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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Actually, I would never say anything like that. I hope fundamentalists know that as I have them in my family too and treat them no differently and have never said that to one who believes literally. It is frustrating though to be thrown a supposed scripture at me that has nothing to do with anything and isn't even scripture in the first place from my sister. I am frustrated with my sister who is a bible believing literalist. Where she stands on evolution, I would never ask her because it would end up as kooky as this thread and just exhaust both of us. She sings in the choir and is at church most of the time other than work and taking care of herself -eating, sleeping, showering, etc. But, still, no, I would not say that. But, causing harm to others does need to be taken seriously. Whether my sister will admit to it or not - nah, she won't. Her pat answer to a lot of things is "the bible says that's wrong" so I know that's the response I am going to get.
  2. Yes, I agree. I realized that when I wrote it. What the real truth is - it's a long debate with needing to look up scripture to back up one's claim, imo. Honestly, I'd need a refresher course on the Sanhedrin but then I asked myself "is it really worth it?" For now, I say no, it's not really worth it, it's too laborious for me to want to do right now.
  3. Bwaaaaaaaaah. Okay, you and Alwin and I are splitting hairs but it kind of proved something to me anyways. As I was saying, the Bible is in large part a recording of events not scripture. That is really what I wanted to say. However, the events of which to be exact how important are they really to mankind overall? Not much, imo. So, I think there is no reason to look at all the hairs of it when I say it's in part a recording of events not scripture. And, a poorly translated recording at that.
  4. Most of all of these things have been "mansplained", that's the problem. (actually just kidding, not serious.)
  5. Okay, there are no "laws" to be an orthodox Hebrew. Me goes and does something else.
  6. No, I don't see it that way. They were a religious government of the Jewish faith. They held the highest (best) seats at the temple and were the rabbi. That is a form of government similar to the Pope, I'd guess. The laws Jesus is speaking about are the 612 or so laws of the Torah, the Hebrew laws, not the Roman laws. Jesus is not ranting about ideas in any way, shape or form - he is speaking about The Torah, The Law of Moses as well as other names it goes by. This is vital because this "law", the law of Moses, is what Jesus set us free from. Jesus did not set us free from actual government laws.
  7. Well, I'm not going to split hairs with you as it would take too long but this scripture says quite a lot more than an average street preacher. Jesus went up against the teachers of the law at that time, so I don't see how you cannot see them as a kind of government - they had an awful lot of power and a power that put him to death. They were more like a religious government. Even the Sanhedrin was not as powerful as the Roman government. 13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in.[d] 15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell[e] as yourselves.
  8. I'm not so sure after reading this scripture. Ah, but yes, I forgot about the Sanhedrin. 23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, 3 so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. 4 They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear,[a] and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. 5 They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, 6 and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues 7 and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi[b] by others. 8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers.[c] 9 And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. 10 Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ. 11 The greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 23&version=ESV
  9. That doesn't explain why Jesus was saying so often "Whoa to ye Pharisees, scribes and teachers of the law".
  10. I thought I wrote a kind of Jewish government. Sorry about that. How would you describe the Pharisees and Sadducee's? What happened in the temple then when the money-changers were thrown out? Who made the temple a den of thieves?
  11. I needed to amend my other post by clarifying what I meant and including how much of the Gospel is a recording of Jesus going up against the Pharisees and Sadducees, a Jewish government at the time. But, also a Jewish government that was not following all the law; i.e. they were hypocrites and selling to people a way out of their sin. Jesus even threw them out of the temple. It is a recording of events but should not spur anti-Semitism because churches have been known for selling icons and things and Jesus would not have wanted that. As far as the Roman Catholic church, they were accused of selling indulgences at one time; i.e. somewhat like buying the stairway to Heaven. I hope you don't mind my post about all the banging that is constantly occurring in the universe and how with such similar matter in the universe it might stand to reason there would be more "earths" occurring the same way. I got to thinking about the constant banging of matter in the universe when the slightest tip of my boot yesterday touched a 2" pollen pod in the back garden and it "powderised". I knew millions of pollen spores were released into the air but I also knew I could not see the pollen spores. Thus, matter in the universe is constantly banging around or colliding to create life. And, since matter is mostly the same and easy to replicate itself, why not more earths?
  12. It's not just that fundamentalists or bible literalists refute science, it's that they take books in the Bible and have made them scripture to condemn other's according to said scripture without realizing most of the Bible is a recording of events among many other things and is not scripture - it was for then time not all time and I proved that with the scripture I posted but linking it again. Jesus saying "it is finished" is enough for me as well as "love does no harm to it's neighbor, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." And, that's enough for me. The rest is endless contradictions other than some of Jesus' other teachings and words to us. Most of the Gospel is a recording of Jesus going up against the Pharisees and the Sadducees, a Jewish government at the time. 1 John 2:18 ESV / 48 helpful votes Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.
  13. We can derender people so I wonder why we cannot derender other people's stuff. I understand how avatars coming into my viewer cause lag but I don't understand how other peoples stuff that is not in my computer's view is causing lag. I can understand script load in a region but not stuff that my computer is not seeing. I need shape-ability, meaning to go beyond the traditional human form and have the ability to shape in many ways into fantasy human form, such as fairy, elf, etc. And, availability of skins. So, yes what you wrote. I don't see a need for HD make-up in my SL at current. It's getting to be a bit of a hassle with too many new things throw at people at once. Slow down a bit, imo.
