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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. It matters in terms of experience if you want to get a job but otherwise I'd say it doesn't matter. IF you want to get a job, you could always let any prospective employers know about your previous account and experience.
  2. This morning I read it is the Pfizer vaccine that is thought now to be the vaccine that can prevent infection from "the variants", while the others no. ETA: I had to look through my history to find the article...here it is: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/this-one-vaccine-may-protect-you-against-all-variants-new-study-says/ss-BB1fgt26?li=BBnb7Kz
  3. I think with my dad being in the field he was with his work with autistic children wherein at that time autistic may very well have equated to the hopeless and institutionalization as the only way for these children, we (my Mom and sisters and I) were taught against generalization or generalized thinking because of my dad's work. It had too in order for us to meet some of my dad's autistic patients, and, also, I think it had too work against generalizing or else we would have been a dysfunctional multi-ethic, multi-cultural neighborhood which we weren't. We were a my house is your house neighborhood that walked the walk, not talk the talk. I know I tend to lean towards implicit bias towards governments and certain organizations which this forum has helped me see and helped me take a look at that about myself. As far as some bias, it is necessary though. It is seeing the unnecessary from the necessary that we need to sort out though. To tell you the truth though, I thought, prior to BLM, that society as a whole had progressed beyond generalized thinking and stereotyping. I was surprised about the Karen thing actually. I felt most of us have learned to get beyond "that"...that stereotyping thing.
  4. I'm not sure I ever had negative feelings but rather said I think it is over-rated but especially to those in the 20th Century who believed untapping this part of our mind through poisonous drug use (yes, all drugs are poison if the dose is wrong - this is why some drugs are illegal as the toxicity could be too great and the risks of toxic levels and/or death outweigh the benefits) were full of crap and probably leading people towards brain damage not brain-expansion. I didn't make myself fully clear because it is complicated. However, in regards to all of us having implicit bias...how would my father fit in there? He was a psychologist, an MSW and his work was pioneer in the field of working with autistic children whom could not even speak. I don't believe my dad had any biases. Not that I ever witnessed. So, then a phycologist has a higher trained mind to spot what is really an irrational, generalized belief coming from the subconscious? Me, a bit confused here. I don't generalize about people; governments and organizations maybe.
  5. Well, here is an example of some I got from the article above and what it is basically then is generalizing. I honestly cannot think of any towards people other than I may believe something along the lines "all governments are corrupt in some ways". So, I'm sure I have some that stem more towards authority than the human race though. For example, one common bias is that women are weak (despite many being very strong). Another is that blacks are dishonest (when most aren’t). Another is that obese people are lazy (when their weight may be due to any of a range of factors, including disease).
  6. Okay, so this is my first time reading about implicit bias. So, there is explicit bias (conscious) and implicit bias (unconscious). I never knew that. I was never raised with biases and have lived in multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environments all my life. I'm not sure I have implicit bias which is the mind somewhat stereotyping others for a simple explanation of it. I didn't even like that new stereotype that came up here on the forums regarding this "Karen" thing and found it dumb frankly as well as of no use to discussion nor even the person but rather it reflected back to the person calling someone a Karen, imo. Here's a bit about implicit bias. But, like I said, I was raised in a very open environment of every kind of people. I can see how one might train implicit bias as you have been speaking about Madelaine. It may be similar to something substance abuse counsellors use and for an example: I feel sad, I need a drink, and changing that to - I feel sad, I'll take a walk. Here's a bit about implicit bias and it says it definitely does come from the subconscious. However, the people doing the Karen thing were, imo, fully conscious of what they were doing. Which leaves me??????????? An implicit bias is an unconscious association, belief, or attitude toward any social group. Due to implicit biases, people may often attribute certain qualities or characteristics to all members of a particular group, a phenomenon known as stereotyping.1 It is important to remember that implicit biases operate almost entirely on an unconscious level. While explicit biases and prejudices are intentional and controllable, implicit biases are less so. A person may even express explicit disapproval of a certain attitude or belief while still harboring similar biases on a more unconscious level. Such biases do not necessarily align with our own sense of self and personal identity. In many cases, people can hold positive or negative associations with regards to their own race, gender, religion, sexuality, or another personal characteristic. https://www.verywellmind.com/implicit-bias-overview-4178401
  7. I couldn't quite buy it either but that's what an article brought up about implicit bias, our subconscious, and that's why I clearly stated 'IF' implicit bias exists in the subconscious mind... I don't fully buy it either that implicit bias is generated solely from the subconscious or unconscious mind (unconscious meaning that which we are not aware of). It's probably nurture and environment. Freud called our conscience the super-Ego, which is like the parent/G-d/Thou Shall Not part of the mental person and thought processes. However, I also do not believe fear is only generated from the subconscious either. I was speaking about the link provided in this thread about implicit bias which is not my own view of it, thus the 'IF'.
