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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. No, it's been said in the forums here and in a bad light re: tinies - it was said by a user something like "and they allow tiny avatars in their description" and I knew right away what she was talking about because I explained to that poster that some sims are family friendly or tiny friendly now and the tinies are not even human but humanimals and there is nothing evil going on there. I think more people are becoming aware of what tinies are as even with the new ban I've seen on certain sims where in it says "no child-like avatars" and that is new to me at least. Some sims like us, some sims don't. But, I let other's know I respect their rules and go to tiny friendly sims only anyways. The last thing I want is to get into threads going off topic into child avatars which most of us have definitely had enough of threads about child avatars and I have too that I never want to be involved at all in a child avatar thread again. Child avatar threads and Gacha threads in regards to their gambling aspect I've had enough of as they get volatile. However, I was presenting issues calmly and rationally but then I felt he was attacking my person and my character for liking Gachas and trying to put unnecessary blame on me for another's addition to Gacha. He started the attacks and that is what a troll does if you read up on trolls. They don't like that the person is presenting real facts in the debate and then attacks their character out of nowhere. The person needed to be put on block AND I needed to tell them that this kind of behavior is not right. There was not a need to attack me. If so in the previous pages of this thread, show me where. As far as feeling well, I will eventually, I hope. I have chronic fatigue syndrome. I know what it feels like to fight mild flu for years and this CFS could happen to others via COVID. But, thanks for the well wishes. You take care too as we are still in the midst of a storm - and - I will think about you and LittleMeJewel said.
  2. I only discuss what Dinkies and Tinies are because many people, especially with the use of the word "tiny" think that is human child avatars which does make me uncomfortable because Dinkies and Tinies are by Linden Lab Wiki now fully defined as not child avatars, but still sims ban us by stating 'no child-like avatars'. I only mention it because I don't want any thread veering off topic about child avatars in SL which threads have before at the mention of "tinies", and will leave it at that. I don't feel I was coming off with a big ego and I think you judge people too harshly sometimes and especially me you are very judgmental about, and come off at times with a halo to others. I felt Orwar was haloing himself here too in regards to gambling and we should be ashamed of ourselves if we like Gachas type attitude because we are ruining others. Well, people are addicted to shopping alone, doesn't have to include Gachas at all. Should we all stop shopping? Someone really pushed my buttons over the course of several different types of posts and I spoke out about it. He can speak for himself. However, he's blocked now. I aired it and don't want to continue discussing it either. I will leave the thread to do what it wants to do as far as off topic as I don't feel all that well enough to deal with a thread I started which has no resolution regarding boxes for any kind of perms on MP. As I said, copy/mod or copy/mod/transfer items can be an empty box also. All of MP would have to change for there to be no empty boxes.
  3. The Dinkies and Tinies aren't even people first of all, so it was a jab at Orwar's comment. Are you Orwar? If not, why do you need to speak for him? I don't believe the Dinkies or Tinies, most of whom are like 3 year old child spirits have a big ego, plus it's about something else. Some people never had a childhood and seeing them with a toy for the first time is truly a beautiful thing here in SL. Dinkies and tinies, many not all, are about the innocent awe of it all when someone gives you an ice cream cone just because. Not that adults don't need an ice cream cone just because, they do too. But, ego is not really present in most Dinkies and tinies except for a few stately ones. We have our Lord and Duchess Dinkies and tinies as well as our adult "Moms". There are all kinds of people in the Dinkie and Tiny world. Most 3 year olds are not all about pride, vanity and ego. But, anyhow, I saw this after I came back to block someone and I'd like to head out of forum for awhile.
  4. I felt I had reasoned with the person who upset me by pretty much implying we are evil if we don't protect our brothers and sisters from this evil thing called "gambling gacha". Well, to me, that's what they are trying to present in their argument against Gacha to which the thread has nothing to do with ranting or venting about the evils of Gachas anyway. I presented reasonable disputes to the dopamine claim as even shopping pre internet is considered a possible dopamine addiction for some and other dopamine related addictions such as rl sex/sl sex, both are possible candidates in us all for dopamine addictions. Plus other ways I tried to reason as calmly as possible. I feel the person doesn't listen because, speaking of global warming, they had presented a chart that showed the USA and CANADA as the worst carbon polluters and that he's for euthanasia and genecide of those countries to help climate change he also wrote in another post that upset me terribly. The thing is, he had presented that in another post a while back and I told him if you add up all the countries in Europe, then Europe is worst polluter and you must be euthanized then. He thinks he's funny though. I don't find posts about genecide funny either but I felt like dishing that one back to him a while back and he must have just ignored me about saying it's Europe then that should be euthanized as he posted it again. I am going to take break for a while. Bye.
