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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. It seems you are talking about many things. As far as services, I once thought a good idea would be to have a mesh avatar making school with lots of tutorials and people there to answer any and all questions. I mean even take the shape. We can only have one shape in SL and some people think there are two shapes - one for the head and one for the body...plus other problems from Classic to mesh shape. And, there then are appliers and BOM. I once thought I might want to start this kind of mesh avatar making school, but I don't know that much about making a mesh avatar and so I thought I'd hire people who do. But, it's a lot of work and time to get something like that going plus people are putting out a lot of money just to make a mesh avatar and then to pay for "school" on top of that cost might not work though it could save them money in the long run as when I first became a mesh head, my first two mesh head purchases were a waste of money. Anyhow, I give the idea to you as I have decided I don't want to do it. Maybe something like what I'm talking about here would work for you. Also, I wanted to add. I think you are talking about some kind of help franchises. I'm not sure that would work. The networking for help needed is our WANTED section here on the forum where people can place an ad for one-on-one help or custom work.
  2. So, the 250 there is just kind of giving you a number to possibly shoot for but yes as you said one does needs to read the Market Data to see what really might be the best price they can get but just working that thing is difficult to understand and that's why I started there.
  3. Oh, it doesn't read the instant rate only the current best limit buy rate as mine shows 250 in the limit buy area so that is what I assumed but that's only the limit buy best price of current. I was going to say once one figures out how to use the limit buy, they do need to check the best price they might get before actually really putting in an amount. So, a best price to get is already put in there. I see.
  4. Okay, next. You need to change the LIMIT BUY amount only and put in the amount you want in the LIMIT BUY section only. So, I put in 257 and 20K linden as the amount and it automatically calculates the cost difference between the two. If the going rate is 250, which it is, you put a higher number BUT stay fairly close to the 250 number. See next screenshot below. Do not change anything in INSTANT BUY section as that will calculate automatically to show the difference in price.
  5. LOL, no. You need to come in somewhere closer to reality, such as placing a limit buy for 5K linden for 260 as the rate is 250. If I put in 260 instead of 250, I'd save not much. Limit Buy is for people buying a lot. I don't even think you would get lindens for 260 though, perhaps 255/257 maybe.
  6. I got the same as I have mostly been Albino in my SL and one guy even said I should be his gf and he'd buy me a new dark skin and that I should always wear high heels. I blocked the guy. I still am mostly Albino.
  7. Yes this. The elder women in my family as well saw people in their own family die as young people and the courage they had to live life still and to trust people at all period cannot be put into words. As far as my Mom and my Aunt, I will say the men that came into their lives were pretty awesome men, meeting them in Polish Town in New York and then bringing them to California to have a pretty good life here. Both my Mom and my Aunt did well on their own in business; my Mom and Aunt both retiring with a pension which is almost unheard of these days. My Mom received her pension from working in a hospital; my Aunt as a school teacher. As far as women in SL, Strawberry Linden inspires me. Strawberry Linden went from her own YouTube videos to becoming a Linden and then having her own talk show in SL. I emailed Strawberry once before she was a Linden and she answered me and I was very excited then - lol. I think she is one to be celebrated on International Women's Day.
