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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. I said at first like static marching ants...the marching ants thought came to my mind because these lines are kind of shiny in the viewer with a kind of reflection that cannot be captured in a photo, although what it's doing to the necklace in the photos is the best it can capture but with Selene's suggestion to put the aliasing up, it's a bit better with the "ant" thing but not the necklace and lots of other things. I'd like to get back to work though. It's been days of a non-workable viewer. I don't know what to do. I saw this but didn't have time to respond. I will check it out.
  2. I usually have my LOD between 2-3...I raised to see if it would help the necklace any. It doesn't. These things you are talking re: AMD about are Greek to me but I'm also tired so I will check in again tomorrow about 'how' I am supposed to update this AMD stuff. I tried the EEP viewer in December and didn't like it. I switched back to BOM viewer which really was a great viewer until notice said it was going to be blocked...so my change to EEP is just recently really. I don't know about an upgrade as I was not planning on it. I will check back in the morning.
  3. I didn't notice much difference with ambient occlusion on so I took a similar picture with it on now plus I wanted to know what it was for. I know a word to describe what I see now is things look kind of murky, not faded as I was saying, but murky. Yeah, the 5300 is low end but I've taken pictures on ULTRA graphics and bumped my pixels way up in my camera area and it looks great. The 2nd photo below I took on the BOM viewer, the viewer before this EEP, and it's just on mid-range graphic setting with low pixels in the camera. I could have bumped the pixels way up and put the graphics on ULTRA and this 2nd photo below would have looked amazing for low end graphics with AMD like I have. Even with low end graphics one can up their graphics to ULTRA and bump their pixels way up in the camera area for a photograph. The 1st photo is on Nam's like the first I showed in other post above.
  4. Okay, thanks...I need time to read that as my ex used to do this stuff...I'm not sure what to do...it's Greek to me but I did find out I have a 5300 series and at least got that far. I feel like this viewer is more for intermediate and advanced. I'm having a helluva time at it and I'm not a newbie. But, then again, many say newbies will go on the LL viewer which does seem easier but not those who are returning. Those returning may go direct to FS. However, what I've heard is the problem may be with AMD although Rowan says no. So, that means certain AMD possibly. But, still, okay this next picture is Nan's Optimal Prim and Skin which is usually way to bright for me and my monitor is already on low brightness at about 45%, and it looks really blow out and like she just got out of the water even though I have materials in the CATWA hud very low to almost off it's so low in the Catwa hud. I didn't turn on shadows, I didn't think I needed them here. However, on Annan Adored, it's same, looks like she is covered in a sheet of plastic or underwater.
  5. I wasn't sure of the name...but this is it...and by MS I meant from Microsoft, that's what came up in my search - this.... (and it's $9.99 - it's not free).
  6. See, this is what I mean here about my not being a geek ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that they want money or will say oh yes you need that and I wouldn't know the difference. In the MS Driver One App, it's $9.99 to update one's drivers, and how do I know I need it when one viewer is fine while the other is not? So, I didn't want to rush into paying here. Okay, upped the aliasing and it is a bit better but then I turned MATERIALS on to see how it looked and it still looks rather bad. But, MATERIALS does not look all that much better in the LL viewer, it's only slightly better in the LL viewer, and I showed that in this thread - on both viewers MATERIALS not good for me. However, in this photo below with the aliasing up, the planter does look better and the static marching ant like effect is actually better but I'm going to try to up it one more time, but what is also going on with MATERIALS, it looks washed out on both viewers. I tried fudging with lighting a bit but all this occurred while in the middle of demoing a top (so forgive my photos here) and I have real life needs to attend to today also. HOWEVER, this below photo is merely showing how now the planter looks better with aliasing up but MATERIALS eek look at the face on the HD head. One does need to CLICK TO ENLARGE to actually see what is going on the photos though.
  7. I could try it. It looks more like something is corrupt to me though.
  8. Because the pictures are smaller now and you need to click on them to enlarge them. Let me put a close-up of the same pics in a smaller area and you should see the lines I'm talking about without clicking on the picture itself. FS screenshot #1 LL screenshot #2 (both cropped from same photos in this thread.)
  9. Yes, jagged lines but there is also a kind of reflection which leads me to believe it could also have to do with the fact of the shiny everything now change. However, looking at your pic above in Midday, I see you are fine. Now, I will add a screenshot below on LL viewer of my legs at Midday and no jagged lines. So, I don't see how it could be my drivers. (Plus I'm using Midday right now to compare because I have no idea how to import lightings into LL viewer yet - I'm starting this LL viewer only since last night.) It could be some kind of texture compression as to why I don't know, I'm not a geek, and why only on one viewer and not the other? My legs and other items don't have the jagged lines and/or sometimes what might be a reflection on the LL viewer as shown below. I'm just not sure what it is but it's hell here for me. Anyhow, I will speak will driver support and see what they have to say but I don't want to spend money I don't need to spend.