  8. I think you may just be doing what is called "multi-tasking". This is a brief explanation of the three: ID, Ego, Super-Ego https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id,_ego_and_super-ego The id, ego, and super-ego are a set of three concepts in psychoanalytic theory describing distinct, interacting agents in the psychic apparatus (defined in Sigmund Freud's structural model of the psyche). The three agents are theoretical constructs that describe the activities and interactions of the mental life of a person. In the ego psychology model of the psyche, the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual desires; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role; and the ego is the organized, realistic agent that mediates, between the instinctual desires of the id and the critical super-ego.
  9. Yeah, but I was specifically addressing the drug culture as well as the subconscious being over-rated due to the drivel (absolute nonsense) it does produce. Plus, if you found yourself pregnant or with herpes after a drunken sexual encounter, would that really be the real you? ***************** FAIRRELILETTE said:..."much of what comes out of the subconscious mind is utter drivel. My conscious mind is me, me, the real me. All that mind-expansion peoples have talked about for decades within the drug cultural it's a complete and utter waste of time." ***************** Me, continuing...however, reading a bit about it, I see Freud thought the subconscious was the ID (animal instinct area) as the ID develops first when we are newborn. So, it's our basic instinct but the ID also holds our libido and our basic wants of survival - eating, drinking, etc. Also according to Freud, our ego is like our mediator and the super-ego like our parent. So, the ego mediates between the ID (child) and super-ego (parent/G-d/Thou shall not over-seer) to help us find a balance. But, to answer to what I quoted you about above, I think the ID must hold our fears as well in that basic animal instinct area. Your thinking black man are bad could come from fear. So, then implicit bias may come from fear? However, after several courses of pain killers and weird utter drivel dreams, I felt all this subconscious stuff was a bit over-rated, especially in relation to those who wish to pioneer this part of the mind as some kind of hidden treasures of the universe to reveal through using illegal drugs, and that's where I said I think that's a load of crap and may be causing brain damage, not brain-expansion.
  10. I can tell you I have had this exact experience and that is the reason I woke up...I did not want to be there anymore. Maybe we have more levels of consciousness than just two - the main ones thought of - the conscious and subconscious. Perhaps we are mostly in a state of mid-consciousness but with creativity and other experiences we can achieve a higher consciousness beyond our mid range throughout the day? If implicit bias exists in the subconscious then I'd say the subconscious is very debased and selfish and often times seems void of logic and ability to reason.
  11. I was wondering, are you sure that with creativity we aren't in a higher consciousness as opposed to the sub-conscious? It seems to me the sub-conscious is the stupider of the two. Take for instance some of us drink at a party and get a bit sloshed and then we end up pregnant or with herpes because we stupidly had unprotected sex due to being sub-conscious driven or having our conscious mind disrupted due to intoxication.
  12. I just went to read the morning headlines and came upon this article. What could/can cause these things? It's horrid! Any idea other than ignorance and evil? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/the-us-says-china-is-committing-genocide-against-the-uyghurs-heres-some-of-the-most-chilling-evidence/ar-BB1feqNN?li=BBnb7Kz The Biden administration formalized its accusations that China has engaged in "genocide and crimes against humanity" on Tuesday as part of an annual State Department human rights report. The document cites Beijing's "mass detention" of the Uyghurs, as well as evidence of forced sterilization, torture and forced labor.
  13. I know it can be different. I have a neighbor just a few doors down from me who is involved in interrupting dreams as a kind of hobby. She totally believes there are messages in our dreams. I have always been a daydreamer and this is quite satisfactory to me and my art. I'm glad for it. Night dreams, I don't have many. Although as a child I was quite imaginative and I remember now having flying dreams as a child at night. I'd fly over our whole town. Those were cool dreams. Other than my child flying dreams, I don't think I've experienced many good night dreams. But, that's cool about poems and songs you are writing. I think if I did that, it would disturb my sleep too much and with chronic fatigue syndrome the most important thing is to get a good night's sleep.