  5. It was ridiculous though that someone is "preaching" to me to think of the poor addicted "gambling" people with Gachas and that we are atrocious if we don't, when they need to just deal with the log in their own eye period, among other things. To this I can roll eyes...there are many dopamine addictions in SL beyond Gachas.
  6. While I appreciate and understand every thing you shared...this line I cannot agree with. I think it's better for me to mute the person because I've had enough. It just happens that way sometimes. The straw thing...it's the last straw for me for someone. But, I still wish we could mute and they cannot respond to our posts. As for cabin-fever, I thought the forum was worse well over a year or so ago. It's been rather okay for a while expect for the odd troll weekend type of posts which are, in themselves, ridiculously, obviously trollish. As for irritability, cut them some slack. Most of the time I do. I rarely speak up.
  7. I don't think it's ridiculous. People were agreeing it was okay for him to kill the joy of that person's work for pages and pages and pages. It wasn't okay. Her work is gorgeous and full of joy which his does not have. I just finally had enough of the hypocrisy of it all and said it out loud. I might be overly irritable from the coronavirus shot and that's why it's coming out now. But, it's more than that, I just really felt I needed to stand up to a bully who was being ridiculous.
  8. You can react that way but some of us have sensed it and others have even said it openly on the forum. Most threads are negative and filled with negatives. This particular photographer I'm speaking about has joy in her work. Dinkies have joy as well. I see a pattern of a kill-joy. Other's have seen same and said same. It shouldn't come off as such a shock.
  9. Well, it's what I experienced but my irritation at a particular person is very real, however, and I can't just take a walk because it's an old thread I started, not to mention there is nothing that can be done about the problem mentioned in the old thread. To me, it's a dead issue with no solution but the thread is still here after I requested closure and I would like to have a positive day and not deal with someone trying to take my positivity away because I sense they are jealous of my joy and jealous of another photographer who is far better than them. It's like someone with joy, kill, according to some people that visit this board. That's why some people are called "kill-joys".
  10. Ah, the vaccine. I was commenting on the cabin-fever remark due to coronavirus. The only side-effects I had from the vaccine were I felt a little tired and I was definitely irritable. When one is irritable, I cannot take the nonsense that occurs on this forum at times. Someone with a giant log in their eye about certain "slex" stuff that is atrocious to some of us on here, extolling that we should get rid of something so as to help certain people not gamble because it harms them. Well, some of us feel their SL lifestyle harms others. Deal with own log first please and stop shoving your own shame one is not dealing with off on others who aren't even doing anything.
  11. I don't think so. The forum was worse pre-coronavirus. It actually had been kind of okay, not great, but better than it was pre-coronavirus.
  12. I'd like to be able to block people so they cannot respond to my posts because someone sure has some eschewed views of audacity and a giant log in their eye after ridiculing a person for their style of work in photography. Some people need to be muted on the forum forever. I think he was just jealous of her work but other's were saying no it's okay to horrible to someone, it's okay. No it's not.
  13. If I want the thread locked why should I care if it goes off topic? I requested it locked and unfortunately it's still here so you all can give each other some more likes.
  14. What? I never said Gacha items NEED to be in a box. As a matter of fact, NO items need to be in a box no matter what the perms. All you do is right click on a folder in your inventory and select copy to marketplace even if the items are copy/mod, or full perm. No items NEED to be in a box. However, that does not mean that Gachas resellers don't put items back into their original box and/or perhaps accidentally put an empty box there. Even someone selling copy/mod or copy/mod/transfer items could put (sell) an empty box on Marketplace.
  15. I don't find it funny because you know I have a right to be a Dinkie and be on this board as a Dinkie without your sarcasm "Of, Oh no....reeeeeealy...blah, blah, blah bull towards Dinkies or what I've said. You did the same rude stuff to a certain person who takes rather unusual photographs and it was none of your business how she takes photographs let alone crucify her in front of this whole board and that wasn't funny either. She has every right to take photos however she wants without being ridiculed by you. And, people have a right to use Gachas however they like unless the law says otherwise. And, btw, you are not funny either. And, to top it all off, your pictures are too dark to be seen half the time. So what makes you think you are such a great photographer?
  16. I didn't say whom was nasty but I did not mean you. I would like the thread pulled as there is no way to fix the problem of any boxed items no matter what the perms and the word CONTENTS cannot read contents of a box only a folder. I felt Orwar, due to his hate of Gachas, was taking it out on me, and he needs to live and let live already. This is not a Gacha ranting thread or get to nasty to others because they like Gacha. And then puts down Dinkies and tinies! I hope the thread is locked soon. I've had enough of this bs!
