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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. I'm currently NOT a BOM avatar as my human because I find the BOM skins not as pleasing to me in their look as the applier skins, plus the Dinkie I prefer is not BOM in this mod version for Dinkies and this non-BOM Dinkie mod IS SOOOOOO ME AND I LOVE IT, so I don't know if I will ever be BOM as a Dinkie, not until I talk with the creator of the Dinkie mod anyhow. So, I am mostly non-BOM and don't need a rebake, so I'd say "thanks, I will check it out later". I give a quick response with a will check it out later because I, just like Marianne, in her OP says, I just want a quick in, buy and out. If I'm in for DEMOS, I'd still give the same answer as I'm busy looking at DEMOS right now and with shopping I don't care how I look, I care that I get my demos or what I am there to buy. I will go in a nightgown and robe if I feel like it. Plus, I usually park myself in a corner somewhere out of the way and then click 'show friends only'. I'm busy when I'm shopping and don't want to be bothered.
  2. @AltynTagh, I wanted to say I'm just giving general fyi opinions and information in my posts as there are "listeners" most people don't know about. I'd think if someone passes a listener on a user, the Lindens have ways to check for these and disable them because it really is as simple as January said: If someone doesn't want to be with you, they don't want to be with you. I reported mine to the Lindens and am just giving encouragement for others, not necessarily the OP, to do so, report it to the Lindens because the OP says doesn't want to report it. After my report, my problems were dead and gone.
  3. Just to understand this better, okay could an avatar other than the person you are speaking about be on your friend's list as an alt who may have given you something that listens? So say then that alt knows where you are by "listening" and then this person knows because THEY ARE the alt. Honestly, I don't think any of us are that intriguing that someone needs to stalk us around. This is a power play, however. Someone wants to power trip you. If you like the way this avatar looks but don't like this person power tripping you, you need to decide for yourself which is more important to you - the avatar or peace of mind away from the person.
  4. Not to upset you nor doubt you but just to make sure, did you CHARACTER TEST your avatar. In other words, Ruth her? I would think Ruthing her would make everything come off, and then re-build. I just wanted to make doubly sure how you re-built for the record so we can completely rule out any possibility of a listening device being on you. Although with your "tests" you have described, I think you would have known if you typed your location and I am sure you did not. So, the listening device is most likely not the cause, although it could help others get one off if they have one on their avatar. Just character test and ruth yourself before re-building and that's just general fyi information I'm giving here. I can't think of anything else that would help. Speaking of stalkers, many of us have experienced them. I have too and have reported to LL who took care of it.
  5. I was pretty sure through that thread about the man's wife saying SL is porn we had established this listening HUD could listen to both local chat and IM's. That thread had just occurred and then I was on MP and saw the device so I posted the link to that HUD in that thread and wrote "here, now you can check if YOUR partner is cheating", but I thought it was established it could listen to both. I just woke up, so it would be a lot of posts for me to go through to find that thread where I linked that listening HUD. I think the OP may have some kind of listener on him. It's worth checking under worn. What if someone passes you a script from an object that is turned invisible and thus the person forget they were even wearing it. It makes sense in that okay now he's on this avi, since said person has a listening HUD, as soon as the person starts typing or saying where they are going, the other person knows. The best thing to do is re-build your avatar with nothing old worn. Get all fresh copies of your parts and start your avatar completely over. To the OP, I don't believe this person you are speaking about has a tracking HUD, I believe they have some kind of listening HUD, which if you type where you are, then they know. This would also explain why it hasn't been very often because you aren't typing where you are very often.
  6. I was on MP one day and per the usual with MP, all kinds of items appear all over the place. A thread had been started about the man's wife feeling SL was porn and she was mad at him for being involved in SL a few days prior to me being on MP that day. So, that day I'm on MP and there appears this LISTENING HUD or gadget thing that can listen to your IM's and chats although I am not sure of the name. The OP or anyone would have to be wearing a device, like RLV, that allows your partner or sub or dom or whomever to listen to your IM's and chats though. There is an LSL listening script. Anyhow, 2 times in 2 years is not very much...it's the fact that they are that interested to know where and what this person or any person is doing is unsettling. I gotta agree with January, it sounds like someone who doesn't have a life and there is something wrong there with them and probably especially in regards to their maturity. I have never seen a person I knew on SL before, only a few in the forums do I remember.
  7. There are a couple for Saturday - Saturday Sale and Happy Weekend. I never knew about these as a somewhat grid-wide thing but thought perhaps just a few stores had them as I only knew of a few from my groups. Okay, the link is kind of involved, so from what I gather from the website Rowan posted, I need to join ACCESS Updates to get the notices, so I did but still need to read through the website. Anyhow, thankies @Rowan Amore. I've already been going to "Seraphim - The Outlet" for about four months now.