  14. Yes, that was covered in the scripture "everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial" speaking about the O.T. 612 or so laws of the Torah, the Jewish Kosher laws. IOW, it became permissible to eat pork but it was considered not necessarily beneficial, for example. This is the scripture wherein it shows the Apostles speaking about how the antichrist is now. They also believed it was the end and/or Jesus was going to be murdered. 1 John 2:18 ESV / 48 helpful votes Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.
  15. Yes, the New Testament, through The Epistles of Paul, after Christ was crucified, have a lot of things people are supposed to do. Women must have their heads covered while praying for one and a man must have his head uncovered while praying. There are loads and loads of them that the churches of today do not follow while preaching to other's they must follow what scripture says. It's called "cherry-picking" and it's a bit "off" to say the least. If they are going to change stuff, they should update the Bible though because they teach this sola called sola scriptura for Evangelical protestants as one of the five solas one must follow. I googled something yesterday, can't remember now what exactly, but I came upon a scripture that specifically said the antichrist is now by the Apostles. I was going to post it here but didn't think it specifically relevant other than to show it was speaking about something that was occurring right now and then in regards to an "antichrist" which seems far more logical than the other stuff that's written about the antichrist. However, no one please go off on the antichrist. I am not discussing the antichrist but rather something that was meant for then time not all time.
  16. I don't think love could have evolved out of nothing. If love evolved out of nothing or an amoeba, than the matter of the universe would have to have loving elements in it somewhere. Also, I don't believe in the Big Bang theory. Matter is too much the same. With matter being so much the same, there would be a million and one other Earth's and counting by now because the universe bangs around all the time. ....Waits for a certain forum member to react with a laugh to this post.
  17. He does to some extent, Rose. Jesus paid our price in full on the cross and the law of sin and death were nailed to the cross and Jesus said "it is finished" and Jesus' final words of instructions were "love one another". Then, Saul/Paul comes along and writes another bunch of stupid laws some 100 years later after Jesus' death and appoints himself an Apostle, the 13th Apostle. Jesus also said his yoke is easy and his burden is light. Love was Jesus' answer when he said this: "Love does no harm to it's neighbor, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." The law Jesus is speaking about is the 612 or so laws in the Old Testament written by Moses. But, as I said, then Saul/Paul comes along and writes another bunch of stupid laws that infiltrate the church today not to mention are cherry-picked to death because Paul wrote women can never cut their hair as one of the stupid laws. So, these laws are cherry-picked to death to whatever churches decided to suddenly over-turn. I mean if you follow one than you follow it all as Talligurl said; however, Christian women cut their hair plus tons of other laws they've decided not to follow from Paul. So much hypocrisy in it all. Listen to Jesus' words; they are enough.
  18. I think it would work out well with Ryn and Corvus and there are eyes at - bus - which are 1 linden as well as other cheaper fantasy eyes too. You could search shapes for Ryn to get some ideas also.
  19. Yeah, I agree with this Gabriele and I think Lelutka has the most realistic human faces. I've already said RYN was their work of art, imo. I haven't seen the new heads yet but human faces and high def make-up isn't necessary for me - it's a look I want. I love Catwa because I can create shapes outside the human and go into more fantasy type looks - mostly fairy or doll, I like. Catwa head's also look amazing in Midday light which I need for building. I have Lelutka and LAQ heads and when building in Midday in those they don't look good. I have a question about all this. Is this HD make-up stuff for ULTRA graphics or not? It might not look that good without ULTRA graphics. Plus, if this takes off, is this where bodies are headed? I don't have enough time to fiddle around with materials and it's not the direction I need nor want for my photographs to take right now, though I have seen photos using materials and I like them a lot but also find that materials looks kind of doll-like but I love doll-like and want doll-like. So, I don't know where I fit in right now.
  20. You're welcome. We were posting at the same time. In the above photo that I flipped of the Lelutka photo, she looks a bit like the style of Corvus so I think it would work with Corvus stuff and look great. Good luck!
  21. Okay, I flipped this one for you so we could look at the face and I don't think it's Lelutka but you could try it. I think it's Catya by Catwa because of the eyes in the OP look like Catwa to me, especially Catya. Here is Lelutka face -
  22. Oh, she was around longer than that! I'd say at least 10 years but I'd have to look it up in her inworld profile. As far as the head, I am going to go out on a limb here and say it's Catya by Catwa. Look up shapes for Catya on Marketplace, there are bazillions. Catya is a very easy head to shape in a lot of different ways for a lot of different looks. As far as the skin, I think it's a BOM skin but I'm just not sure by who. It is a light color. I use light skins only and don't even have any tanned ones, so I use Deetalez Celtic skin type mostly. There are some great inexpensive eyes from - bus - . The eyes are beginning to look like Catwa to me now. The eyeliner should not be too difficult to find nor the eyeshadow, but the eyebrow with the part shaved off, I don't know. Here is link for - bus - . She has super excellent prices but I don't know how much is applier or BOM now though. However, the CATWA inexpensive eyes from - bus - you can still use with BOM. The eyeliner, I dunno. lol I forgot at this moment. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/192017
  23. Yes, Corvus has some great ones. She was around in the days of Classic avatars only and had great stuff. Now with BOM, her stuff works again and she has good quality stuff at fabulous prices! I was looking at hair for a bit and came across a hair by Magika called "Amy". I think the above avatar is wearing Amy by Magika. Not that hair is what you asked for but I thought I'd pass it along. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Magika-Amy/21162456
  24. In a nutshell, I am for Jesus but not for organized religion as I think it is corrupt. There is too much corruption here to even tackle it. Bono attempted to in the movie "Rattle and Hum" during the song "Bullet the Blue Sky" plus other things I've read that Bono has written about...and Bono saying during "Bullet the Blue Sky"...."well, the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister!" I have to agree.
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