  14. I see what you are saying. Yes, when I had these recent bizarre dreams while taking prescription pain killers, I knew I was dreaming because they woke me up and I think I woke up saying "that is never going to happen" or something like that but it still is a kind of scary, bizarre experience like where did that come from because there is no reality basis to it and it had nothing to do with me whatsoever. My Mom had to take prescription pain killers once also and told me she was up half the night with weird dreams.
  15. I don't dream that much or if I do it's mostly not remembered. I, too, like Madelaine said on the previous page once wrote down my dreams as an exercise and was not taking pain killers at that time and it was absolute nonsense from my experience what I wrote down. I think for us to know it's a dream, it needs to start to come into our conscious mind. I know some people love dreams and interpreting them but I don't find them useful in my experience. I like dreams too but I have been a daydreamer since a child. So, it's daydreams I really like. I don't daydream like I did when I was kid though but I do think I can still tap into that daydream world and interpret it through my art.
  16. I know they are not useful and my oldest sister told me recreational drugs are used by people to let down or get rid of sexual inhibitions. That is the No.1 reason people take drugs and possibly drink; i.e. going out to the singles bar. As far as dreams, I just need rest now after my COVID vaccine. I just need to take a good rest although I am feeling better than I was. Hope your kitty is better.
  17. The thing is, I never ever thought this thought consciously re: my ex and I'd probably venture to say probably everyone who has ever logged into Second Life through it's history has probably never thought this thought nor would anyone want it - it is that bizarre and ridiculous. But, it was a series of weird dreams over the course of two nights and what my Mom experienced that really got me to realizing the beauty and the elegance is in the conscious mind. What I also have heard of is schools of thought where certain scientists believe they can/could tap into the sub-conscious mind through drugs although it was a 20th Century phenomenon but, after my experience coupled with my Mom's, I think there is nothing in there but odd fragments of not much and also that their theory was a load of crap. It probably wasn't mind-expansion at all, but probably brain damage.
  18. No. These dreams, I'm telling you, you'd have to give me billions of dollars for those to ever, ever happen with my ex husband. It's just not gonna happen. lol No. My Mom had an exact experience after spraining her foot and taking pain killers. She told me she had all these "weird dreams" and it was horrible. There isn't anything in there that's noteworthy and it isn't the real me, so far from it after I've experienced these pain killer type dreams also.
  19. This is not in total connection with your whole post, but something I've become keenly aware of lately due to my having to take mild Opioids for pain is that the sub-conscious mind and tapping into that are way over-rated. For two nights I had the strangest dreams about my ex husband and I was perplexed a little. Then, as I began to awake out of my sleep and remember these odd dreams that were never going to happen that much of what comes out of the subconscious mind is utter drivel. My conscious mind is me, me, the real me. All that mind-expansion peoples have talked about for decades within the drug cultural it's a complete and utter waste of time. The dreams I have experienced are so bizarre that they are never going to happen and to me the sub-conscious mind is like a tape warping on a sunny day. I've concluded, if one relies on the sub-conscious mind in order to try to know a person better or let's say psychology here may want to know a person better, it's useless to the person and to who they are and further utterly useless to humanity - all that's in there is a bunch of warped tape and as a matter of complete and total fact, has nothing whatsoever to do with me and who I am - utter drivel. I do think doctor's should not put so much emphasis on this odd part of our mind, and that I've almost concluded for a fact and I do know. This is not my first time with pain killers and not my first time with absolute nonsense dreams. I also believe many in this "recreational" drug culture (which is illegal drugs) are not expanding their mind but causing brain damage which can lead to other organ damage.
  20. This is "The Outer Garden" in Editor's Picks open now. I had to show this, it's adorkable.
  21. I think my photos are too large for this forum format but I don't want to crop them. This is a beautiful place in Editor's Picks called "The Outer Garden" open now. Cute for "April's Fools".
  22. It is not always recommended to clear cache anymore like it was in the old days. It's best only as a very last resort and only IF Firestorm support inworld group may think it's necessary. Perhaps with Windows 10, it's different now...or it's 64-bit now but don't clear your cache unless instructed to do so.
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