11. I mentioned that it didn't for me because I think the conception or misconception is it would be 100% across the board that some "change" would occur. I interact with DJ's I hear speak just the same as I did before I heard them speak and had no change hearing them speaking while DJ'ing either. I was like that when I first came to SL years ago. When I first came to SL some 15 years ago or so, I thought we were supposed to have only one look such as one skin and one hair and always be that. It's weird how we come with some misconceptions of what we are supposed to do or be on SL. But, when I first came, I really thought I am supposed to make just one me and not change. I'm glad to have broken free of that as I have a lot more fun. But, for me, an avatar really needs to come with fashion choices like the Dinkies do and of course humans. I am partly here for fashion also. Dinkies could use more creators for fashion if anyone is interested. I know it's a rough economy right now though. So, just putting it out there just in case someone might like to make stuffs. Dinkie's do love fashion. An avatar I'd also love is a human doll with clothing options. The CoCo dolls are adorable but not much fashion.
  12. Also, many sim owners only want humans on their sim and I respect that. But, it's also that we tinies break the immersion aspect of SL because there aren't talking animals in real life. We tinies have a few sims of our own thankfully but it's not many, less than a handful while humans have most all of SL. My first two times in SL I could not imagine ever being anything but human. This third time I surprised myself and I've been all different kinds of avi's including human. I think a lot of people have never even viewed the COMPLETE AVATAR section of Marketplace and seen the bazillion and one other avatars one can be besides a human, let alone know there are classes to make your own avatar, etc. Most come on here, and think human only and that's all to them. I was like that once a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. lol Not anymore.
  13. I agree with Lewis that if I want realism I will go to FB. I didn't come to SL to be "real" but rather the opposite. That doesn't mean most of my avatars have some conscious or sub-conscious part of me in them but most are fantasy. I came here to escape politics and other stuff too. I've done my best to drop the politics completely. I'm here to create, have fun, keep it more light and fanciful. There may be people who need to talk about revealing the person behind the avatar, but most won't. It is rather a loaded topic, so you might get some "loaded" answers.
  14. Or some people don't get it. I, believe it or not, used to paint emotions and that's what my painting was about, an emotion. But, I'm sure some just saw it as a pretty picture with some flowers or something like that to which I'm not giving a very good representation of my art at all. It had some pretty things but I think even my flowers that were a part of the whole evoked an emotion. My art was neither realism nor abstract. My art was inspired by the pre-Raphaelites and their love of Shakespeare as is one of mine.
  15. I think you are speaking about that thing called "immersion". I don't think I've ever really been an immersionist, I think that is kind of apparent from my being a tiny which is a very whimsical character. I love whimsy in real life though and therefore it's spilled over into my SL. I couldn't stand living a life without some whimsy in it, that's how much it means to me. But, immersion is important to some people in SL and really should not be challenged nor questioned, and immersion is okay with me as we tinies have our own sims. Voice will probably break that immersion for some. For me it never did so I may not be an immersionist.
  16. You know, I "voiced" with three people all-in-all in SL over the course of 15 years (two were on the phone) and it DID NOT change how I viewed their avatars one iota. So, I think this is variable just like anything with SL experiences. If I had been given a photo or been on cam, it might have changed; but if I liked them, it wouldn't matter that say their avatar has long hair but in real life they have short hair or in real life they are chubby and their avatar isn't. It really would not have mattered to me but I was never on SL to find a "mate" either SL nor RL because the other times I came to SL I was already partnered in real life. This time I'm single but I love being single and don't want that to change, and I wanted to learn to build, so I am doing that. I see SL as a 3D Photoshop "living" kind of program but I wouldn't expect others to share my view of it. We all experience things uniquely.
  17. Do you think that voice would destroy that illusion? I think there are people on voice where it doesn't destroy the illusion of their avatar. In RL, we have illusions too, even on voice we are trying to put our best foot forward all the time. Yesterday, I was crabby and cranky in a thread and shouldn't have been. Truth is, I was crabby and cranky in real life, and it was because I had just received the COVID vaccine. The COVID vaccine made me tired, cranky and crabby. I decided best to try to do something else until I feel better. But, I think while voice can reveal some things, it cannot reveal all anyways.
  18. Thanks! I always feel a bit awkward talking about the tinies because I assume many think "tiny" means child human avatar which it does not. Tinies are small humanimals in SL and unlike furries are not human-sized either but rather are "tiny" (small). People are multi-faceted like a jewel, SL allows us to experience the many different facets of ourselves. I don't feel I am revealing myself through my tiny, I'm just being creative. But, with other avatars, I do feel I have revealed bits of myself or gotten in touch with parts of my self I never did before.
  19. Yeah they are fun! I have been off and on SL for 15 years or so. The first time I came to SL, it was an Angel-send because I lived in a remote area that could not receive any radio so I had no music, and then I found SL by seeing them on the news a long time ago. My first two times in SL were for music and socializing, my 3rd time (this time) was purely to build. Now I see SL as a 3D Photoshop program almost. Plus I love all this 3D "stuff" and I really believe it is an art form. Many are not here for SL to be a dating website. I see voice coming to play here because the younger people didn't learn typing like many of the former generation did. Although through texting and FB, my nephew and niece (somehow) learned to type and can type to me on FB which I am grateful for, especially since my nephew lives in another state now. I also see voice as kind of like ham radio and I think it's cool but I didn't have that great of an experience with it because the person had very broken English and I could not understand him. I talked to a few people in the past, years ago, on my phone. We talked on the phone and it wasn't that great an experience either. I often wonder what it would be like on voice today but still I am so busy that it's not the time now. Just have fun and don't do the opposite and worry about others that they are left out. People gravitate to things as it happens for them.
  20. What were you hiding though? Was it your gender that voice revealed? Many say voices are morphed, and the group I hang around mostly makes morphs so some of our gestures sound like the famous Chipmunks and one of my favorite live singers in SL uses morphs in her songs that also sound like the Chipmunks because we are tinies. I don't believe tinies are hiding anything. We get together and have fun, plus it's a way for married people to be together in SL and not be hit on. There are many reasons to be a tiny, I cannot speak for all of them. I think they are the most adorkable thing in the entire world but it doesn't make me feel I am hiding or that I need to go on voice. I went on voice once, I found it a hassle and the person had such a heavy accent that I kept saying "what?" because I could not understand him. I am busy building over 90% of my time in SL. I don't have time for voice. Pic included so others can know what a tiny is as we are NOT human child avatars.
  21. Oh, some threads are so long, they are impossible to read. But, better stay on topic as there is some good advice in this thread. How to avoid someone who is power tripping on the OP, imo, I think report it but the OP does not want too. I think they have some kind of listener on them but I cannot be sure, and that one of the OPs friends is an alt to the supposed stalker. Reporting it can take care of getting rid of any listener, imo.
  22. Yeah I mostly tend to agree with you but I also think at least read the first few pages as this isn't a very long thread at all. There is no perfect science to this, so I basically agree and will amend my own post now. I am looking through my posts so I can put an addendum that this issue was answered that NO someone cannot read your IM's through a listener, only local chat. EDIT: Oh, it's too late, one cannot edit their posts after a day or so.
  23. Yeah, we covered that already early on in this thread. No need to keep going over it again.
  24. I'm hungry. Wearing my own hair which may or may not eventually be available for Dinkies. I kind of like having my own original hair just for me right now.
  25. Oh, that song makes me cry, Coby. @VictoriaGrwd, you look like a Goddess! Beautiful! I want to be a Spring Goddess Dinkie soon!
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