  17. I never knew how boxes work as I became a seller here on my 3rd time in SL. When I became a seller I did not box items...I have only been boxing items for about a year now. When I started selling all my items were in the CONTENTS which I later found out about by clicking the tab. I assumed all items were in the CONTENTS tab. However, with a Gacha item, the name is usually the same as the box exactly. There is no way for the CONTENTS to be read if the items are in a box no matter what the perms. I somehow just assumed there were when I found the CONTENTS tab on MP. But, again, with Gachas the name is the exact same as the box. There is also no way to fix the problem as I wrote above no matter what the perms in the box are unless a complete overhaul happens where CONTENTS can be read at all times, and that is most likely not going to happen. CONTENTS is not really the contents unless the item is unboxed. Look up Dela Hair and her hairs as she does not box items and the reader just reads the contents of her folders when she lists. And, since the Gacha box and item are almost always the same, the title could be MY COMPANY BLING BLING BLING in Purple, and then the CONTENTS will read MY COMPANY BLING BLING BLING in Purple because the contents cannot actually read the contents of any boxed items; it it's boxed items, it reads only the box. So I did not know that. Contents threw me on that.
  18. Hey, you two. Don't make me come in there. And, no, Scylla, I said for Orwar to get off his high horse because that is what he said to me when I told him people shop differently because he feels full perm items or whatever he was saying are in the same price category...like he was telling me or the audience how to shop. I shop all different ways. This is what Orwar said first and he also said he came into the thread just to rant about Gacha but ended up being vicious towards me. Orwar said: "Are you honestly suggesting that you think that you know better than I do, because our opinions on gachas differ? Get off your high horse and pull your head out of your ****." **************** Me again here speaking... Besides, it was a back and forth between two people. I don't feel other people needed to jump in and be nasty also.
  19. Well, I already requested closure and thought about it early in the day as it went off topic on the 3rd response after pulled up after years. If it happens, one needs to contact the seller first by notecard as most IM's are capped, and if no response, one is out their money. As far as other's ragging in this thread, it was not necessary, but those two are often very negative and/or don't read, or are just causing trouble on purpose as well as being drama king/queen unnecessarily. I hope the thread is closed as I already know it's going to go off topic more. EDIT: Unless Marketplace could/would accept mod/transfer items unboxed only which cannot happen and since MP cannot do that, there is no way to fix the problem. Buy used Gachas inworld at yardsales and Gacha sims. I was a newbie when I wrote this thread and didn't understand how a box could be empty. It could happen with any box, be empty, even copy/mod items that are boxed, and I didn't understand how boxes worked because I was a newbie. There is no way to fix "the box" problem no matter what perms.
  20. She's always been crabby and sometimes the negativity and the whole negative vibe is just here on this forum and it's not because of lack of marijuana. It's because negative is cool or something. This forum has always had problems with major crab-apples. Sorry, just being honest about it for the first time. I have requested thread closure. It's an old thread and those empty boxes are no more as it was years ago, and the rest is off topic. If people are grown up enough to want to talk about Gachas and gambling or addiction, start a thread on it. That simple.
  21. No, you don't get it and you are just being crabby and negative...because I said "we" meaning Dinkies and tinies are like 3-year-olds, not him. And that is precious and beautiful and quite often beautiful beyond words. Also, Dinkies and tinies are NOT people so it was half a joke because I'm not talking about physical beauty and vanity in the first place, which 3-year-olds tend to not exhibit. Nevermind. Jeeeesh.
  22. Oh, he deserved it after what he wrote. But, they still are the beautiful people here and actually it's ironic because they don't know it. Many of us have the personas of 3-year-olds, that is why I said they are beautiful people because they are not vain, and, at 3 years old, don't even know what beautiful means. If you are not in the scene, you wouldn't understand it, the innocence of it all.
  23. I think this thread is about done. It's old and was zepphrered or whatever the word is to which I have no idea. But, I think Orwar was going down a slippery slope and landing on his boom-a-rang and that's not my problem. I do have to get back to work. Not to mention, the Dinkies and Tinies are the real beautiful people here. Oh, eyes that cannot see. The Dinkies could be a No. 1 Hit TV show of the world they are that cute and beautiful. Orwar a No.1 hit TV show, nevva gonna happen.
  24. No, this is not true. There are bazillions of pages on Marketplace of Gachas as well as whole second-hand Gacha shopping sims. People can re-sell their items or their doubles.
  25. Yeah, I agree (whist ignoring Orwar's - hopefully - momentary ranting). I love the Gacha shoes I found for my rez day celebrating one year - I got 10 pairs of shoes for 25 linden each. Most shoes are 250 linden if you want different pairs. So, instead of spending 2500 lindens for ten different pairs of shoes, I spent 250 lindens for ten REALLY CUTE pair of shoes - just absolutely darling and all colors were good, imo. But, speaking of addictions in general in regards to it being brought up off topic in this thread, SL shopping and SLex can be addictions as well as they release the dopamine also.
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