  10. That's more like "flickering" I have that too but that's not what I mean by marching ants as I first stated it's more like static marching ants. See, screenshot 1 - look at the legs and you will see lines. Look at screenshot 2 of me logging into the LL viewer with old picture on Midday and no static marching ant lines. It looks great actually - 2nd screenshot is old BOM viewer at Midday, now gone sadly. It was a really great viewer.
  11. I have a phone number and I'm going to call. But, I can see with the LL viewer it looks great at Midday, crystal clear and no marching ants. So not sure why marching ants on FS...? I think it's coming from the shiny. Shiny should be separate from bump because I'd like to use bump and have need for it but I don't use shiny. I thought I remembered someone saying back in a thread in December when EEP first came out that "they made everything shiny"...and she did not like it. Lot of us who build count on Midday to build. It is the best for building, plus there was a slider one could use to adjust it slightly. I have adjusted tons of lightings in FS already by moving the clouds slider, clicking around the sun for different positions, etc, and nothing makes it look better. I do not, however, want AMD talking me into a bunch of drivers for a lot of money because that is not going to happen. I just went into FS viewer and took a pic at Midday with materials off and it looks like bleeeeeeeeeeeeeep! It really does. Look at my necklace and planter for two examples. ...they look just awful and they never looked like that with the BOM viewer I was using. However, on LL viewer at Midday my stuff looks fine. Looks like a new viewer may be in store for me because I am not spending tons of money on driver updates.
  12. I've used FS on and off for about ten years now. I don't bash but there is a definite problem and it's worse in FS. On Midday everything has a marching ant effect on FS but on LL viewer at Midday I don't have a marching ant effect. Neither look good with materials at present but LL viewer looks a bit better. Plus, with EEP it's not so easy to do a comparative lighting test until I find where the lightings are. I might not get back to the thread right away because I need to do some rl things and then later take pictures and talk to FS team inworld.
  13. It's not my machine as I decided to go into the LL viewer which is much, much better - see first photo of just what it looks like at midday in the LL viewer whereas when in FS, midday is terrible and as bad as what I'm getting with materials on. Second photo in the LL viewer is with materials on. I know about lighting. I usually use Annan Adored Optimal Skin, No Shadow. First, I wanted to check viewers and LL viewer is way better. But, it doesn't have all the controls I'm used to for building nor a way to use environments as all lightings would need to be imported in here or I don't know where they are yet or perhaps there is a newer LL viewer with some light settings. I just don't know yet but this is enough for today. It's been a long day. But, I still say almost no items use specular. Now I found some tins I have and a lamp that have specular but those both have metal parts. I am perfectly serious when I say the vast majority of items in SL don't use specular because it's for metal, i.e. shiny things but now it's being used for HD skins and lip glosses. And, I'd like to be able to use bump but as it is now if I turn off shiny, bump is shut off too. First photo at Midday looks great in LL viewer but terrible in FS viewer where I have a marching ant effect in FS on everything. But, I need to rest for a bit and I don't know where lightings are in LL viewer as I said. My draw distance was up because some items were not holding form so I upped the DD just for testing something. THESE ARE BOTH PHOTOS FROM LL VIEWER. I'm showing here how Midday looks fine here on LL viewer now.
  14. Oh, it returned after several re-logs yesterday but I will try to remember that shortcut. I'm still fiddling with the viewer quite a lot today and my avi looks like this (below) with the bump and the shiny on... (it's not good - and my new necklace looks terrible!) I don't know what I'm going to do here.
  15. Yes, of course. But, you are not helping. I have a marching ants issue and I believe it's coming from the shiny as the bump and the shiny are together which I believe is a huge mistake. I want the bump maps on but not the shiny but my only option is to turn off both now. And, could you please not talk down to people, it's not nice nor warranted. I've checked almost all my items and I have tons and there are no specular maps in there. Speculars are for the shiny skins and make-ups out now - the HD stuff - but most builders have not been using speculars.
  16. My groups were not connecting if you read the OP. Clothing maybe as I would not know as most are copy only. Specular for mesh copy/mod items such as furniture, no. Bump maps yes, specular no. I even just checked my APPLE FALL stuff, no specular/shinies. I used to sell re-sale Gachas and have seen quite a varied lot of mesh and most do not use spec/shiny; again bump maps yes, shiny no. I don't just say stuff for no reason. Check some of your mesh stuff that is copy and modify and let me know what speculars you see. It's the HD stuff that is mostly using the shiny, skins and make-ups. And, I just checked several news hairs I bought from Monso, no specular.
