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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Why does those who suspect we are living in a simulation mean the ones doing the simulation should also "suspect" they are living in a simulation?
  2. New mesh bodies or just ones I hadn't heard of yet? From what I've read so far, LoveMomma can get pregnant but Aphrodite can't. They both come with animated female garden part and say their BOM bodies won't lag up the grid due to not having a lot of excess scripts and other things. It looks to have feet and hands attached to the body also, plus a few shoulder deformers. Has anyone tried these yet? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LOVEBODY-Aphrodite-Demo/21505953 Some clothes and shoes can be found here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mommalicious-Bow-Sandal-Shoes-for-LoveMomma-Black/21487644
  3. Dendrophilia is not in my dictionary. And, btw, what are those last two emoticons? One looks like tacos 😃 and the other I have no idea, a grape cone maybe? A cone of grapes?
  4. I don't really want to discuss it either but I just wanted to say it's not all from family. My Mother was a Roman Catholic as a child but later became a liberal Catholic and did not attend mass any longer. My Father was raised as a Lutheran as a child but never attended church as an adult ever unless perhaps for a funeral as my father left the Lutheranism of his childhood and became an agnostic. So, it doesn't always come from family. My sister told me she "looked into Lutheranism and found it was correct" or something to that effect. Pretty similar ideation to what I've quoted. But, the Lutheranism did not come from my Dad as that was left in his childhood and he never spoke about it at all nor went to church ever.
  5. Which has led to so many misinterpretations though I often wonder if that was worth it to us and a lot of words do not translate well for one thing. They just don't. There is a French poet I like a lot but the French feel all translations of his work into English is meaningless. I feel that way about Shakespeare's work sometimes, that Shakespeare's work is best read in English as are the English poets.
  6. The Bible is believed to be the inspired, infallible word of God, however, and given to certain men. I have a religious right-wing sibbling. I don't know if she is alt-right though I'd venture to guess she is. Since she stole my jewelry and sold it at her church, we don't speak all that much but in very limited circumstances. It may sound like I haven't forgiven her but that isn't the truth. I question her ability to reason well after what she did is the reason and don't trust her with my well being. But, she is still forgiven and loved. She tries but is often like a 6-year-old around me and I cannot handle it.
  7. The Dinkie body itself IS modify as I have added my own script for the eyes. But, as far as some dark Dinkie clothing where really one could only tint BLACK because it is that dark and also since it's one color only it has no scripts so there would be nothing to modify but to change it to black or re-texture it which imo would look awful because there are no maps that come with it of course. However, I let Dinkie's know when they can tint something and even put it in the description such as Dinkie Halloween Sweatshirts - Can Be Tinted - most of those I sell in the Dinkie groups inworld though, and I try to keep a lighter color on it for tinting because Dinkie's do love to tint. However, I am mostly in your camp and understand regarding human clothing but have learned to live with it as much as possible. There is one company out now that came out with a sweater and in the fatpack she offers a tinter. It would not be so difficult for sellers of human clothing to offer a tinter as well as a texture changer - many hairs offer both - change texture and tint it. A business that comes out with this for human's and if the items are good I think stands a chance of doing very well in SL. I bought one sweater as a fatpack for half price at Seraphim from this creator who is offering texture change and tint and I love it! As far as if she has a delete script option I'm not sure but I think Addam's and Blueberry offer delete scripts. Most mesh heads and bodies offer delete scripts too but deleting scripts can make the item no longer work and is confusing to newbies too.
  8. Most of my items are mod except a few (a handful) of my Dinkie dresses and shoes. For one, Dinkie's can only wear one size and we had no alpha until BOM and I don't even know if we have an alpha now as the Dinkie's I love are are a Dinkie-mod and are not BOM so I am not up to speed on BOM for Dinkies. These dresses were created pre-BOM. The dresses are mostly dark in color or have a print on the top that really cannot be tinted and since when I made these we, as Dinkie's, have only one size for all Dinkies and had no alphas whatsoever, it was better to have them no-mod as they are too dark to tint plus other issues. Sometimes there is a reason actually is all I am saying. But, other Dinkie dresses that are lighter I have as mod. But, to state that about all no-mod items is going a bit over-board, imo. Plus, why would one buy a mod Dinkie dress from me just to re-texture it when they don't have the maps and it would look awful?
  9. Jesus wasn't like the God in the O.T. too much. Jesus, as his last instruction said, love one another. Also, Jesus said love the Lord and people and be like little children. Little children can open their heart more I think and not have to analyze everything to death. But, I'd have to say, I agree with you.
  10. The problem is much of the Bible is Hebrew poetry and not scripture. (Look up Hebrew Poetry.) However, literalists believe every word in the Bible is scripture even though we know the Torah (the first 5 books of the OT) are the books of Moses. Much of the Bible is not scripture, it's prophecy also, and lineage as well as other accounts of war, etc. That might have happened before. Just going over events that happened here in America in the 20th Century due to Black Lives Matter has made me re-think some things about this country. Evolution does and cannot completely disprove an existence of a God creator. And, if it can, how so? What Darwin (and others before him btw) showed is that natural selection selects the survival of the fittest not artificial selection such as "good breeding" as was believed in England for quite a long time. Artifical selection is breeding and breeding pure breeds and breeding was thought to be the only way to bring about survival of the fittest. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST the continued existence of organisms which are best adapted to their environment, with the extinction of others, as a concept in the Darwinian theory of evolution.