  8. I had to change my post above as I meant reverse not reserve. It may do the reverse and cause prices to inflate. I know Legacy adds the 10% of what MP takes into the cost of their mesh bodies if you purchase them on MP. IOW, Legacy adds 500 lindens to their bodies on MP (see link below). I also have a friend who does this and sells her items inworld for less because of the cost of LL taking 10% of MP sales; however, it costs money to have the land inworld for a store so I don't really see the need to have higher prices on MP but others do is all I am saying here. I think a SALE section on the forum and places having their own sales of 20-30% off would do better for the creators. It's not a real good time in the world economies to think of higher prices. We are walking on eggshells as it is. Economies are very fragile right now. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LEGACY-The-Ultimate-Meshbody-All-New-Next-Generation-Hyper-Real-HD-SL-UV-Closet-Compatible-Bento/19577050
  9. So, with this franchise informational kiosk with many different bodies, as a creator I'd have to pay a certain sum of money to each person who wanted to put a learning/information kiosk on their land with info about my mesh body (using a hypothetical here since I don't have a mesh body to sell). It would have to be figured out how much more money I could make doing this because I would be putting out extra money to the land owners for having an informational kiosk about my body. I could see adding information in those in different languages might help me much. So, how would one figure that out...how much to charge per body maker per kiosk and it's only in English or what? EDIT: This also runs the risks of having to raise prices on the bodies which could lose sales and do a reverse for the creator - they make less money because of having to raise prices.
  10. Okay, you are changing this from the gist of your OP which seems to me to say franchise what you make and let other's receive a portion of the profit because many people in SL do not know how to create and therefore cannot make good money here. This franchise idea is a problem for many full perm items though because we are under USER LICENSE to not share full perm items with anyone, so the franchise idea would not work for full perm items for the almost all part. Some full perm sellers say we can have a partner but we must disclose who are partner is and jump through a bunch of hoops to do that and that is why I don't have a partner for the items I sell. It's too much of a hassle to go to each full perm dealer and introduce my partner, etc, etc, etc, etc... That's too much time. However, I'd love to have a partner but it's an extreme hassle and a half. So your free rent to those with full perm items and sharing open source experience needs to be kept separate from your franchise idea. A franchise idea is better for those who full create their own items 100%. A lot of sellers in SL who import items are under user licenses from other companies also. All of this user license stuff is to help avoid copy-botting. Plus, what I think you need are what is called AD BOARDS. However, many merchants in SL say ad boards are dead because their ad boards are now social media. This is what I learned by talking in SL merchant groups. Wanting to offer free rent to anyone is totally up to you as I see it.
  11. I'm not sure what the OP means by franchise "giants". I think it would make search nuts as has been mentioned already in this thread. You mentioned Maitreya, Maitreya is certainly a "giant" but I doubt she would split her profit. I don't really see any need for her to do that unless he's speaking about language barriers and having shopping sims in different languages. Now he says it's full perm stuff but I'm still not sure what his franchise is all about other than getting a bunch of full perm dealers all together on a sim for perhaps one shopping experience of a lot of full perm items at once.
  12. I see, well I am currently "looking" so I mentioned it. To me, scripting can be a literal headache but all I do is modify them to my liking. An automated scripting machine, I'm not sure what it does because I don't like scripting from nothing as some I can get free or have bought stellar ones on MP for very affordable prices. Yeah, I probably could have searched out the free one but some on MP are just written better and work better for easy to understand modification that's why it's worth the lindens - it's not written in Mongolian and I'm paying for easier to understand. Hmmmmmm. I wouldn't mind a demonstration class of your automated device though.
  13. Many of the mesh model head makers have signs up in their mesh head stores for Maitreya and Legacy but this is the creator's co-mingling to advertise more rather than franchising on each other's sims from what little I know about it, which is not much because I don't even know if there are landmarks or one can purchase a body on any mesh head maker's sim or not. But, to franchise other's stuff, LittleMeJewel posted above that is already possible but it's becoming a vendor of someone else's stuff for a cut. That's almost always been here. Free space to full perm dealers and open source scripts...well, you could become a building school. Some scripts are available for free at certain building schools or one can ask a teacher what script they need. There is also an inworld group called SCRIPTS for anyone who needs help. But, why would you want to open your sim for free to full perm products only? I'm just wondering? If you have any low cost stores available for non full perm products, let me know.