  8. I loved shopping the 50 Linden Fridays yesterday and really saved a ton of lindens for the first time, but I have also begun to go to the Saturday Sales which I did very sporadically in the past. I go to the Saturday Sales at Tres Blah, Just Because, MOVE and yesterday got a notice from Riot for a Saturday Sale item. I'd like to go to more Saturday Sales, do you know of any? (p.s. Riot still has a cute item available today Sunday from it's yesterday Saturday Sale and a free group gift that says THICK THIGHS, THIN PATIENCE and I thought some of you might like it.) Thanks in Advance for any leads to more Saturday Sales and/or blogs.
  9. Your story reminds me of a gentleman who used to live in my building. He was great fun and could charm anyone, and not only could, did. He had lived his life mostly as an opera singer and had traveled all around the world. He was great fun to be around. He would burst into song at all time too.
  10. Yeah, the words on my titler about the silver swan are on my Dinkie avatar. I think a humanimal with those words, and a child-like one at that, makes sense when my Dinkie has these words. Whereas, with a human avatar, I think it wouldn't work so well, as the human adult avatars are not child-like in their presence nor thought.
  11. I don't have a poem yet but the words over my head from my current titler say "Sing a song for the beloved Silver Swan" which sounds like a bit of poetry to me in itself. This thought about the beloved silver swan and singing a song to her is because she is dying and there is only so much time to sing to her. So, now is a good time. That's basically what my titler means though I doubt anyone will "get it" but maybe it will make some people think about the beloved silver swan and why they should sing a song to her or anyone. It's just about taking the time, taking the time to even smile at someone. I've sort of been a shut in since lockdown in November of 2020 and saw someone smile yesterday. It's been a while since I saw someone smile as I hardly see anyone these past months and I was amazed at my reaction which was "someone smiled".
  12. Yeah, me too! I changed my mind about the Paris Apartment and the bit of "frilly" and bought some items from Half Deer. I love hearts year round and heart shapes to me have never been a Valentine's symbol. I have collected heart Christmas ornaments for years but I put those ornaments up on my wall year round attached to ribbons. So, Half Deer added a nice touch of playfulness and I really like her items! Aside from the heart chairs, I bought the cat chairs too from Half Deer. This is my play house for my Dinkie and Tiny friends and me. I call it a therapy room and part of it is a spa experience to relax in the spa, do Yoga, ballet, all kinds of things. The animations are taking time to get right though!!!!!!!!!!!! lol ****Just an FYI, "tinies" are not human child avatars. Tinies are tiny humanimal avatars that mostly are not cats like the Dinkies are but are other kinds of animals, although there are other makers of tiny cat avatars too. We are called tinies because we are small avatars unlike furries which are tall and human-sized.
  13. Oh yeah and THANK YOU! Thank you for helping to make this "magic". I often tell people SL is made up of paper, math and magic, and I think love is in there too but it is still most certainly "magic".
  14. Happy trails, stay well, and I hope you enjoy your gift I'm sending you. Hint: It's the thought that counts. The Dinkies and tinies made via the SL platform have been one of the best experiences of my life and I will always cherish those memories. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to the Wizard. Many happy days in your retirement.
  15. My word for the day. Spelwing bee for Dinkies @ 3 @ Larry's with a 3000 linden fwee pwize. (Just kidding). Data, some of us were wondering if by the data it had anything to do wiff da sales, especially with Legacy brand? Why there is no polling on the forums, I gather SL thinks it would be tampered with probably, especially in relation to products. As far as a change, I was with you on your outfits comment until I decided to buy all those heads to play around with at 75% off. Now, I have lots of new outfits to make. On another note, one thing that heads do for SL, I think, is really drive the economy for new outfits, skin, hair, the works. I don't think a new body would drive the SL economy quite so much as the heads would because if I buy a new body, I can get re-deliveries of all my Blueberry and Addam's clothing which has all the sizes. Another interesting note about me, I didn't give a darn about any price in SL prior to coronavirus except I loved getting my fatpacks form Blueberry and Addam's for their sales and that is it but I shop at Blueberry and Addam's year round but for fatpacks I wait for the sales. The virus has changed things for me and for many creators too. That is just a fact. Business in SL is way down just as it is in real life.
  16. Many of my items are partly an investment as I buy mostly textures. I bought 7 heads from the Black Friday sales but one of the stores all the products were 75% off so I jumped at it as it's for play, not for money. But, still, SL is a very competitive market. I am always finding affordable items.
  17. Avatar customization is a big deal in SL now and that is part of the "playing" for some and part of SL's appeal as well as you haven't thought about creator's in your sentence above - especially those who make amazing shapes for us. That's why I bought 7 heads at the Black Friday sales because I like to play, do photography and most importantly MAKE SHAPES. I have made tons of shapes. Almost all my shapes have been freebies though. Then I started selling some and then I saw my shapes end up at an event copied, so I only have few shapes for sale now. But, I still will play with my heads and take photography. People wanting to "play" in SL is different than how you view SL, Rowan. I think you view SL as make one avatar that is yourself. There are many people who don't play SL that way nor find it creative enough to be one avatar. But, c'est la vie, that's life. Lower prices may bring a new crowd also in a post coronavirus real life business near annihilation.