  11. I love the part where the two protons collide and a metal table and chair are formed like magic. Atoms can create subatomic particles. That's another discussion and a half. The internet estimates it will take this long to destroy an atom (wonder if the internet is part putting us on?) To destroy an atom it will take: A nonillion is equal to 10^30, a quadrillion quadrillions, and 1 followed by 30 zeros. That's enough zeros that it's pretty hard now to keep track of all of them.
  12. What is interesting about an ancient, possibly North American and Central American belief in this north land being created on the back of a turtle is believed (?) may come from the story of Noah. So, one can conclude that either a) vistors visted the Northern peoples here but knew the Old Testament only, or b) they traveled here from some land that knew the story of Noah and the "great flood", or c) simply knew of a "great flood". As far as atoms, I simply brought them up at how interesting it is how our ancients believed the universe had eternal elements in it, but mostly eternal from God.
  13. Because the earth was created on a turtle's back? Yes, that's probably true. For some Indigenous peoples, Turtle Island refers to the continent of North America. The name comes from various Indigenous oral histories that tell stories of a turtle that holds the world on its back. Artistic interpretation of an island growing atop a turtle's back. ...
  14. I love turtles but not for soup at all. My parents had a giant turtle when I was kid that I could ride on. He was a wonderful creature and seemed to like us. We kept him in our back yard.
  15. Yes, I agree with that but on a deeper level where it enters into hypocrisy - the you're the sinner, I'm not. I think religions are arguing and defending their own beliefs. Cave men nor people before organized religion were any better at brotherly/sisterly love of whom they considered foreigners.
  16. I'm not saying one cannot love, but the love Jesus was speaking about was different. Love is the fulfillment of the law, love does no harm to it's neighbor. Plus, many philosophers say that brotherly love is the most difficult to obtain. If one looks throughout history, I'd have to say that is true. The love does no harm to it's neighbor hardly exists if one looks through the vast majority of history.
  17. Atoms can split or be fragmented but they cannot be destroyed. Atoms can still exist or consider to be still alive even at a very low level.
  18. Other than the love that Jesus spoke about, I have no need of religious practices. But, it is interesting how ancient Christianity spoke of the eternal and how they believed we were in a world without end as well as God is eternal. The universe consists of atoms. Atoms are eternal and can neither be created (by us) nor destroyed.
  19. OMGrrrrrrrrrrr...I tried a different site and got cyborged. I think the part that's most important in SL is still evident, however. I'm not going to say which part.
  20. I liked the softer look as opposed to the rough edges, and especially the hands and feet are terrible on a Classic avatar. I also wanted Bento hands and I like all the rings for the Bento hands. I also wanted to be able to get away from tinting feet like one does when they are a Classic avatar with the Slink feet. There are lots of reasons I did. I came to SL this third time to build so when I wanted to become a mesh avatar I did it slowly by getting a mesh body first to learn about it and stayed a Classic head for awhile with a mesh body because I was building and not really going anywhere. Then, I slowed my building down a bit and wanted to have fun and do photography, so I then wanted a mesh head. I wanted the rough edges gone for photographic reasons of my own really. Reasons can vary, but it's mostly to look better and to have more clothing, jewelry options, hand poses, get rid of tinting feet. You need to figure out your reasons.
  21. Stalking...it did not happen by stalking. I'm saying I give ALL people likes (well, aside from Adult content that might not be appropriate). But, if the photo is not adult content nor questionable material, I give all likes above me when I post as much as time will allow. However, it has happened more than once where my LIKE did not go through as well as to another person I know where it caused problems because in these instances it was definitely thought a like went through but it didn't. I double check each and every like to make sure it goes through because some do not - I have to hit it twice quite often. It's just that someone can see when one is liking all the photos above them when they post but leaving one out and then they think that person doesn't does not like them which is absolutely not the case. It is a forum error that my like did not go through. I am not the only one this as happened too. But, anyhow, I double check now. All above me get likes as much as my time will allow as per my rule. As far as what true art photographs I like, it needs to have the elements of art which one can look up what those five elements are. I simply don't have the time right now. EDIT TO ADD: I decided to add the five elements of art that I use - COMPOSITION, LIGHT, COLOR, FORM, MEDIUM. Story-telling I'm not so sure is a necessary element as there is a photographer who was quite famous for her photographs of Orchids. Medium could also be originality.
  22. I agree, and I wanted to add but cannot find Arielle's quote right this minute, too much to read, but also EVENTS. As far as what Wili wants to try, he should try it alone and see how it goes, imo, but he sounds like he's trying to make a help island of which there is already. Plus, I don't have any more time right now Wili to catch up on the thread. But, if you try something new...good luck to you.
  23. In the photo threads I give likes to as many as I can before me as a general rule within my own time limits as I have other stuff to do and planned through Christmas at least. I give the likes just for participating and sharing a bit of your SL. The thing I don't like about LIKES is you have to press the darn button twice most of the time. Some of my likes did not go through like I thought they had and one person thought I did not like her photo while liking everyone else's and that was a SL forum error inherit in the like feature. I check each and every like in the photo threads now to make sure they went through. This has upset me that a person who is super nice thought I did not like her photo while liking everyone else's. I wish the like feature and reaction feature would disappear. I don't use it that often. I use it mostly in the photo thread though but, like I said, I have to check to make sure it's even working or going through.
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