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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Yes, that is what they are recommending now I see...as soon as you pay, teleport out. The 1 Linden Sale for this head I believe it said in chat in now extended thru tomorrow until 11:59 pm SLT.
  2. Ok, tried that and no go. Chat is going nuts with stuff like "why aren't people leaving so others can get in?"....answer..."it's taking a long time to get delivery of the head". Also, according to chat, some are leaving and hoping the head will arrive but it isn't. It is madness right now. I'll wait. I did dishes, cleaning and lunch so have free time now to keep trying.
  3. If you mean a trial period, that is not bad for some items such as Qie is suggesting regarding club items for example. However, just me as me...I have a very full RL and SL, I could not keep track of what I owe for things nor would I want too, and I'd never buy a 10,000 linden house anyways, so I'm not your audience. Not that you mentioned 10K linden homes but someone in this thread did. I far prefer Scarlet's, Dust Bunnies, Trompe L'oeil's houses for some examples and don't have enough time to enjoy all of those I love as it is. There is a thing in business, know your audience. I just know, it doesn't fit me. I would not like it nor need it.
  4. On a side note, the CRV's are going to be extremely busy for awhile explaining how to use this HUD which I got the DEMO for yesterday. Some of these CRV's must have the patience of a saint. I'd probably quit. LOL It's the materials I'm most interested in about this but I prefer the older Catwa heads ability to be far more varied in their shape-ability. But, this should bring a nice over-all stimulus to the SL economy. Shape and Skin makers will buy hair and clothes for their photos, and then people will buy shapes and skins for this head, as well as other items like make-up, eyes.... The money will circulate around too as other's make money.
  5. I got the Genus Strong free head last week. As of last week, it was still there.
  6. Ooooooooo, I thought I read the first page now I see I missed this. Well then, to the OP, try lowering your products price. You may make way more on volume than you even hoped for.
  7. No for me. For you Wili, well, it's your product. I cannot tell you what to do with it. Me sell on credit, my items average about 50 lindens. So, no. The bad thing though due to more work, it could mean higher prices. Some fatpacks are outrageously priced already. Lower your prices....if you price an item right you can make more on volume. I had about 12 versions of a sculpty bathtub I sold thousands and thousands of for 39 lindens a-piece and I mean thousands. If I had a higher price on those sculpty bathtubs I might have sold 5 or 10 but not thousands as I did.
  8. Wow, that's a great shape. It took me a while to locate the BOM button and I finally found it but I no way had a good shape underneath. I've been messing with the shape for a few hours now. My favorite thing is the eyes. These eyes are gorgeous. I'd like to see them sold separately too.
  9. It looks pretty good on me. But, then again, on the plus side, I could end up being the only Catya head on the grid. LOL (This is meant as a sort of joke - but I forgets how to work BOM right now BUT I'll figure it out.)
  10. ooooooooooo, ooooooomygah. Well, that is good news. I would never do that though, make alphas for my clothing. Shakes head, no.
  11. Time consuming? I build. There would be no way I'd have time for this extra work to make alphas for my clothing. Absolutely no way, not to mention it would take away my creative flow to have to do more tedious type things. Most of my humans are for photographs though so if I stay applier at least I'm not lagging others out. And then, I am a Dinkie for most of my social time, and we are about 10-17K triangles, extremely low. I wish you all luck with BOM, but I'm dropping out. However, that does not mean forever...one never knows. But, I cannot see having time to make alphas for my clothing.
  12. Yeah, that is part two. First, it's locate all the BOM buttons and then take off the alpha as step two that needs to be remembered. But, with different heads there are some issues with the eyes. I had to ask for help about the eyes with a few heads in the inworld groups, so eyes could be step 3 confusion. But, right now...I'm happy where I'm at except for my Dinkie in that Dinkie's never had alpha and we'd like to layer too...so BOM bodysuits or tops under jackets sounds great but my Dinkie mod that I love is NOT BOM up-date-able as it stands now. The main Dinkie cat avatars are BOM updated though. So, I am currently a BOM drop-out. I love my Dinkie mod and prefer it right now over being able to wear tops underneath. We cannot always have everything, I say to myself. But, aside from all this, when it comes to the Origins heads, I know how the OP feels. I understand this too. Many textures I buy come with no-name names such as 1, 2, 3 etc but at least with textures, since they are full perm, I can rename them. If make-ups are sold in a pack, I don't see why they cannot be copy and modify since one buys the whole pack.