  14. You know, I thought you were holding that white rabbit avatar in your photo here on SL so I then was wondering why you wouldn't like to be friends with a frog if you are holding a white rabbit but then it looks like the white rabbit is just in your photo in front of you. I'm friends with all kinds of avi's but then I'm not looking for a partner and not even a date so I guess I'm different than you but still chatting is chatting, you might get something out of it or just to share some jokes. I also feel I am making robots in SL but you can always talk to me as me, and me is just a person who likes to make robots. I saw this creepy doll on MP yesterday and thought I'd love that as an avatar but when I read the description it wasn't an avatar, just a prop. When I first thought it was an avatar and I'd love to buy it and wear it, I did wonder how people might think of it to be honest, but if I like an odd avatar, there are places where the odd avatars in SL can go and those events revolve around the music and chatting and possibly talking about music too and then we go home and then often meet again and do it all over again and it's fun. But, you want everyone to be a potential love interest? Hmmmmmmm, that's a lot of love interests, imo. But, you do, of course, have a right to live your SL as you choose.
  15. Omg, we rez naked, with our heads and breastplates and arms and legs flying everywhere. That is beyond silly. Just the other day I was out and about and body parts were flying everywhere and this detached hairless head comes straight at me and I ducked in real life away from my computer screen. Then more hairless heads were flying all about. It was terrible. We see each other at our worst that way and come to accept it. People that hang with tinies can be whatever avatar they want to be and believe it or not we have the same fun as most events. The live music and chat was pretty good.
  16. That's how it is in Dinkie/Tinyland as all avi's are welcome not just tiny ones...it could be aliens or ____________ fill in the blank, but it also reminds me of the good old days of SL, a long time ago, when one could go to most any non-private club and see all kinds of fantastical avatars somewhat like the bar scene in Star Wars. I'm not saying they were "ugly" per se, but they weren't created to be a fashion-plate ideal for a mate adventure is what I'm saying. Tinyland in SL is more like the good old days...be whatever you want as long as dressed mostly. To which most of us say, "hurray!"
  17. Yes, this is true. The boxes going off like noisy and joyful slot machines are a rush to some kids, not all. However, I don't think it's clear yet regarding Gashapons, especially since trading cards are dismissed, and trading cards are more like loot boxes in that you have no idea what you are going to get other than say a Pokemon genre one or a Baseball genre one. Also, much of the articles are speaking about children, not adults. Plus, I don't know how much of this is true game-per-game, nor if this is even true below about Fortnite as I'm not a player of Fortnite. The other thing though is SL is not sold as a game nor does it have any specifics for it's game, things can even be imported here. Basically, all we know for sure is SL is not a video game, it's a virtual world but has no objectives for it's players to follow. Amid criticism, developers Activision and Infinity Ward did away with loot boxes when they unveiled “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” last year. There are also no loot boxes in the latest iteration of the game, “Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.” “Fortnite,” for its part, was changed last year by developer Epic Games to make loot boxes transparent and thus more like shopping than gambling. There also are no loot boxes in one of the hottest new games, “Cyberpunk 2077,” which was released Thursday. Evans said many game developers know that loot boxes can breed bad habits. “But they also know players will pay for the dopamine rush, the excitement, of loot boxes, which is the same thing that happens when you pull the lever on a slot machine.” That may be changing. An Irvine company called Intellivision Entertainment is making a no-loot-boxes policy a key selling point for the family-friendly game console it plans to introduce next year. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-12-11/video-game-loot-boxes-gambling
  18. I see what these loot boxes are now. One is gambling on getting good items in the loot boxes before they are released so they can progress or win the game and/or resell for a quick buck so someone else can progress further in the game. That's a money scheme and no longer a "game".