  17. Yeah, looks jaggy and washed out in certain lightings. I will check what you mention above. The FS support team also recommend for me to update my drivers. I'm gonna do that and see how it goes. EEP, I'm just not crazy about and would have been better as an optional viewer because building is paramount to SL. Looks better if I tick bump map and shiny OFF as it's too shiny and most creator's don't even use shiny maps at all but then I miss out on the bump maps. Shiny is mostly for skin and make-up I'd say. Many creators use bump maps but not shiny maps.
  18. This is hilarious! On to topic. I accidentally clicked on a subscriber when trying to leave a tip and don't want to tell the person I made a mistake as I feel that would hurt their feelings. So, this is not a good situation. I also have spam from things I don't know where they generated from as I don't recall ever clicking to accept their spam but it's been arriving for years. I did find one and was able to go to the place where I unclick and did that. Otherwise, I have spams that don't tell me how I can unsubscribe.
  19. Most of those kinds of clubs that say bits must be covered also say "NO DRAMA...We Don't Want to Ban You, But We Will". Why do you think that is? I'd really encourage you to set up an auto-reply and only respond to IM's you want to respond to. It is your responsibility to take care of your IM's and mute as needed and not the club management. Club management has guests and most are absolutely a no drama zone or you will be the one banned. It might seem unfair, but is it fair to bring your IM stuff to local chat when you could just mute? No one is here to baby-sit you, you have tools to take care of yourself. This kind of drama is the last thing clubs want from any of their guests.
  20. Never bring it to local chat, never. You are lucky you weren't banned at the club for it. There are clubs that will boot you out instantly for bringing drama and hearsay to local chat. It depends on what was said if it was defaming or violent for some examples and then you might need to alert a host or manager. Otherwise, mute and go on with your day.
  21. Yeah I know, I thought of the same too as far as expense. But, what about programs that help set up older teens, say 16, 17 and connect them with the work to learn programs. They could begin to qualify for said work to learn program in high school is more the reason I see a need. It does sound like quite an undertaking though, plus Biden's infrastructure jobs plan I believe is for ten years and it's not like the jobs created from the (this) infrastructure bill will be here forever but rather about 10 years. Sorry, this went off topic. I suggested (not Dawkin's btw) that kids need more practical things to learn rather than what Dawkin's suggested in that they learn about other religions in school.
  22. Oh, I see what you mean. If only they could set those up with some high school kids so they have something to go towards once they graduate if they are not going to attend the really expensive colleges of course. I mean the ones without rich parents or are so gifted they got a scholarship to a really amazing college. Which reminds, sports...yes, sports in this country for high school kids can go a long way for them when scouts go to high schools to watch them play and it turns into a career. But, those are still the gifted. I was speaking in generalities in my previous posts. I couldn't know a case-by-case basis with every high school student in America. But, for the majority, high school prepares kids for a fast food restaurant or equivalent whereas other countries have better. I'm generalizing as I cannot go student by student.
  23. I never said college. I said skills...no skills out of high school. You still have to pay student loans out the ying and the yang for learning a skill in America. Scholarships are different altogether, of course. My sister went to optician school, paid student loans for well over a decade and never ended up working that job even. My neighbor when I was married was an electrician. He made mega-bucks and had a ginormous two-story house and his wife didn't have to work at all. Well he worked building rides at one of the biggest tourist attractions in California. He learned in the military. But, I've known other electricians and it pays a lot, especially in California for what is called a gaffer and a gaffer is the chief electrician on movie sets mostly. A lot of trades people learn in the military for free for the training if they enlist for a specific length of time. But, I was speaking of trades when I said skills and I never mentioned college. Or maybe I did but I was speaking of skilled jobs. There are different types of colleges also. Beauty college is a college but it's pricey.
  24. Okay, Chic wasn't sure what BACK UP SETTINGS were for. I assumed all these years it was for people who had windlight settings on their sim. Now, I don't use windlight except for photography but I don't use any presets...I used to use the slider in Quick Prefs (which is gone now) to adjust whatever windlight I might want for a photograph. Otherwise, I was MIDDAY all the rest or most of the time for building as MIDDAY seems the only light I can build in. So, I look at BACK UP SETTINGS and it needs a path. Where can I find this path? Also, Chic in the thread that appeared when the first EEP viewer came out (a thread back in December), didn't you say all textures are now shiny or something like that? Is that what is causing those "marching ant" like lines on the mesh? It looks terrible. Even my newer mesh has these lines. I think it may be coming from "shiny". Perhaps making bump map and shiny separate needs to be added into the viewer 'if' possible. Yes, and see above about "shiny". I think it may be coming from shiny something. I'm not really sure though but I remember Chic saying something about "shiny". It's not a good look that's for sure. I'm still messing around with it but I truly did like the other viewer better both for building due to no "marching ant" like lines as well as the slider to adjust the windlights that was in the Quick Preferences area.
  25. Ok, re-log returned my lindens to their full amount. Still doesn't look quite as nice as the previous viewer...I have sort of static "marching ants" effect like not fully stabilized or something. Difficult to explain.
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