  13. I can see that. Finding that BOM button is somewhat like finding that relay for appliers. The complications come in elsewhere then...folders perhaps to make outfits or what I'm not sure? And, then the problems with the Origins line though. This is a problem. I wear applier skins with my AIDA origins. I've spent money like the OP thinking it was fixable. It wasn't fixable though, not even with Izzie's stuff. But, the other thing is I'm not disappointed with the applier skin for Aida, a origins head.
  14. Yeah, without derailing about EEP. I am going to have to try it soon but I would prefer it be an option. My first experience with EEP was horrid and I lost my home because of texture thrashing or something. I'm not sure, but I had to take things out slowly to see what was going AND FS support inworld I could not get a message through in local chat - it went down so I had to spend a frantic week trying to hopefully figure out what the heck was going on. But, I didn't have the heart to build the home back again after it seemed stated the initial texture thrashing or whatever it was was fixed. Plus, I thought it was way weird finding and working the controls. So, I've wondered about newbies here. Also, we had a thread about 8 months or so ago about which light people use and the vast majority was MIDDAY. Most people, and oldies too, don't mess with WL from what I learned from that thread. But, now you say it might be easier for them. Last I heard it will be necessary to change to EEP but after my experience, I'm dreading it, and still wish it would be optional not mandatory. I know about "the applier generation"...I'm one of them, as far as mesh avatars. Once I got the relay though, I was up and running great, no stopping me now and it's so easy. But, I really have had skins that just don't quite fit - the most difficult one is Lelutka's Origins though as the OP has, and Izzie's nose and lip fix did not work to solve my problems on my Origins head. I'm a bit of an odd-ball though I'd guess because I am not always human and when I am "human" it's more a hybrid maybe like a fairy-human, elf-human or mermaid-human, etc. Being human all the time, I could understand the thinking towards make-up and BOM might be different than mine. But, I can't see it being good for newbies, in local help chats, to be copy and pasted walls of text. I'd be put off by that as too complicated and I'd look at the wall of text regarding BOM like...wha?. 0.o This is my concern. However, this does not included Skell and his blogs. Blogs are one. Copy and pasting walls of text to newbies sounds like not a good idea as Doc said he's seen in local help chats. It's all in a desire to learn though, but time is needed too.
  15. Tinies like to fish and have been fishing for years and years. I only visited the tinies on a Sunday while they were fishing so I've never actually fished in SL nor bought a rod but just visited. But, they seem to like it and it's a weekly thing. I've been in the tiny groups since Sept. 2019 and they've been fishing every week, so they must like it. What they make, I have no idea. What if it's like 50 linden for a morning session> but to kids who have nothing, that's something, 50 linden. I don't think anyone is getting rich there but I have a feeling it gives a bit to some kids or those who don't have much. It's no rich bonanza thing.
  16. I was going to say similar...people are hairless? She'd better Google hairy men. But, I think Arielle was not being serious anyhow, imo.
  17. Yes, it is...it's a musing and would still be a musing today.
  18. That has nothing to do with how The Garden of Eden would be. Those dates above are modern times with pollution much earlier. Many people died from burning coal, for one, centuries ago. Maybe you could look up things about the Anthropocene but I do not think it plausible to recreate The Garden of Eden to compare. Various start dates for the Anthropocene have been proposed, ranging from the beginning of the Agricultural Revolution 12,000–15,000 years ago, to as recent as the 1960s. The ratification process is still ongoing, and thus a date remains to be decided definitively, but the peak in radionuclides fallout consequential to atomic bomb testing during the 1950s has been more favoured than others When did Pollution start getting bad? Some would assign it to the start of agriculture 11,000 years ago, while others tie it to the advent of the nuclear era in 1945, but most recognize the Anthropocene as beginning with the industrial revolution (1780s-1830s).