  19. That is how the English word "Gacha" got it's name though from the Gashapons. Now older Gashapons could have been all encapsulated, hidden and no picture. It looks to me like modern day Gashapons have a picture similar to a SL Gacha. That is all I am saying. I wanted to determine how is a Gacha similar to a loot box because reading about loot boxes they have different kinds such as pay to win, pay to progress, etc, which sounds like Las Vegas. As far as gambling, not all people are addicted. Just like with shopping, not all people are addicted. But shopping addiction without even any Gachas involved is a known addiction. Do we all stop shopping? I am not for more Puritanical laws for adults. Minors is always a gray area but if a parent or an aunt give a child two dollars to play whatever Gashapon machine they wanted to in real life and get a toy, I don't see the harm in it. The child gets a toy they may or may not like or they may trade. In real life, I think it would be under adult supervision like most Arcades are. I don't see the big deal really. I don't like gambling so I hardly ever go as I'd rather do something else. But, the few times I have gone I took my winnings and went antique shopping and perhaps out to eat or a show. I just don't care for gambling. It does not addict everyone. But, some of this still has gray areas such as pay to win and progression, that's Las Vegas stuff.
  20. Well, if you knew then why didn't you bring Gashapon's to the table here. No one did but me but that is basically what Gacha's are - the Gashapon's that have a picture I'd gather because there are Gashapon games that show no picture. Now the Gashapon games that have no picture and it's just randomized stuff could be older and are no longer allowed. I don't know all the specifics here. But, as far as Gashapons and gambling and being illegal - for adults I'd say no, for minors I'd say yes.
  21. Yes, but the machine maker or how it got started is irrelevant. And, it's really Gashapons that are in question. I'd have to see a wording of the bill and if they even have a legal definition of what a Gashapon or "Gacha" (English nickname) as well as lootbox is defined as because I'd like to know. I also did not read your links yet because I'm having coffee and now breakfast. You have to give people time to read. First, I wanted to establish what is the legal definition of Gacha because I was getting it's randomized responses. Plus, there is the pay to win and the progression thing, both of which SL doesn't have. So, it's not all cut and dried yet. But, I've also said if laws change, they change.
  22. Well, I don't see what lootboxes and Gachas have to do with vending machines as we having vending machines for snacks and drinks as well as if you go to a laundromat there are vending machines for soap, etc. I don't know what you are going on and on about regarding vending machines. What is in question is Gashapon which in English is called a "gacha game", sometimes for collectibles (SL), other times for collectibles in RL and other times in real life for a hidden gamble of complete unknowns.
  23. If you Google Gashapon, some of the machines have pictures while others are just items in a capsule with no picture up top. I looked at a close-up of some of the capsules and not all capsules are somewhat transparent, some capsules you cannot see through them what is inside. But, still there is no clear one way to have a Gashapon machine, some have pictures, others don't so I don't see them quite as gumball machines except for some which have all the same like shoes and the rare may be the black or the brown. I buy second-hand anyways. I'm not a machine player.
  24. Okay, I quickly looked at the machine on the right and it showed just toys in capsules like you have no idea what it is, now I see the other machines have a picture up top. I've never seen those. Do they always give a toy that is shown on the picture? I cannot see someone objecting to that if one gets a toy from the list shown. That's my opinion of it right now. That one machine that looks like all hidden toys I could see that as a total gamble.
  25. No, the Gachas the Wiki's are speaking about comes from the encapsulated toys. Gashapon (ガシャポン), also called gachapon (ガチャポン), are a variety of vending machine-dispensed capsule toys popular in Japan and elsewhere. "Gashapon" is onomatopoeic from the two sounds "gasha" (or "gacha") for the hand-cranking action of a toy-vending machine, and "pon" for the toy capsule landing in the collection tray. "Gashapon" is used for both the machines themselves and the toys obtained from them. Popular gashapon manufacturers include Tomy, which uses the shortened term gacha (ガチャ, gacha) for their capsule machines, and Kaiyodo. In the United States, "Gashapon" is a registered trademark of the Bandai Company,[1] and gashapon are referred to as blind box sets due to packaging requirements by retailers prior to official distribution of the actual gashapon machines. The gashapon model has been adapted digitally into numerous gacha video games such as mobile phone games and massively multiplayer online games (MMOs).
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