  18. That's part of a tactic, I agree. But, some still prefer Legacy over Maitreya. Legacy is interesting for "playing" and I don't have much play money so I wouldn't buy it full price. SL is a very competitive market and there are always good deals for my lindens elsewhere. But, still saving 2500 lindens is a lot to me but that doesn't necessarily mean people will buy Maitreya or another body just because it's a lower price. On another note, the body makers have it easy compared to others. They only need a small place to rent and with Legacy that inworld space is about closet sized, and they don't have to make new bodies every month or keep constantly creating like those who do clothes, hair, furniture, houses. Plus, all this stuff just keeps copying over and over and over until infinity or until SL ends whenever that is. It's not like they have to keep buying goods and shelling out a ton of money like real life businesses do in order to sell.
  19. Yes, probably all the Shabby Chic I have which is French inspired. I am more "French Country" than "Paris Apartment" though. Paris Apartment tends to be a bit frillier. I don't care for too much "frilly" or coquette.
  20. I probably lived in a mostly middle class community for 20 years with my ex. We did have a large population of upper clientele among our community, mostly doctors, stock brokers, some radio celebrities. Our community was always sending us coupons in the mail not only for food but for clothing too. Arby's was always sending out coupons and so was Burger King. It's how mortgage poor people lived. It's expensive to have a home in California. Some upper middle class people can be very stingy. I saw them at the sales too. If it's 70% off, they were there just like the rest of us. We had a community of endless sales and it ran very well. I wonder just how many people would be buying Legacy bodies if they were again on sale? I'd say quite a lot. With no sale happening, there is probably no one there. With a 50% off sale, it would be mobbed. When I went to get my Legacy demo to try the body when it was not on sale, there was no one there.
  21. My ex and I lived not too far from an Arby's and we'd get coupons quite a lot. So we went to Arby's when there was a good deal. We almost always ate out on weekends so we lived by the coupons of the sales even for places to eat. I cooked during the week but my ex always took us out to eat on the weekends. I always went to sales, always. I rarely bought anything full price ever. It's how mortgage poor people with child make it. I just recently bought from two stores I've never bought from and they have excellent stuff at a fantastic price and their price is about 60% lower than their competitors. If the price wasn't as low for these items I just bought, I would not have bought them. I am not a money tree nor have endless lindens. lol I power shop here just like I do in real life.
  22. Exactly and neither would I. That's what I keep saying about many high priced luxury items in SL and perhaps many high priced items in SL in general. It's better to sell two or three at a lower price than none because you make your money up on volume and lower prices draw people in to buy when they would not otherwise. But no one here on the forums have ever agreed with me about that. Sales are a part of business and a part of life. It's just a fact.
  23. Yeah! Way cute! It was my first time shopping there. I'm doing a new build so I needed new stuff and keke - glitter, flowers, lamps, furniture and clutter decor fit the bill and it's really good stuff too! Keke has a bit of modern also that is very affordable if anyone is interested in modern. I also shopped at Kalopsia for my new build and Kalopsia has 211 items right now priced at under 100 lindens and I don't know if these are sales prices or not. Kalopsia is also really great stuff - all the items I got I gave 5 stars.
  24. I am doing a new build and just bought a bunch of stuff from a place called keke. Keke has quite a few items under 100 lindens right now that are just adorable and charming and I left her/him a bunch of 5-star reviews. I'd check it out because I don't know if all these under 100 linden items are a sale or not. Very low impact items as well. Really cute stuff! I will post the link for you because it's an unusual name and keke is just part of the name and whole name is keke - glitter, flowers, lamps, furniture, clutter decor https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/4451?utf8=✓&search[layout]=gallery&search[category_id]=&search[sort]=&search[per_page]=12&search[keywords]=&search[price_low]=11&search[price_high]=100&search[land_impact_low]=&search[land_impact_high]=&search[copy_permission]=0&search[modify_permission]=0&search[transfer_permission]=0&search[limited_quantities]=0&search[is_demo]=0
  25. I think Hallmark has went bankrupt one time before. I can't quite remember. But, it's way struggling now with COVID. So many businesses eroding every single day. My favorite were Mother's Day cards though as my Mom saved every single one of those. They were getting a bit pricey though with some cards 5 or 6 dollars for one card which is kinda nuts. List of Hallmark Stores that will be closing in 2020? Nevada (Las Vegas/Reno) California (LA/SF) New York (NYC) Tennessee (Nashville) Maryland (all) Texas (Dallas/Houston) Florida (all) Ohio (all) Nov 18, 2020
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