  19. True to some extent for natural disasters that cannot be explained. Although the recent split in the polar vortex is thought to be due to pollution. However, I see the greatest sickness of this world has come from man as well as man's ignorance and greed in the quest for the gold, silver and beyond. It amazes me how deforestation was spoken about in that song "What About Me" 50 years ago but it's only now beginning to be taken somewhat seriously. I'm not so sure about The Garden of Eden in that it would cause bodily disease. Many philosophers have reflected if there weren't pollution, we'd probably live about 900 years average, same as those ages spoken of in Genesis. However, the song by Quicksilver Messenger Service is a protest song and not a religious song.
  20. Governments and church hierarchies must take their blame in that. Hispanics in South America just recently left 16,000 children at the American border, alone, abandoned. I would suspect these are mostly children of Roman Catholics. It makes me wonder why do they think God will provide here but not there? God is everywhere, but not there? Why is that? Governments and church hierarchies have exploited and abused the little people, the working classes while being hypocrites, sinners of atrocious sins. Also, money is a made up concept. Man decided to place value on goods and services. Money was not made up by God. But, if you are talking about death and suffering. It is horrible to lose one's family and loved ones. Also, the body is rather fragile. All parts of our body can be injured, diseased, hurt. There is a song by Quicksilver Messenger Service called "What About Me" from about 50 years ago..and the beginning lyrics go... "You poisoned my sweet water, You cut down my green trees, The food you fed my children was the cause of their disease... My world is slowly falling down, and the air is not good to breathe, And those of us who care enough, we have to do something." I think man needs to take responsibility in that blame you are speaking about. It's the greed.
  21. Not laughing at you Marianne but with you. Fail, that's what a lot us face with layering. lol However, my first thought was Blueberry and Addam's, at least they have some. Now, I have fur coats from Mimikri in all different lengths, Shaggy coat's from Coco's, and fake pelted furs from Villena. I can wear several of Lunar's bralette's, as well as very close fitted sleeveless tops. Another great top to wear under the fake furs I mention above is called In Control by Blueberry which has full opaque and partial sheer options so at full opaque looks like a bodysuit under a coat. I have some other tops too I can wear underneath but I'm not sure of the OP's taste as these are little bit more sheer perhaps. Some bodysuits if sleeveless may work under the coats I mention above as well as other coats.
  22. Mine almost began in a taxi. True story. But, the keyword here is, almost, but not quite. My Dad, when my Mom went into labor with me and told my Dad they needed to go to the hospital NOW, asked my Mom if he had time for a cup of coffee. That's my Dad. lol My Mom said NO!!!!!!!!!! My Dad had just gotten home from taking my two older sisters to the movie matinee. My Mom was home alone and almost called a taxi. I was born almost upon arrival to the hospital.
  23. As far as BOM skins, yes one can try a skin on all bom-readied heads. It doesn't have to be Catwa to Catwa or Genus to Genus, etc. I tried BOM for awhile; I don't like it as much. Fits can be random, a gamble or a problem. I love SL and have been through many changes. BOM and EEP, I'm not a fan of and worry about beginners with these two especially.
  24. I rent a lot of places and often go back to the same place to rent a store again and all the rentals are flat (same price), no change nor increase in three years. I'd check out other rentals. I know of one rental company in which prices stay flat, I will send you an IM and you can look. She is a very cool, great landlord, but no guarantee she has any openings for your particular size. But, it's always worth a look.
  25. What clouds, Arielle? As far as clouds, I'd think it's because of COVID and it's impact on the economy. That's where the whole world of business is cloudy and foggy - COVID. Although some internet "things" may do better with COVID. It still could be a roller coaster for awhile, and the roller coaster may be farther out and not quite even here yet re:COVID.
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